What would the Romans think of them?

I think they would be very disappointed that these are their succesors.

Rome was the superpower of the ancient world, the equivalent to the USA today.
Modern Italy on the other hand is utterly irrelevant.
It's not a military force, an economic for or even an intellectual force (there isn't a single Italian univeristy in the top 100 worldwide).

In conclusion:
Modern day italians are a disgrace.
They are arabs with low intelligence who contribute nothing and I repeat NOTHING to the world.

Attached: HwW0qVdTeFEnAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png (255x170, 276)

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Agreed, France is better in every way

Late romans were big on banquets and gay sex.
I think they would relate quite well.

Yes, I have always hated that about them, that many of them were homosexuals.

I hate lgbt.
I am 100% straight.

Stop suppressing it

You see this?
This is the G8, those are theost POWERFUL countries on earth
I see no china or India here but powerful ITALY, my sacred homeland and true heir of the Roman Republic

Attached: g8.jpg (480x400, 33K)

I agree we are not the excellence we were in the past. But we kept having a very good artistic production at least in the last 100 years, talking about cinema, theater, literature, music; we keep preserving a good culinary culture, even though it's going lost; and we actually have a very good university education, which is not in the rankings because of we have no campuses, cool gyms in the Univ etc, most of our universities are inside old buildings in many spots of the cities. Public Univ in Milan is divided in many buildings one being a renaissance period hospital and one a church. So it's not possible to have the soccer team inside, and money is not well used into services; but our culture is an excellence and we get to have jobs abroad because of that.

You hate so many countries, Shahar.

nobody think Italy strong

I hate EVERY country in the world including Israel.which is a shithole.fileld.with arabs, niggers, and lgbt

Two fascists with no perception of history anyway

Attached: wpd.png (900x622, 683K)

t. Piddino tankie

How is the Italian language treated in Italy? Has there been an effort to sustain it or grow it like France has done?

>they have contributed NOTHING
uhh explain italian sportscars uhh the pizza and pasta and also many many artists and also some other things, jew gay. At least they havent only ever invented instruments of pain and suffering for humanity.

cry more incel faggot
siege of jerusalem 2.0 when ?
in fact,you fear the ROMAN BVLL

Attached: images (20).jpg (281x179, 8K)

The EU is the true successor of the Roman Empire

>true heir of the Roman Republic
I thought that was us ?

They wouldn't
Romans were very smart so they eventually realized wars and disease brings nothing in this world
This is they would be happy to see where we arrived with howz little we have

I bet you think you're sophisticated because you like classical music. Well, you're welcome

That's right, suck it OP.

Based, there are still Italians in Dalmatia.

There aren't sadly
It's just med brotherhood (if he is really Dalmatian) you wouldn't understand
mainland Croatians are shit like other slavs around them

Yeah Romans were superduper Fascist and GAY, how does this make you feel?

Shut the fuck up Shahar
Jannies please rangeban Israel he's literally making more than half the threads made by Israel and fills the board with his repetitive obsessive threads

Italian language is a very recent invention.. so it's not having troubles of time as much as other elements of our culture. Dialect are naturally loosing a bit of their daily use, but they're still pretty alive. I think in general language is a very liquid element and there's no way to preserve it as you can preserve the art of producing leather shoes, it just evolves with time everywhere and since always
It's a bit anachronistic to say Romans were fascists, they were not democragic but also you know they had kingdom, Republic and then empire so.. what you mean? I look at them as past, and not as parallel to me human beings, they lived in their period and we are partially a consequence of it. It's not like hey, look at Romans, they're doing this and you're doing that, cause they did it quite in another context. Also saying they were gay is a bit imprecise, they had gay sex and that doesn't make me feel any particular way. That always happened before Romans and after Romans, even middle age friars had gay sex. Just be open to what real life and history are

>Modern day italians are a disgrace.
Wrong. Italians are our friends and European brothers.

UwU, thanks gewmany

Nobody asked you nazi piece of shit!
Don't fucking post in my threads you german garbage.
If I could I would kill all of you!

Shut the fuck up he is right

If I could I would kill all germans and austrians.


I wish the fascists actually applied racial laws and sent you to the camps.

greasy, arab piece of.shit.
I would kill all of.you smelly arabs if I could.


saying italians are arabs with low intelligence. When italians have nothing to do with arabs and have one of the higher IQ's in Europe.

The holocaust never happened but it should happen again.

FucKing smelly arab murinho didn't ask for your opinion.
If I could I would round up all of you greasy, brown arabs and exterminate you

He's mad the origins of the non-retarded chunk of his population can all be traced to a bunch of Sicilian whores

I wish I could round up all of you austrians and germans and I would kill all of you.
I wouldn't leave 1 of.you human garbage alive.

the mental kike on tilt.


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I'll tell you what ancient Romans would think of any current country that was under the empire's rule

lmao, strong my ass

You're retarded if you can't spot Shahar.

They weren't a monolithical culture to begin with, just like its current day equivalent the USA.

>is jew
>calls Italians "Arabs"

Stop replying to Shahar he opens 100s of these threads per week