Based Germany

Based Germany

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I don't speak Germanian

Great Britain

Oh, thanks.
Now it's much clearer

I can't really think of anything that has a 90% approval rating in German politics. France is greatest ally.

>37% of them trust the eternal Anglo
and here I thought they were smart...

It's a survey where Germans are being asked which country they trust the most.

Trusting anglo is even more retarded than not trusting Russia.

>tfw no sister nation
It hurts bros...

>I can't really think of anything that has a 90% approval rating in German politics
Netherlands probably

You have Spain and Greece.

Well, 'partner' actually carries a very sterile connotation in German. It's true that France and Germany are each other's most important political allies but that's kind of where it stops more on the French side than the German one as well in fact. While some Germans can be outright francophile, most French people are pretty much and overwhelmingly indifferent towards Germany with maybe some very faint feelings of angst/admiration for Germany's economical prowess but that's it.

still mad over WW2, eh?

>Which countries are trustworthy partners ?
i diddnt know we were so based and redpilled. thought all boomers still slurp NATO propaganda

San Marino

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Dude, the average German does not identify with the Nazi side. Why are mutts still stuck in the political dichotomies of 80 years ago? You realize that it is the pacifist values that was instilled into Germans by the allied powers including the US that made them such fervent opponents to the neo-Conservative campaigns of military interventism?

Based Germans

france backstabs us everytime there is a decision on anything EU or military related
fuck france

Yes between February 2019 and August 2019 we have suddenly remembered that WW2 happened

>NATO propaganda
Well these days with Trump:
"NATO is obsolete"
"Why should Americans die for "
"I don't consider myself bound by article V"
"Europe is a foe of America"

So maybe they do believe the new propaganda.

So they didnt change opinions on france but in everyone else? So your country is getting lore paranoid?

>b*ngs as the second most trusted

>france backstabs us everytime there is a decision on anything EU or military related
WHAT? France has been very accommodating with Germany to solidify the EU building process. And judging from this poll this worked.

When formerly major allies threaten you with trade sanctions of your major industry sectors(US) or threaten to pull out of international treaties with you (US, UK) then you tend to lose trust in them yes. When people act unreliable then you stop relying on them, rocket science, hey.

no that was britain, the stalled every major eu reform and had their little extra bonus. perfidious albion

>Why are mutts still stuck in the political dichotomies of 80 years ago?
lack of education and a constrant stream of WW2 media.

They dropped by 17 entire percent in just 6 months, though.
We have other countries we trust more of course, those are just currently relevant.

They're all pieces of shit. I only like the dutch.

This will half in a no-deal event.

b a s e d
Truly our greatest ally

Wrong, France and we have a symbiotic relationship of “if you vote for X, then I’ll vote for Y”

French are our brother from another mother

Attached: depositphotos_50781529-stock-illustration-german-and-french-flags.jpg (1023x719, 37K)

April 2016 for reference

Attached: 1545143077486.jpg (960x540, 53K)

Too high, far too high.

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I thought they agreed with you the most. I thought the nordics, southerners, Hungary and slavs disagreed with you more.

Why do red-white-blue and black-red-gold go together so well, bros?

>UK -36% due to Brexit
>France 89% all the time

Attached: Doki Doki Brexit!.jpg (708x472, 103K)

Attached: kVfBu5M.jpg (1334x750, 140K)

>tfw we defeated the nazis
>now we are the nazis
we've come full circle

>now we are the nazis
you are the jewish golem nothing more

>that fucking drop after Trump was elected
My fucking sides
Sometimes Germans do things right

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That was the UK


France is Germany's brother from the same mother.

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Trump is an idiot but he never said 2 (he said some shit like Montenegro starting a war though) or the third (though he didnt reaffirm the commitment). Anyways congress alone declares war so his power is overstayed by him and the people freaking out.

>that fucking drop after Trump was elected
Like Darroch wrote in his leaked report, Trump's foreign policy is 'diplomatic vandalism'

What is the rating of approval for Trump? Will he be elected for the second term?

>France is Germany's brother
France is a girl though... but I suppose it can, in a shocking development, be a trap after all.

It's actually gold, not yellow. :^)

it would go better with red-white-black

Because white is the complementary colour of black and blue is the complementary color of yellow.
>inb4 It's actually gold not yellow.

You do realize all of the countries in the poll have red white and blue flags.

>Trump is an idiot but he never said 2
Yes, it was about Montenegro - a NATO member.
>he said some shit like Montenegro starting a war though

>or the third
That's the message the other members got - several weapon programs that were progressing slowly in Europe were revived just days after his statement.

Yeah but they are not based tricolour flags

Russia is OK too tho

But only one can be our BFF.

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>still no franco-germano-russian federation and rule the solar system

Ah, yes, just like in May

>no more delay for your Brexit, Bongs, that was the last one
>ACH but think about the poor German cars, das ist not possible, nein nein nein nein NEIN!!!!!
>oh for fuck shit, ok then, more delays for you, Bongs

as long as the stock exchange doesn't crash, he has his chances

Thankfully yes

Ich esse die wurst mit my deutsch freuden !

Je mange la charcuterie avec mes amies francaise :3

c'est bon de savoir, merci

Attached: 1549125741752.gif (320x291, 3.41M)

C'est bon à* savoir

>Charles de Gaulle distrusted the British for being too close to the Americans, and for years he blocked British entry into the European common market, now called the European Union. De Gaulle also pulled France out of active role in NATO because that alliance was too heavily dominated by Washington. After his death, Britain did enter the European Union, and France returned to NATO.
He was right, fuck Anglos

Fortunately, the Anglos brexited themselves out of the EU and Trumpeted NATO into obsolescence so let's continue with De Gaulle's plan.

Attached: De_Gaulle.jpg (507x380, 34K)

this, also there are almost no french people on this side of the rhine. I've met people from all over Europe working/having relatives here, but no a single french person. If I wouldn't had been to france (Cora has good bakeries and pastries) I may refuse to believe it exists.

Just looked it up and as of 2015, there were 44,500 French "transborder" workers in Germany.
Compare with:
179,000 in Switzerland
75,000 in Luxembourg
35,400 in Belgium
25,900 in Monaco

de gaulle was absolutely based

So, you agree? It's not like that there is a huge incentive for anybody to come here, still, the relative underepresentation of french people puzzles me.
>inb4 only thirdies come to germland
Ive met Dutch (coworker) , uk (party goer) , irish (pub owner), danish (uni prof)....

Yeah, I agree.
Remember though, all four of these countries are French-speaking (at least on the areas bordering France).
There are only a few thousands in Spain and almost none in Italy.