Britain will never be as good as China
You man old enough to remember that pre-ban mephedrone?
corrr is all ill say on that
contemplating a poo
i fancy you
fancy a shag
Weird how almost all far-right people advocate for socialism
Reckon Nazis are just crypto-commies
Why yes im a fat cunt, how could you tell?
Man U have signed Harry Maguire
i remember people banging on about rorke and leftypol back in 2015
mad that its been 4 YEARS and they're still making the exact same posts, every single day
4 fucking years
sensing a lot of retards who have destroyed their cognition with drugs in these threads
not really no
what have you done with your life in that time? not a lot probably
oh nonono
£20 pizza
signing a chubby 30 year old for a ridiculous sum?, thats the united way
Just listened to scary monsters and super creeps, the bowie album
Fucking great album. Teenage wildlife, what a perfect track...
2 boxes of wings also m8y
Imagine if the genders were swapped..........
oi that reminds me
people who like bbq pizza are fucking wronguns
socialism for doing military service, being healthy and having skills is not the same as socialism for a meme degree that only increases debt and eventually gives more power to the police as people would resort to crime to survive
Anyone know any good wallets for holding multiple passports which at the same time conceals the fact you're carrying multiple from officials?
i have 3 passports so i need a conveneint way of carry them.
She'd be Donald Trump, he'd be Ivanka.
when did all these literal 18 year olds arrive
fuck off please
I made myself a lovely steak with chips, asparagus, peas and onion rings
Why do northerners just skip words when they're talking? Are they just so stupid they forget mundane words?
looks a bit tacky.
Wish I were a literal 18yo
not that many around here anymore lad
summer /brit/ was always full of Uni/A-level/Exam talk but I've barely seen any of it this summer
guess they all fucked off to the student room haha wahey
but dipping it in bbq sauce is patrician
fuck off to harrods and spend £500 on one then
To intimidate the Southrons
my belly cries out for 2 £20 papa johns pizzas
if you had the opportunity to move to a big european city for a good grad job, would you go or stay here?
they all just talk about identity politics these days
hate cunts who take psychedelics. simple as
what you hate is yourself
This is why I only purchase supercars in Sydney
but I already live in a big european city (milton keynes)
i dont hate anything really
im at peace
im a new man and humbled
love people who take drugs recreationally
i dont exist and either do you. fuck off you projecting cunt
>3 passports
Most likely Pakiland, India and UK unfortunately
real new
the way i see it is moving to london is shit but pretty much necessary for a grad job. however you will be aware that you are spending a lot more to live the same kind of life you could just achieve in manchester or birmingham.
moving to paris might also be shit but at least it has a novelty value which offsets the grimness of starting out poor.
how exactly is the Japanese language so peng?
*hugs you*
*keeps touching you*
probably more fun living in london as a graduate though even though it costs more
Cambridge student died by opening a door on her private plane hahahahaha
India and Pakistan don't let their citizens be citizens of both countries.
Should've bought some peanuts
probably not but if it's a city you want to visit and you dont have a decent job prospect here then sure I guess as long as the contract didn't force me to stay too long
Go of course. Unless you can think of a convincing reason not to.
probably get sick of foreigners after a while
as much as i dislike this country sometimes i still like living here
would like to believe this but having trouble visualising how this situation possibly occurred.
people say this but i doubt it. sure you can eat a £10 hummus wrap in a warehouse in more locations in london, but they day to day bits of life are the same as in Leeds albeit you're just poorer in London.
at least with paris things would be novel
banned in germany
more of a brazil nut man meeself x
have no hobbies
what are some hobbies to get into?
Okay, well that is of course going to be a problem for you.
Yeah I want to live in paris
wouldn't mind licking Christina Hendricks' armpits
£10 Cum wrap
the majority of atheists will end up killing themselves or descending into alcoholism or drugs
>I want to live in paris
gaming and fucking
Just heard it on the news, apparently she was having some sort of crisis.
Probably first bit of hardship she'd ever faced.
it's true
Know for a fact that I'm the best poster in /brit/
We should do the same
It's the sheer scope of things to do in London that makes it worthwhile putting up with it being London.
Moving to Shanghai lads
anyone want to share a mansion
Things that interest you.
I wouldn't say the majority
the majority will live lives filled with degeneracy though and will feel pretty unfulfilled at the end of it
I am not hungry but I am eating
I can still get it. Cannot fathom using coke or molly over it.
mental how people base their entire identity around how they like to stimulate their genitals
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
kill yourself
It's actually very fucking difficult to get rid of UK citizenship, costly too.
do they eat nigger meat in aus?
You really are an unhelpful dickhead
as a citizen of multiple countries i disagree. in fact multiple citizenship is part of how things like Northern Ireland have been sorted out.
It also undoubtedly helps foster british soft power around the world and bolsters ties with the commonwealth countries.
Consuming food to regenerate my bodily cells so that I may live just one more day
Old pasta is old lad.
Imagine being Meghan Markle's father
*he posts from his £800 a month room in a councilflat-cum-flatshare*
I doubt he has many morals in the first place considering he chose to breed with a coon
for me? its moving to pengdon after graduating and sleeping on a sofa so i can afford to toil for 70 hours a week
What's the fucking point in trying to force yourself to do something you've no interest in?
come on rorke, for fuck sakes this is a family rated thread. pack it in dickhead. jesus.
are you me?
Nowts been sorted out