Father is Swedish and Mother is Indian, have a problem with that?

Father is Swedish and Mother is Indian, have a problem with that?

Attached: Me.jpg (750x498, 224K)


you would pass as white
is your mom light skinned?

Looks like The Anime man

Attached: joey_0419.jpg (704x396, 45K)


She's dark af

Most handsome Poo I've ever seen desu

You should marry

what? he looks french canadian or sicilian
not every white person is pink lmao

You are handsome high cast poo, the world is yours

at least both parents are caucasian

And this is how Rumania was born

>t. Rajesh

You are hot. :3

im mixed and passed as a local when i was in mexico lmfao

Okay, mongrel

dude you're mexican... literally a race of mongrels

Your face screams Poo for some reason


I am pink


could pass as portuguese

your nipples? what about the colour of your dick, is it dark?

It's dark pink or purple'ish. Nipples are pink'ish

Dude, your mom is a slut and your dad is a c00n. At least both my parents are mixed race :3

Are your temples receding, mister? It sure looks like...

Attached: 1451964504983s.jpg (231x250, 8K)

You look italian

my dad's a white man

never seen anyone with pink nipples that has a dick more than very slightly more dark, must be a mutt thing

No, just a mature hairline V shaped like this

Just a mature hairline.

Attached: TpIluCr.gif (500x620, 524K)

Called widow's peak, it's natural anime bög

Yeah, just a widows peak... even though it's your temple that's way back.

Attached: 1445375804943s.jpg (249x235, 6K)

Show your hairline, Anime bög

He’s not yuck.


Attached: soy.png (626x384, 186K)

Your mom made a smart move not marrying a pajeet and marrying a Swede.

They never married. She's hindu he's christian, wouldn't work out. They wanted to let me make my own choice on my religion but i'm atheist kek