How do we bring it back? I miss it so much bros

How do we bring it back? I miss it so much bros...

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It's gone, user. We have to accept it.

But we can still call Habsburgs back to rule a kingdom.

They started the war just to flex and ended up with a big dick in the ass

A worthless country
Useless against Russians, useless against Serbians, then the Germans gave them literally one task - hold a dug in position in the fucking mountains against fucking Italians. Couldn't even do that
Germany should have literally partitioned it between them, Italians, Russians and other Balkan states and gone all out on France

S*rbs started it motherfucker. Slavs are SUBHUMAN

They just killed a dude who could easily be replaced
Russia was already guaranteeing the independence of Serbia, they knew the drill

>hold a dug in position in the fucking mountains against fucking Italians
We did not only that, but took a lot of Italian land. After the surrender Italians went against international protocol and looted and grabbed a lot of the land. But no ally cared to stop them. Still, the Austro-Hungarian success lead to the current borders of Slovenia which are much more generous than any Italian pretensions wanted to allow.

> Belgian
> calling other countries useless


>implying Serbia wasn't a Russian colony

Murder all Hungarian bozgors

Well, unlike you, who uses WE in reference to the army commanded from Vienna and filled with your countrymen as cannon fodder, Belgium did not bend over to just any country that tried to take it over and at least tried to put up a fight
One could even argue that the Belgian decision to fight the Germans and buy some time for the Allies had more historical significance than the entire Croatian history

Without Kingdom of Croatia, Ottomans would be living in Belgium today. Go cuck somewhere else.

Sainthood where? :DDD

Attached: Charles_I_of_Austria.jpg (800x1114, 198K)

if r*mania is so great why did you move to singapore?

The world would have been a better place if the central powers had one

>hold a dug in position in the fucking mountains against fucking Italians. Couldn't even do that
They held Italian lands and delivered to the Italians one of the most crushing defeats ever seen in the war - the battle of Caporetto while having less men, guns and pretty much all sorts of materiel than their enemy.

Attached: boroevic von bojna.jpg (296x441, 23K)

Very soon. Both miracles verified. Now it's only a matter of slow bureaucracy.

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mircale of what? miracle of being incompetent?


Nagodine bude povorka na njegovo groblje. Vrijeme je da ga se sjetimo. Srbo-Slaveni više nemaju snage nijekati da postoji.

Oh sjit, I forgot about the famous Croatian winged hussars that mopped up the Ottomans in front of Vienna's walls in 1683.

Don't you have some children to rape?

>become kings after the war is already unwinnable

Without us Ottomans would be in Vienna before 1593.

What did you mean by this?

Ever heard of Nikola Zrinski?

Attached: BIGzrinski_2.jpg.jpg (483x700, 489K)

More importantly, useless against Prussia in the 7 years war, which explains everything that went wrong since then

Russia was already exhausted by that time. Anglos killed Rasputin, because they feared he would influence Nicky to make a separate peace. He could have tried making a peace with Russia or something. Oh wait he did try to make a separate peace and it was an utter failure. Then he decided to chill out between 1918 November and 1920, cuz why the hell not. I am he isn't the king or something. Then he even tried to come to Hungary and reclaim the throne, but he was too retarded to reach Budapest fast enough. He doesn't deserves Saint hood.

lol I thought it was a Slovene flag. He's been forgotten by history everywhere but in Slovenia. Slovenians remember him as the one who saved them from Italians. Serbs hated him because he was Orthodox meaning they considered him a Serb, but he identified himself as Croatian and was the greatest war hero in Austria-Hugnary during the war. Because of this he was outright deleted from history and chased out of the country by Serbs for being a "traitor" and communists for being an Austro-Hungarian. He died poor in Austria, getting money directly from blessed Charles because no government wanted to pay his pensions because he was inconvenient to the new states that sprang up. Only now is he being talked again. Barely, but it's happening.

>useless against Prussia in the 7 years war
Just like France lmao

They were useless against everyone
The french
The prussians
The russians
You name it
Only way austria ever wins anything is by calling in 20 allies and grinding it out for a century (which was how they drove the turks back into the balkans - literally their only victory)

France was busy on other fronts. Russia and Austria were supposed to deal with Prussia and accumulated blunders until some krautboo became Tsar and just quit
Anyway, fuck anglos and saxons

>accumulated blunders
Nigger we were literally the only country on our side who actually beat Prussia in the field what are you on about

Funnily enough, the Russians had already beaten the Prussians
Theid army had entered the outskirts of Berlin, Frederick had already written his suicide letter and everyine in Prussia was talking about surrender terms when Elizabeth died
And then Peter succeeded her and called the whole thing off for no reason except for himself being a Prussiaboo

>Well, unlike you, Belgium did not bend over to just any country that tried to take it over and at least tried to put up a fight
Who is Nikola Zrinski
>One could even argue that the Belgian decision to fight the Germans and buy some time for the Allies had more historical significance than the entire Croatian history
You didnt choose, you got invaded. You were nothing more than a speedbumb to the germans in both world wars. You even did more damage to allies in WW2 by refusing to give military access to the french and then failing to defend yourself, leaving an open road for germans to take Paris

Attached: Speedbumps.png (500x639, 267K)

Belgian neutrality was a terrible mistake.

Actually, Belgium was a terrible mistake. They should have been deemed inoperable as a nation and partitioned between the Dutch and the French.

your services are much appreciated.

austria had no industry back then. couldnt even produce helmets for the army, had to buy german ones and even then, not enough to outfit the whole army.

the lack of industrialization apparently was a result of the emperor fearing a workers revolution. he obstructed the construction of further factories because he wanted to keep the number of workers low. and he especially didnt want industry near vienna, thats also how the czechs got their industry.

what also hindered the austrohungarian war effort is hungarians doing their own thing and being a horrible teamplayer. i am no expert on the matter but apparently the austrohungarian army was a clusterfuck of different nationalities that had to be appeased and the officer corps recruited for political reasons more than military aptness.

Luigi I hold the high ground

Hungarians wanted no part of the war but got fucked the most.

we even had tank and fighter plane prototypes before the war, but according to legend the emperor couldnt believe that inanimate things can fly and the generals didnt think a trench crossing tank would be necessary.

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>Hungarians wanted no part of the war
really? but hungary was the dominant nation in the late austrohungarian empire and they were totally against giving czechs and other nations in the empire more autonomy which lead to czech soldiers and soldiers from other groups not really being interested to fight for the empire.

Only high ranking guy in Austria Hungary the that spoke out against it was the leader of the Hungarian parliament or what ever they called it. Also the Czechs were part of Austria not under the crown of st. Stephen. Don't you learn about your countries history in Austria

>Also the Czechs were part of Austria
i doubt they felt that way, considering that many deserted and fought against austrian troops and wtf a hungarian parliament? then what was the parliament in vienna doing? should tell you a lot about how austria-hungary was a fucking mess. having an emperor and nobility but also several parliaments and several different armies.

as far as i remember hungarians were against giving the serbs more rights which led to them directly confronting austria. so you could argue that hungarians started it all. i guess thats also the reason why they were/are at bad terms with all their neighbouring countries, they even started a short war against austria directly after ww1 trying to grab some land from the german austrian remnant. doesnt sound so innocent, right?

Hungary had a disproportionate impact in A-H politics because the Austrians were always wary of Hungary revolting again. Remember that in 1848 the Magyar revolutionaries were put down with the help of 200,000 Russian soldiers. The Austrians couldn't rely on anyone committing a quarter-million foreign men to put down potential revolts.

I don't know why they didn't realize that the Slovaks, Croatians, Serbs, Romanians, and German settlers in Hungary weren't enough to beat the shit out of the Magyars if promised some rights.

The archduke was killed because the Serbs were worried about you successfully integrating Bosnia-Hervegovina, forever cucking them out of Great Serbia.

The United States of Austria would've been a beautiful thing.

i doubt the empire would have survived nationalism. to this day the different nations of the former empire have no love for each other.
the hungarains, the czechs, the poles, the slovaks, the slovenes, they are no friends of austria or hungary and they are no friends of each other either.

serbs wanted greater serbia, hungarians wanted greater hungary, czechs wanted their panslavic state, romanians wanted to be part of romania, poles wanted to be part of a polish country, italians wanted to italy.

and austrians wanted to be part of germany...

the empire couldnt offer them anything for staying, since it was a mismanaged, pisspoor state decades behind in industrialization and economy.