Moving to NYC for work and I am not used to living in such a dangerous part of the world...

Moving to NYC for work and I am not used to living in such a dangerous part of the world. How can I avoid dying in a mass shooting, nigger shoot-out, isolated attack, terrorist attack, antifa riot, gay pride stampede, police altercation, arson, or other incident?

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You could try living in a world that isn't formed by Jow Forums shitposts for one. Mass shootings are responsible for an extremely low percentage of homicides but why would anyone here not deliberately misrepresent statistics

None of them are common at all.
And most people will never know someone that gets involved in one.

Though, I am different case. As a few years ago my mom was caught in cross-fire between feds and some guy running. But never got hit.
And she also knew the wife of one of the people killed in San Bernadino terrorist attack.

Where in nyc

Going pretty much anywhere else in the country would help.

NYC is very safe.

>Moving to NYC for work and I am not used to living in such a dangerous part of the world. How can I avoid dying in a mass shooting, nigger shoot-out, isolated attack, terrorist attack, antifa riot, gay pride stampede, police altercation, arson, or other incident?
Retard did you like up anything about NYC? The homicide rate is 3.4, it's below Toronto's. The last succesful terror attack was that idiot in a truck who only killed 8 in 2017. I cant remember a mass shooting either.

>Going pretty much anywhere else in the country would help.

Its murder rate it below most cities and many states. NYC sucks for other reasons but it's safe especially if you avoid the sketchy areas.

My town had murder rate of zero
Rape rate of zero
Assault rate of zero

though some girl did jump in front of a train

>Philippines that high

Kind of scary considering the population.

Your town had 200 people in it and no jobs now shut the fuck up suburban cuck.

NYC has been safer than Toronto ever since Giuliani threw all the niggers in prison back in the 90's

That's great so did my hometown but OP is acting like a city safer than multiple canadian provinces amd cities is a war zone.

I know it's less dangerous than the very few cities we have that are even more nog infested. That's not most of the country.

New York City is one of the safer big cities in America.

This. The only downside is that it is kind of soulless now. However muggings in broad daylight aren't much of a thing anymore so that's a fair tradeoff.

1300 thank you very much

it's only higher because there was an incel van terror attack last year, and if you don't count it, it's actually lower at 3.1, and it was 1.8 the year before, nearly half NYC. 2018 was just a shit year

>implying incels won't strike again
Incel terrorism is going to keep being a thing user

I mean, it allegedly happened again with the BC murder thing. Fucking Jow Forums should have reigned their shit in 5 years ago when they had the chance, before it spread to r*ddit

>Moving to NYC for work and I am not used to living in such a dangerous part of the world.

uh.. why don't you just stay where you are.

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