And they're correct

Let's just kill 90% of all bongoloids. Seems no one would oppose it.

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the anglos life purpose was to undermine germany and start wars, but now that they can't do that anymore of course they'd have no purpose

what's the purpose of life?

bun zoots
drink pints
snort lines
simple as

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I have no purpose either

To shitpost

>live trashy hedonistic and materialistic lifestyles
>young britons believe life has no purpose
Wow, what a shocker

thanks for reminding me

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Unironically to have sex.

I want to become a neurosurgeon and pay my taxes.

so, we incels only choice is sudoku?


to suffer

how come suicides are so prevalent in the western world
what are we doing wrong

and how come nobody gives a shit

That or its probably the best time for emo music to make a comeback.

>atheism on the rise
>people becoming more nihilistic
Wow it's like there's a correlation or something....

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>nihilism is bad

I guess building societies around generating profits for mr shekelberg makes people unhappy
economics has become a religion or more like a death cult

Nice fucking thumbnail you braindead moron
Thank you for your service

what's the alternative?


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