What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?

Attached: 1475r.jpg (1280x780, 61K)

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That it's the best colony ever but upside down

Polish white nationalism.


a shithole thats been occupied,partitioned, slaughtered,oppressed and exterminated and STILL they dont have more lax gun laws than USA.

low skilled migrant workers

Imagine being enslaved for hundreds of years in backward villages by Polish gentry who treat you as non-human animals. Then when you get mad and take it out on your tormentors during WWII they act like you're at fault.

sad looking country
no good food

Why is Monaco flying their flag upside down?

Shit League of Legends players

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>And the winged hussars arrived

top stripe: based
bottom stripe: redpilled

at least they didnt burn down their capital for fake EU promises and then had their asses kicked in and humiliated by russia afterwards......nor have a kike comedian for a "president"..LMFAO

u*raine is a real circus

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>implying Polish gentry treated Polish peasants any better

Indonesia? Cool nature and volcanoes

Butthurt about Russians for failing to become what Russia is and getting destroyed in the process

This government isnt polish, it's 100% ZOG kike occupied, so if they start shit, feel free to send the next plane theyre flying in crashing into the ground.

I wont hold grudges.

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> They don't know for example about Nazi-Polish pact in 1938

there was no pact

I often get this and Indonesia confused.


You know, I used to think Poles were okay guys until I saw video of Polish ambassador to UN ranting about Russia dictatorship, Russia danger to free world, mmuh communism, mmuh Katyn. Also their government brainwash them. They don't know for example about Nazi-Polish pact in 1938 or Polish invasion of Czechoslovakia or Skoda works where 80 percent of Wehrmacht tanks were built.

>comes to mind when you see this flag?

thieving and literally this.

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Screw you faggots, Poland is based.

*sends emotional support and deep concerns*


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They mad because in 1500 year they were superpower of Eastern Europe but now...

How's it now? Is there still lots of thieves and shit people or have they got like more civilized than before?

They can't stop to clean toilets being national sport

Very comforting knowing how 27 million Russians died for Polish Danzig.

yeah well, dont expect any favors in return. when muslims kick off Chechnya 2.0 or decide to liberate mockbah Im just going to crack open a beer and drink up.

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Giving your life for a Polish Danzig is a good way to die.

>dont expect any favors in return.

typical disgusting polak..

They are subhumans, they deserve painful death.

das correct, sorry slav(e) shit, I didnt have a gypsy steal a russian AK from their armory just to use it to fight for r*ssian interests.

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Pretty much the most noble country on the planet. Great people, it’s strange how being so close to Germany and Russian this great of a people arose.

Surely you jest?

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Russians are rapists. When Russians came to Poland, any woman in the town would go to hide in the forest. Sure Germans have killed tones of Poles, but they haven't raped any, it was prohibited, and that's what I respect them for and can't stand Russia

the place you have to stay for a night when on your way to better parts of europe (it's literally max car ride from here you can take without being on amphetamines).

my ancestors :)

r*ssians are scum of the earth and I celebrate theyre experiencing a demographic death.

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that's actually pretty sad that all russoids treat Poland as тpaнзитнaя cтpaнa, it has a lot of cool places

I often read blogs on Russian ЖЖ and every post about Poland is like "I've always thought Poland is just a transit country on the way to Czechia/Germany but this time I decided to explore it and it's actually wonderful"

>тpaнзитнaя cтpaнa
maybe i was a bit harsh. i know you have beautiful historic sites and so on and so forth, but to me it has always been just a one night stand. i've also been only to shit towns where i can get sleep for cheap so, i guess what i'm trying to say is i'll definitely visit poland sometime in the near future with intent of exploring the "real" poland not just sleep/wakeup/driveonwards mode

those are old retarded boomers same as russian boomers always talking about how russia strong and ze best, and always coming up with excuses for crimes

Why is Pooland birthrate like 1.0 kid per woman and half your population live in Germany, Sweden, Britain where they dig ditch and sell drugs?

cool, nice to see you then

respect the environment! don't give birth to too many poles.

here the youth is waaay more nationalist than boomers


Because it sucks here. Russia-tier gdp

That was rude man. I'm crying

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Last white people of the West

Which makes it even more tragic.

damn you're insecure. gonna treat you like a girl from now on out


Please don't treat me like I were your girlfriend

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hot men

>doesnt move
so it's just like you in bed huh? a piece of wood. isn't it. girl

>and always coming up with excuses for crimes
Such as how they enslave us for hundreds of years? I'm not defending what UPA did, but understand the rage that people felt towards Poles.

My wife is Chinese and I have never fucked a Polish girl so I can't say xD

oh... cool. my gf is south korean XDDD

>which one was it again, is it poland or indonesia
>fuck it, let's just guess

Fought on horses against German panzers in ww2.

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and, uh, who won that battle?

Confusion between Poland and Indonesia.

go back to your homeland mykola before it disappears forever.

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Pride is the greatest killer besides malaria.
Fuck malaria. Poles are based, they get military money from the UE and use it to buy American weaponry/aircrafts, etc

We're literally doing the same shit in western europe stop being this unselfaware you nigger

At least we aren't deluding ourselves that Poland is some great ancient country, like hohol fucking shits do. We are also not that spineless to scrub toilets of people whose children we'd impale on pitchforks.
Germany and Russia at least have reasons to act swagger over us. When hohols do it it's pathetic.

Is it you don't know history (born after 2000)? Otherwise explain

The future of Europe and Western Civilization desu senpai.

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my qt polish neighbor who I've seen like 3 times in my whole life :c

post more of her pls

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based pooland

I вce ж нaш нapoд eмiгpyє тyди дecяткaми тиcяч.

Hихyя,ктo тo хoтя бы в интepнeтe paзгoвapивaeт нa эльфийcкoм

Yes we know. Ukraine is great ancient country, they fought the Roman Empire and many Renaissance thinker and artist were Ukrainian.

On that note, best way to trigger a Pole is to remind him that John Sobeski was Ukrainian and that John Paul II was Lithuanian.

Our friends forever

-my homeland
-yellow signs
-plastic architeture

Poland is in the EU. Ukraine is not. Poles have every right of working in member states, because they are part of EU.

Ukrainians however are literally financed by the Poland's good will of entering them. Otheriwise 3,5 million of them would eat sand in Ukraine.

Do you guys have a lot of red light districts?

Lethal doses of racism & homophobia

no, brothels are illegal.

good thing. Imagine Poland adapting race mixing and LGBT. We'd be Brazil right now.


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Civ 5

We will never forget your help, 90% saved by Canada


We always get a polish firm when we have to make bigger investments in our families houses. They are working here for 20 years and are very reliable but only the owner speaks german. Otherwise i despise them for stealing gibs

Polish pride

you forgot that their """right wing""" brigades were also financed by kikes

Polish are so ungrateful fucks they blame you for the failed warshaw uprising despite starting it early to get a better bargaining point with the allies against you. Then they got their whole city orginally rebuilt by evil russia and its now unesco heritage site

Uggh, Jews are absolute worst. For hundreds of years they controlled business and moneylending in Ukraine while holding peasants in permanent debt slavery. They also take over all skilled trades denying them to Ukrainians.

Truck drivers that probably sucked somebody off to get their license