1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Your savings

1. Russia
2. $280

Attached: 1564101516056.gif (360x270, 3.41M)

about 27000€


What kind of witchcraft is this?


Attached: 745.png (462x336, 266K)

About 3-4 million swedish crowns
So 300-400k €

I don't know like 100-1300€ not much.
I will get a job soon hopefully so I'll start putting money aside

about 10000 shekels

300 bucks in the bank and a couple hundred in cash

About 300 euros

4500 moose bucks.



Don't you have some money in your pocket?


Russia (on my business trip to Tallin)
a little over 5k € in cash and on my bank accounts
~250k € net worth

Like 6 or 7 bucks

about 20 000 €


Attached: 1467671007391.jpg (500x306, 26K)


Attached: 1562470051345.jpg (933x925, 52K)

I've got around 66 $ on me right now, no savings though.


Attached: 57972731_136487077414389_6910363177168651609_n.jpg (1440x1440, 157K)



1. malaya
2. RM211 (50.76$)

before payday, I only had RM30 (7.22$) in my account
>inb4 why did you spent it all
i gave half of it to my parents to help pay for dads' meds and other household stuff

I saved the other half before I spent it all, because I know for a fact I'll finish it all off if I keep on my person/my account


i think somewhere around 70000. haven't checked my investment portfolio for a while, might have taken a sick burn because of trump antics

around 2kk CHF


$27.89 unironically

640$ I think.

Attached: neetchad2.png (500x571, 195K)


1. fag
2. ~15 000€



>all these fucking richfags

Attached: 15061047456910.png (600x600, 80K)


invested in buttcoins, lost, and now Im a debt slave.

the jewish moneylender mafia is going to break my legs soon, send help

13k on my bank accounts
7.5 k borrowed to my brother
100k to be enherited in the near future.

Around 80 000€. But I recently bought a new car so I spent around 55k.

somewhere around 3,000 euro

Net worth of ~€5,000,000. A lot of that is unrealized capital gains though, so taxes (22%) would have to be paid for a significant portion of that.

1. France
2. Around $280 or at least i hope

a few k euro

42k eu

0 lmao

30 000 euro


Just stop buying vodka.

About 30k €

- $250


I have in the bank

75000 rubels
3500 shekels
400 euro

Fuck american dollars fuck america fuck englos death to the american dollar glory to russian rubal and Isreall shekels and gayropian Euro

As putin said we need to do everything to kill the american dollar i am helping him

ok why don't we just take the money from all the rich people, and give it to the poor people

Attached: das.jpg (600x600, 52K)

>vodka xD I know memes

Attached: 1563969931864.jpg (645x765, 78K)

470 rub

Attached: VzvFu6eZMYo.jpg (810x1080, 89K)

Around $1000
I don't work

>That pic
Want to make more moneyz!?


Бoг c нaми(₽) нe c вaми ($)

И ты пoймёшь этo cкopo :)

Poccия пoкyпaeт вcё зoлoтo миpa этo гoвapить чтo pyбль бyдeт caмaя cтaбильнaя вaлютa в миpe :)

A ты лoх и пpидaтeль


Attached: 5C1046FB-96EC-463A-B36F-6544DCE6A908.jpg (1105x1382, 201K)

A ты жыд

Post...would...do you like...cute..

Attached: peps.png (1200x675, 211K)

Я жид кaк ты бaлepинa

He cмeши мeня бoлвaн мoлдaвcкий

Изя, плc

What is someone like you even doing here? Jesus.


Have sex
Have sex жид

You should buy this shithole from gook moot

Still struggle badly with social anxiety, so my hikky lifestyle hasn't changed much since I made that money. I'm getting better though. Will likely start traveling a lot with that money next year if everything goes to plan.

Tинкoф бaнк


Hикaкиe дoллapы никaкиe миллиoны и никaкoй бoлвaн кaк ты кoтopый вepит в этy чyшь чтo дoллap cпacёт вec миp и нaшy нaцию нac нe пocтaвят нa кoлeни !!!!

Этo мeня oтeц yчил!! И ecли зa мнoй cтoит вec мoй нapoд я бyдy инвecтиpoвaть в мoй нapoд a нe в aмepикaнcких пидapacoв кaк ты дeлaeшь

I'm in debt.

Attached: 1564139122886.png (555x635, 336K)

22 yo
6500€ in cash and net worth 10000€

How did you did it

Whare did you worked ??

Social anxiety disorders lol hahahahah

Do the gavermant pay you mouny ?

Are you schizophrenic patient ?

Whare can i meet you ? I can help you and make you a barbarian premitive viking in one weak if you want btw :)

>How did you did it
I had leftovers from my student loan and made a good chunk of money botting in Diablo 3, so in 2013 I put a portion of that into crypto. In 2017 I traded a ton and was extremely successful.
>Whare did you worked ??
Haven't worked a day in my life.
>Social anxiety disorders lol hahahahah
>Do the gavermant pay you mouny ?
Haven't received neetbux. Even when I was a poor NEET, the anxiety was so bad I couldn't muster the courage to go through the procedures necessary to start receiving neetbux in the first place.
>Are you schizophrenic patient ?
>Whare can i meet you ? I can help you
I appreciate the offer, but I'm gonna have to pass. I'm making steady progress by myself now that I have the freedom of financial independence.



around 1000 €
(but im currently not working so that's why)


around 10000 leafbux
but i have 20000 in student loans to pay off

if you don't have tens of thousands of dollars of debt here you are middle class

i'm happy for you and i envy you