
makes you think doesn’t it edition

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have done naught this morning

mark did a video recently talking about how his bennies got cut to 170 quid every 2 weeks and hes 4 months behind on his rent payments, then he posts a video yesterday saying hes lost 250 quid in 2 days of betting

find it hard to feel sorry for the guy ngl

this is literally the life of every non-toiler
they incessantly whinge about having no money but the moment society throws them a bone it's spent on drugs, prozzies, or betting


take the "poor people are poor because they're stupid" pill

don't encourage them

just came inside the french gf

the worst part is he doesn’t even bother fixing his situation, he just sits there talking about how its out of order for them to pay him so little. genuinely reckon he forgets its money for doing fuck all

Can't believe it's august already, at least some rest awaiteth

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well they wouldn't be poor if they weren't stupid now would they? sometimes these things just prove themselves

Fundamentally disagree with this pill. Poor people can not do any of these vices and still like abject hopeless lives.

Imagine being a mercenary in 60s Africa what an adventure that would have been. We are truly born in the worst time in history. The white man can never do anything like that again.

Yeah he'd be minted with his 85 quid a week if he didnt gamble

for me it’s joining the space fleet

god i wish i was her

>there arent white mercenaries in Africa right now


Lol that deliveroo cyclist sleeping on his mates sofa wouldnt be so poor if he was just more responsible with his money.

you sir are a complete and utter cockwomble and a shit weasel

you can literally join blackwater right now and spend your days smoking somali pirates or gunning down iraqi women and children you incel freak

Bordering on cliché, do you have any interests that you could find some kind of group activity to take part in? You might have to work at finding common ground with people, most people usually have interests of some form or another try getting into one of them yourself.

sounds like a gigantic runt that should have tried harder in school

Yeah but now they just fight boko haram

you need experience for that

might kill myself if I ever have to step on a university campus again
after studying something for 3 years the magic is well and truly gone, just interacting with the literature in my field makes me want to pull my eyes out

All the other Democrats are attacking Biden, using him as a practice target for their attacks on Trump. They're really going with the anti-white old man angle.

This is why welfare is bad, throw him into just about any other country outside Europe and he'll work or he'll starve. He'd be better off for it or society would.

What if he was genuinely thick but smart enough to not do irresponsible things.

The do gooder poor person probably lives a grimmer life than the vice-addled one because he basically just lives a joyless life of being poor. At least the vice addled ones just fuck about for as long as they can before it all comes crashing down

>snot-nosed undergrad runt calling it "his field"


Some people simply don't have what it takes to study, perhaps they're gifted elsewhere? Do they not deserve a chance at life?

Fuck the poor.

dripping with British culture, this

I'm afraid this has nothing to do with british politics

*looks at cripples working in brick factories in bangladesh for pennies a day*
Ah yes truly what we should aspire to as a society.

the left are eating their own
what else is new

America is just the Western British Empire

I wish I were*

will be watching the cricket tomorrow

exactly, welfare system just makes people lazy i reckon you should be entitled to it for 8 months as an emergency safety net while you’re between jobs. anyone claiming for more than a year should have their bennies cut and force them into work

my true calling in life is to be an uber eats driver delivery man


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council estates around the country would break into open revolt if you tried this

Ah yes homelessness and criminality, precisely what would make society better!

You needed experience for that back in the 60s too

At very least they can go to bed knowing their not useless sacks of shit even in the most extreme example you can pull out of the air. I reckon there's a lot to be said for self respect and earning your own way in life.

the working class need a good hiding
send in the army and put them down

On this day in British History

>1714 – George, Elector of Hanover, becomes King George I of Great Britain, marking the beginning of the Georgian era of British history.
>1759 – Seven Years' War: The Battle of Minden, an allied Anglo-German army victory over the French. In Britain this was one of a number of events that constituted the Annus Mirabilis of 1759 and is celebrated as Minden Day by certain British Army regiments.
>1774 – British scientist Joseph Priestley discovers oxygen gas, corroborating the prior discovery of this element by German-Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele.
>1798 – French Revolutionary Wars: Battle of the Nile (Battle of Aboukir Bay): Battle begins when a British fleet engages the French Revolutionary Navy fleet in an unusual night action.
>1800 – The Acts of Union 1800 are passed which merge the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
>1834 – Slavery is abolished in the British Empire as the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 comes into force.
>1940 - World War II – Winston Churchill delivers the speech that included the iconic line, "Never was so much owed by so many to so few" in reference to the Battle of Britain.
>1984 – Commercial peat-cutters discover the preserved bog body of a man, called Lindow Man, at Lindow Moss, Cheshire, England.
>1988 – A British soldier was killed in the Inglis Barracks bombing in London, England.
>1998 – The establishment of Muslim Medics, one of the largest student-led societies in Imperial College London that provides both academic and wellbeing support to medical students of all backgrounds

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There is nothing wrong about being an uber eats delivery man, not everyone is supposed to be doctor, a lawyer or an actor, Hollywood has done a number on your brain

Working class people work you thick cunt and hate bennie dossers


thick persons can get into trades, doesn’t take a genius to mill or lay bricks
no you’re not getting rich as a delivery driver

You're an actual mug. Some cripple whose choices in life are begging with a cup or forcing himself to drag carts of bricks around probably barely wants to be alive.

what class are dole bludgers then? they're just working classoids who have no work

If getting into a trade was such a massive opportunity why doesnt everyone do that instead doimg call centres and deliver jobs?

Scrote class and underclass all neets are scrotes


why should tax money be used to subsidize people who are perfectly capable of working but just cant be arsed? no offence but if people are willing to go homeless and become criminals over benefit cuts then im pretty sure they’re capable of working this isnt the favelas in brazil

poor people are not known for their good decision making

>he doesn't know the difference between the proleteriat and the lumpen-proleteriat

PENG 'set today lads

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For the most part
People on bennies cant find jobs. If you cant be arsed you get sanctioned. Hell theyre even making people do unpaid work for their bennies.

The scrounger meme is very 00s

You might be surprised, there's plenty of impoverished people in the world that are generally pretty happy. They've got a roof over their head, friends and family. Everything you attribute to having a good life is probably very superficial and has only been a thing for a blink of human history. People do alright when they're working for a reward, we've based almost an entire entertainment industry around it, loads of computer games are just working for a reward when you think about it. For every miserable poor grafter you can point out I'll point out a depressed dole dosser.

because it's actual work

>The disabled would feel better if they were forced to work 12 hour shifts in brick factories for pennies a day than if they were getting free money.



>unpaid work for their bennies
daft cunt

I just took a big poo
rather cheeky innit

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never understood how basic human dignity can take the backseat to capitalist dogma or whatever
if the disabled can't work just give them the money anyway yeah?

Then what's the problem with somewhere lke north korea? Full employment, everyones got shelter and community - simple lives no dossers.

Why is it always men who are drug addicts and alcoholics

they don't DESERVE it bro

ah yes the state underwriting wage bills for poundland
what could go wrong with such a policy

lack of freedom and fear of the state from what I gather.

should be legal to organise hunting parties into poor areas to bring back slaves

come on lad you and i both know this isnt true, for every 1 person they send out on ‘work experience’ theres 100 getting their money for doing fuck all or applying for jobs they know they’ll never get. the truth is they’ve adapted to their lifestyle of poverty and found a way to make it work for them, so most dont see the positive side of working a shit job for money because in their minds they cant justify that productivity and responsibility and would rather be a bit worse off but able to doss days away

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>it is legal to pay someone £2.20 an hour
They arent working in exchange for bennies.
They are working to prove they are willing to work, so that they may be paid bennies.

Well it's evolution, 1000 years ago the disabled would've died out and the gene pool would've been preserved, now by allowing these people to live and reproduce we're devolving as a species

The disabled should work.
This guy in a coma should be left out on the street unless he can pay his keep

it isn't, you just don't see the women until they're screaming at their partner in the middle of the road at 7am

The fact that you can only find an argument by throwing in disabilities is fine by me, just means you can't attack the actual point head on. I'm happy to counter though, have never heard disabled people insisting that they're not waited on hand and foot and want to try and do as much as they can for themselves? If they've got a job they can do comfortably don't you think they'd benefit from that?

what do you think happened here

Played with a German and started singing a nazi song
he was not happy at all...

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oxbridge does strange things to people
must be the power rush

Theres way more male homeless and junkies

I doubt most disabled people reproduce.
The bennies regime is a lot stricter hence more homeless people
You get sanctioned whimsically these days. As i said its no longer the 00s.
So being a disabled wageslave toiling for pennies on the threat of death is freedom?

Crazy bint jumped off the plane innit

so "always" to "way more" in the space of one post
that was worth posting then

yeah but why, she looked like she had it all together

know a german who loves nazi jokes

me? lumpen-inteligencia

Have you seen her hairline lad

Its a manner of speech you middle class fairy

especially the ones he did nazi coming lmao

Ssmark is disabled.
They get benefit to assist them with difficulties in their life.

You're saying it makes people dependent and lazy but im just comparing to a one legged person in bangladesh whose choices are to do backbreaking work he physically isnt made for or to starve on the street


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Why are you talking about pennies? Where have I said they shouldn't be paid a fair wage? As an incentive I might say they should be given tax breaks able bodied people wouldn't have, everyone's doing better this way.

Men don't have as many fallbacks, a woman can just move in with a bf, or have her friend take care of her. I'm not going to google it but I'm fairly certain women have on average more friends than the average male. For junkies men are more willing to experiment so they get addicted more often.

*loads the runt gun*

Yeah but shes still fit by any margin of a british women