There are people on this board that actually believe the arbitrarily defined borders for nations have inherent value...

>there are people on this board that actually believe the arbitrarily defined borders for nations have inherent value and aren't a divide and conquer tactic by the elite ruling class to further distance ourselves from our humanity in order to destroy each other

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It's not in order to destroy each other, but I agree that it's retarded.

it consequentially creates a political and social schism between people of differing nations which has historically lead to conflict.

>doesnt believe in borders
>tries to cross one, gets shot

Americanization is real

>it consequentially creates a political and social schism

Ah right, we were all borg before modern borders. Tribal organization didn't exist and w just operate via a hivemind, seamlessly cooperating like ants from a single hill w/o any need for setting doan ground rules or anything like that. Then John Smith smote the Tower of Babel and confused the language and thats how capitalism began.

t. Wang

Im assuming you have no lock on your door at home? Because borders have no inherent value etc...

>our humanity
but there's nothing more human than abstraction

china are one of the biggest proponents of imperialism so they would not agree with me in the slightest
why does the enforcement of such principles render them as a reality? of course the elite which define such ideas will want to perpetuate the cultural hegemony for the purposes of retaining current power structures.
that is a strawmen argument and misses the point entirely. having a personal dwelling is not related to the idea of perpetual pan-nationalism or ideas of national patriotism, it is merely for protection from the outside elements, a possible fortitude from ill-intended people and basic privacy. how this equates to national boundaries is baffling, as a house and a nation operate on vastly different components.

Hence why ethnonationalism is the only logical form of nationalism.

>be australian
>cross your border

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war is the only thing that humans can do right
every other invention of humanity is just ideas on how to do it better

all animals keep a territory for their own that they defend with violence from other members of the same species
simple as

Who cares what China thinks, most people who shout what you say are either braindead leftoid manchildren or diaspora scum.

have you seen how crows act? they are definitely smart enough to have their own elite bourgeoisie. they are oppressed much the same as us proles

it's entirely up to them if they want to think disparaging thoughts, but it is by no means an argument nor voids any of the things i propose

no, never seen that to be honest
how is some crow pig relevant for this topic anyway? an internal social scale has nothing to do with political and social schism between different nations that you mentioned

>that is a strawmen argument and misses the point entirely. having a personal dwelling is not related to the idea of perpetual pan-nationalism or ideas of national patriotism, it is merely for protection from the outside elements, a possible fortitude from ill-intended people and basic privacy. how this equates to national boundaries is baffling, as a house and a nation operate on vastly different components.

Aight so where do we draw the line? Should we be allowed to defend our family with borders or is it just ourself? Perhaps our friends too? What about the village, city or state?

Should all countries be controlled by one gigant world government?

Of course OP is not white.

Probably not what OP was intending, but his argument is exclusively against civic forms of nationalism. When your national identity amounts to little more than state-sanctioned "values" or some other vapid nonsense, there isn't much point of borders. If nation-states were built on ethnicity ('race'), which transcends the civic and provides a meaningful connection/identity for the population, we wouldn't be having these problems.

Hahaha you said your an animal!!

zitto animale!!!!

ethnicity is as vapid as any other value tho, people of the same race slaughter each other all over the world with no problem at all
even biological brothers, who should be very bonded by that common genetic background, often hate each other
not saying it's bad or worse than anything, just that it's naive thinking that common ethnicity will actually make a difference
at the end of the day most people only care about their family and closest friends at best, if they are really emphatic