/smg/ - Stock Market General

An actual fucking thread for once Edition.

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>Super cheap options commission

>Commission free and no minimum to open

Interactive Brokers
>Cheapest trading platform for Europeans, very good API, anal registration process. $0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)
>2nd cheapest platform for Europeans, they announced an increase of their commission fees. Very quick registration process

Instant news:

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Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

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S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

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Basic rundown on options:

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Ah the real thread.


Well at least I got quads in return


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Reminder that we are watching Face Off staring Nicholas Cage and John Travolta next week

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>cage's fucking pupil


There's still plenty of time to max it for 2018 so get on that

>At least I found out while I'm fucking 23.
Seriously dude there are people who there who don't find out about this shit until they're 35 or 45 and miss out on DECADES of tax free juicy gains

Thanks Short Strangle Officer!!!

>you're gonna be rich as Fick if you put 24k in you're retirement accounts per year starting from 23
Buddy, I still got at least 10k to 30k left over on top of this that I'm just dumping into RH.
My parents raised me rarely taking vacations and I inherited a tenacity for saving from my dad.
I make 92k, have no student loans, and I basically just pay for rent and food...

True. Know people who mistake 401k/403b/457 for an IRA.

if there is no movie by the time i come back from tacobell, ill be upset

I have contributed $0 to retirement besides robinhood, i made 7k two years ago, 8k a year ago, and 11k this year

how fucked am i if my engineering high pay job doesnt begin until next year?

im 26 rn

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I fucking did.

I thought the 401k fed into a Traditional IRA or Roth IRA and that the 401k was what's capped at 18.5k

Holy shit Thomas Sowell, he's my nigga
you're doing a lot better than the faggots kneepads deep in debt and living from one loan to another

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Yeah can see that. I also know one guy who confused a Roth IRA with a Roth 401k. Knowing what is contained in the Annual Additions Limit is very important to understanding how to make these tools work for you.

That's still better off than most people desu.

kek it true
even if me make 1k a day for next few years will STILL be in massive debt ;_;


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Making movie night right now, brb

Only if I get my degree and actually get a good job

I do have 0 debts tho, no student loans either

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didn't know Ozark season two was out

who here laundered money before?

save hard, HODL hard
I hope you're not in debt user
anyone else considering shorting leafs when trade talks fall through the floor and Trump slaps on the tariffs

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That's pretty impressive that you were able to save anything while making 7-11k/year. Live at home or something?

But yeah dude, you don't wanna be playing around with your livelihood money in RH. The order of utilizing money should be:

emergency fund --> liquid cash for daily/monthly expenses --> retirement accounts --> RH/taxable brokerage

>how fucked am i if my engineering high pay job doesnt begin until next year?
At 26 you still have lots of time if you get your head on straight for the next 4 years you will be doing much better than most 30 year olds

>Yeah can see that. I also know one guy who confused a Roth IRA with a Roth 401k. Knowing what is contained in the Annual Additions Limit is very important to understanding how to make these tools work for you.
>confused a Roth IRA with a Roth 401k
Also me!

Why not declare bankruptcy and start over?

why is your AMD in red, what did you do
>0 debts
you're gonna make it

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i have no debt whatsoever, no loans, nothing
but i still live at my parents, which i hope to change soon

FICO is 751 though, so im ready

i just need a fucking job now

>tfw people on here are adults with serious finances and I'm just a retarded student fucking around with a few hundred dollars on robinhood

I won't be in any debt when I graduate, but I also have no income

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do you know any programming? im rehashing what i know for html/css/python/javascript so i can try to freelance for a few more buckaroos

you have to start somewhere, and better late than never user, just learn not to panic sell like a cunt

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what you putting on?
wallstreet 1 and 2?

Could be worse, when I was an undergrad I uh, made a lot of money and blew it on fun stuff. I'm pretty financially responsible now, but if I had saved some of that...

Best years of my life though.

It’s ok. You could be 38 and in the same boat like me.

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make Jow Forums themes for practice, check out this tumblr-tier revamp of Jow Forums

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I was literally in your spot just one year ago m8

It's nothing you really need to worry about until you get your first big boy job. Just keep learning about saving and having good spending habits and how to invest money once you have it and you'll hit the ground running. Having that knowledge + no debt once you graduate will put you years ahead of your peers who have to pay hundreds in loans every month and know nothing about saving/investing

right now with way taxes and everything me have set up debt not really effecting me, but will eventually have for declare bankruptcy once have payed off some stuff ;_;

There's a small chance that I'll do another lame ass Twitch stream tonight.
Just kidding.

>i have no debt whatsoever, no loans, nothing
>FICO is 751 though, so im ready
I think my credit score is a 754.
Having a small loan or two and multiple cards (but paying your loans off religiously and having low credit utilization on those cards) actually helps with your credit score.

>do you know any programming?
I do that professionally :P
The credit card company that I work for pays me 92k/year to do so.

It's okay you have time, I'm torrenting it now then have to upload it to google drive

>shorting AMD
and you don't seem to understaaaaand

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aww yisss

what did they require you to know/what do you do there?

buy oil
and silver

aside from MATLAB and pineview editor i just know the basics

i can program well if I have a 1 page cheat sheet in front of me

>It's okay you have time, I
good, now i just need to stop replying

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>buy oil
not now tho
>and silver
literally never

You're in better shape than many.

leaves a lot of good advice. Also put some money away for retirement. If your job has a retirement plan with matching, put in the minimum amount to receive the largest match you can.

No worries. It can be confusing. You're not the first.

so do you guise think that this weeks gonna actually be worth trading or not? last week was such garbage volume it was hardly worth it

i want some +1% days again for chrissake

I think I've been fairly responsible with my "investments" so far
I lost about $10 when I first started out FOMOing and panic selling tiny amounts of stock, but I've obviously recouped my losses and made a significant profit by making a good pick on GALT (I have a stop limit on it equal to my average share price to help prevent losses if it gets bogged).

I've been pretty irresponsible with my spending until recently, mostly overspending on fast food. I've been more disciplined in my spending habits and started saving money recently, though.

Like the other anons said, better late than never. At least you're taking steps to get your shit together now.

I've been considering buying WPM (a gold and silver streaming company), the near universal negative sentiment on precious metals seems like a good contrarian indicator.

if you think I'm shorting AMD you're doing it wrong
literally SELL AMD, then sell AMD, then SELL AMD again, and sell again until it rockets up for next day
I don't have to tell you to SELL low and sell high do I?
you could also make your own startpage for practice, webm related

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>reluctant kneepad girl

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>what did they require you to know
Their programming interview was basically the easy problems on leetcode. Just gotta have a very basic understanding of data structures. No hardcore algorithmic shit like the big 4 does.
One of the problems was essentially just a for loop with an if statement in it.
You're kind of required to have a CS bachelor's, but now there's a backdoor into the program for STEM majors in general...

>what do you do there?
Well, that's very different.
I'm currently writing a concurrent, resilient back-end service with scala, akka, and play.
I've written a couple front-ends in AngularJS.

typically this week pretty slow
hedgies are all getting off vacations, planning strategies, haves meeting marathons with various people

next week should pick up tho into full EOY bullrunish

finna start doing that tbqfh

It’s ok. I gambled on owning a business and lost. Also like this user said I’d pissed it away too. When I was making ok money I spent on stupid shit. Good times though.

short this friday gotcha

>cs bachelors

this snibs the snab

just pls don't turn too autistic about ricing

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Well, for what I'm doing, you need more than just a pulse, but you don't need to be a fucking wizard to contribute a lot of value.
I also said that there's a backdoor for anybody that has a STEM bachelor's

>any college degree

I never had the money nor could I get any financial assistance of any kind so I went a more street life route selling drugs and playing poker.




weren't there posts addressing this weird shit in market vol a few threads back





Good point about asukas chin

nah, well maybe
there equally strong selling / buying interest
would be surprised if there big move any time soon


Ok, I'm really new to this shit and this might be a dumb question, but anyway...

When I look at historical charts, almost every single stock seems to eventually go up to a point where you can sell at profit. Sometimes it takes an hour, sometimes it takes 10 years. But it seems to happen on every single chart I look at.

So why do most people lose money in the stock market and talk about how hard it is? Couldn't people just hold their stocks until they make a profit, even if it takes 10 years? Is it just because most people panic sell when they start to lose? Because that's the idea I'm getting

it is kind of bullshit.
what state are you in?

friendly reminder that the entire world is on halt until America comes back from vacation
all movement in the markets can be ignored

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You're probably looking up companies you've heard of, right? Survivorship bias. Check out DRYS

>So why do most people lose money in the stock market
they dont
most /short term/ traders do though because impossible for time market

Because it’s hard to know when it’s gonna drop.

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>Couldn't people just hold their stocks until they make a profit,
Most FOMO faggots don't have that patience. Retail is especially big on get rich quick this quarter if not this month if not this week if not this very same day. It can happen, but that's fucking rare.
It really comes down to a battle between greed and patience and if you're really willing to be a bagholder for a shitty company.

No man, thousands of stocks have gone to zero, there’s inherent survivorship bias

great state of texas

Because most people are extremely impatient and want gains immediately

Shit! Forgot to post the survey near the top of the thread!

>24 votes

yeah, mostly blue chip companies

that's what I'm thinking. Traders lose money. People who hold their stocks for years don't

But it doesn't matter. It's practically guaranteed to go back up again eventually

Doesn't Texas offer free state university tuition if you get like >30 ACT and >3.5 high school GPA or something like that

Hindsight is easy when you look back at any point where it would have been a good time to buy or sell a stock.

In the moment, greed and fear are very powerful motivators to continue to hold a stock or just sell and get out of the market. Fear of losing out to other gains (which are happening in the moment) could cause someone to not want to hold a stock for 10 years (which could turn profitable later).

As you said, panic selling leads to some of what you are seeing. Possibly impatience and other factors.

Yeah I remember this quote from Buffet

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Pic related
>it’ll go up

So that's why you asked about laundering money earlier kek
don't ask here or you'll become liable, like that plebbit faggot that bitbleached hillary's harddrives
keep your opsec

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I own 3 shares :^)

Forgot pic. I’m sick and a little buzzed desu

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>People who hold their stocks for years don't
and then there's situations like DRYS and HMNY
from riches to rags all of a fucking sudden

Buy big brand names

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American Psycho will finally finish uploading in 28 minutes
Hang in there, partners

combetta, eh?
forgot about that
that was a good thread

i miss when the 8dig breads were still popping like that. seems like a good deal of the diggers got led astray into QLARP sadly

just 4u

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the state of the feds is absolutely fucking sad in this decade
but it's still no reason not to keep opsec

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Fuck I hate furries so god damn much

mirin quads

Not for someone like me. Plus, there were other, much more major, factors in my life that got in the way.

pray tell you enjoy yourself a nice whataburger everyone once in a while

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illegal immigrant confirmed

I'm now morbidly curious as to what stocks furries would long in order to short them.

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Drug related charges I assume?

Arguably the best tendies out there.

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China crash landing coming soon. Warning.

white skin, blue eyes, curly light brown hair.

pic related

surprisingly not. never got in any sort of trouble with the law except for a ticket for turning right at a red light without stopping enough

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Thank you for the info wallstreet insider user