Why are Euros so obsessed with us?

Why are Euros so obsessed with us?

Attached: america.jpg (400x376, 23K)

thank you for your service

Thank you for your service

Because you're obsessed with everyone, specially latinos.

thank you for servicing me burgers

thank you for your service

thank you for your service

Because you're such a pussy nation that can't even invade us even though we're torturing ASAP Rocky. What happened? You used to be cool. Your president gave the ultimatum, do something you big bitch. You big blood leaking period having fat fucking cow of a """country""".

For the same reason people are obsessed with reality tv.

Thank you for your service

Cause they have realized that -

1) After the fall of colonialism, literally nobody gives a crap about them.

2) Now people from their former colonies are coming over and fucking them over (looking at you France, Britain) i.e they are being cucked by the 3rd world.

3) Without us they are pretty much nothing.

They hate us cause they ain't and will never be us. #USA #MURICA

Thank you for your service

Thank you for your service

Attached: 1983 Beirut barracks bombings.jpg (2550x2131, 455K)

Shouldn't you be saving your ass from Israel? LMAO

Thank you for your service

Thank you for sending us Linus Torvalds.

You're welcome

Who needs to invade you when 3rd world cucks screw your women left, right and center, bahahaa

>Because you're obsessed with everyone, specially latinos.

>The American flagged chicano posters are obsessed with Latinos

Wow you blew my mind.

Not really , they can't do shit anymore

fuck off

Attached: american ahem.png (2000x2000, 768K)