So user, how are you?

>so user, how are you?
What the fuck do I say to this?

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>Good, thanks. You?
Not that hard, even for a finn.

its hard, wtf how do i say "good" without sounding depressed, and how do i continue with the "you?" its not like i want to hear how they are i dont want the conversation to continue

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you autistic piece of trash just say "meh" if saying "good" is too much for your autistic ass

>>so user, how are you?
>What the fuck do I say to this?

Failing means yer playin, hell slap it intae ye!

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Here's a pro tip, they don't give a shit how you are, they're just being polite. They won't notice if you sound depressed, and if they do they won't care.
Just say good and carry on with the conversation like the rest of us.

you have to maintain a facade to get out of this kind of vicious circle if no one cares about you and your mood

yeah im alright mate, yourself?

tell the truth
fuck this society

is not that hard, just say how you actually feel to them
is important to show honwsty to people and being open about it

Just say you're fine, dude.

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Reminder that if you don't reply with "I'm good" or "I'm fine" or "I'm doing well" or something like that, you're an edgy incel.

where are his ears?

but "meh" makes me seem like a faggot!

how do you know man ? they will think im rude/weird

doesnt work in finnish

makes me look like a fag

"i feel uncomfortable around other people" doesnt work!

i do this but i feel like a g-ddamned autist while doing it

>What the fuck do I say to this?
im gucci

So what? Fuck what other people thinks.

>How do you know?
I'm not autistic. Trust me, just say good and you'll be fine.

ask them to repeat themselves in swedish. you are a fennoswede aren't you user?

>I'm good, how are you"
>they don't respond back

I don't understand this. Why ask then???

once a girl asked me how are you
out of nowhere while we still in algerbra lecture
i freaked out and didn't reply (she sits behind me can't turn in class)
she never talked to me after that

>give vague answer
>they ask more questions because your answer wasn't specific
>keep giving vague answers
>they become the uncomfortable party of the conversation
>start asking them questions

you too

I fucking love these posts

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