It's too easy to poke holes in Chainlink ever mooning, I will deconstruct any bullish sentiment on Link you may have
>We can be mailed at:
1093 Boundary Hall, Cricket Sq, Grand Cayman KY1-1102 Cayman Islands
It's too easy to poke holes in Chainlink ever mooning, I will deconstruct any bullish sentiment on Link you may have
>We can be mailed at:
1093 Boundary Hall, Cricket Sq, Grand Cayman KY1-1102 Cayman Islands
Other urls found in this thread:
>September 30 2017 $0.43
>September 2 2018 $0.30
>Last post May 2018
>No interest
Poke holes in BCH
> spoiler: you can’t!
>Market cap: $108 million
>Ranked 66 (anything below 50 is a shitcoin)
>Hshares Market cap: $144 million
>Populous Market cap: $158 million
>Waltonchain Market cap: $180 million
>Steem Market cap: $270 million
Chainlink literally worth less than other shitcoins despite being muh 4th pillar, most important concept in crypto, blah blah
Literally years of work left before main net, will be even more irrelevant by 2021
Good info but will be ignored by the shills. The only people in link are those late to the crypto game. They missed out so they think link is their eth, bunch of retards
Nice thread. LINK is indeed a shitcoin
>add sgx builds to Circle CL
>Circle CL
: o
All pretty good posts except this one just says LINK is undervalued to me. But I suppose that is to expected of a project that has done nothing in a year since ICO.
If it struggles to pass something like Hshares or Steem or metaverse, screams to me that it’s an irrelevant shitcoin that no one wants. Because no one wants Hshares. I agree with OP, that is bearish.
I would say I’m surprised it never got to a top 30 market cap, but it was only biz ever serious about it
It would be undervalued if it were legit, but like most of these projects, it is an unnecessary hobby
The top 100 wallets own 85% of the supply. 5 of those 100 wallets are Binance.Up to another 20 are other exchange wallets. The team holds another 50-60 of those wallets.
itt: no discussion of whitepaper, chainlink code, oracle theory in general.
OP holds 100k LINK.
Kek. The vast majority of Link bagholders are already rich thanks to Ethereum. You missed ETH and you will miss Link. Enjoy being poor.
Why would anyone be missing link? It’s worth less than it was a year ago, and crypto is dying as it is. Wouldn’t keep more than 1k as insurance
This in Toronto? Saw a gold plated lambodriving around a week ago
imagine actually buying a lambo
>has done nothing in a year since ICO
Holy shit it's been a year already. Absolutely nothing to show for it.
They have some bullshit pivotal tracker in which "updates" are made once in a while. But all of the crucial shit like the ratings smart contract? Network protocol? absolutely no/ slow progress.
How far away is main-net? Who knows one whole year and we have not heard squat from the team. One more year? six months? At the rate of progress I suspect a req-like drop in price and then eventually mooning when Sergey and his crownies finally have some sort of product to show.
If you can, you probably have enough money to not give a shit. Can't imagine anyone actually spending all the money they earn to barely be able to afford a luxury car without upgrading other aspects of your life. But hey, niggers exist so who am I to judge.
The enchanting flower maidens of Moonlight Garden are coveted by all, as they are known to provide sexual pleasures beyond the imagination. But Dohwa, a young flower maiden who has not yet “bloomed,” concocts potions in the hopes of escaping her destined fate at the brothel. One night, she is caught stealing ingredients for her potions by Lady Hyewon, the new mistress of the Garden. But it turns out Dohwa isn’t the only one with an agenda. Lady Hyewon harbors a few terrible secrets of her own.
Official korean page:
Official english page:
ayy lmao
>circle ci for anyone wondering
That's why I made this. It's been a year and nothing happened but a $32 million ICO ripping off "investors"
>muh whitepaper
>muh connections
>$0.30, $1.04 away from ATH
>price goes down
10+ fud threads appear
>price goes up
10+ shill threads appear
I'm just posting facts
I'm not like the amex oldfag who pisses on poor people, I'm saying that this thing has no legs as an investment. People got in around the same price for NEO and it went up to $100 from mere cents. LINK is literally worth less 1 year later. It's a shitty outcome from the larpers that promised it would be a top 20 crypto making everyone on biz rich. It only made people poor after they bought it for $1 or more
It would be a miracle if this shit went to $1 again. They would have to announce something mind blowing. Sergey literally disappeared all of 2018
Linkmarines, is this legit fud?
I didn't know anything about NXT or Secure Asset Exchange. Sergey would never exit scam right?
Basically every entrepreneur has to have a few failed companies under his belt to be considered successful right??
Any oldfag that can destroy this fud?
Post that I'm talking about:
lmao stay poor
>the price is low therefore link is a failure
Whatever happened to syllogisms? I swear Jow Forums wasn't alway this retarded.
WOW the fucking poor fud in this thread is surreal. I genuinely don't give a fuck who buys LINK or not. If you're dumb enough to buy any of this shit as actual reasons to not invest (regardless of what the investment is) then your only hope is to get lucky anyway and you might as well be throwing darts. OP you are actually sub 100 IQ I'm willing to bet.
>the amex oldfag
Is a confirmed poverty larper who gets humiliated in every thread lmao
What do you mean you shit spewing asshole, the lack of actual results are obvious. THE CHAINLINK TEAM IS SHIT, WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND. If you think that this doesnt matter you know nothing about software.
What is wrong with the code?
You do understand that the token is completely worthless without a network, right? And that until that point all trading is essentially speculation?
Circle CL you guys
>What is wrong with the code
Pretty much nothing.
What's wrong with being stupid?
And also,
My fud is that companies won't use smartcontracts anyways, because it isn't that much better than the systems they have in place right now.
where u find this bro