I just realized there is a Star of David on the $1 bill. Right above the Eagle on the backside...

I just realized there is a Star of David on the $1 bill. Right above the Eagle on the backside. What did they mean by that?

Attached: 1461343456934.png (1818x1854, 1.75M)

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That's what bothers you? That creepy eye on the pyramid scares the shit out of me more.

Attached: dollar-bill_reverse.jpg (2000x889, 459K)

what if I told you they stem from the same common belief - jewish supremacy?


written in 1924 :^)

Attached: photo_2018-07-26_12-15-42.jpg (444x402, 36K)

What about this user?

Attached: recycling-symbol-icon-outline-dark-green.png (1200x1171, 86K)

page 77 in the PDF btw

I am sorry but we are going to have to delete your post. This is attracting too much attention. The authorities will be notified. IP logged.

one star for each 13 colonies

13 Arrows in the left fist of the Eagle, meaning 13 garrisons of soliders to kick your ass

13 Olive leaves on the branch of the right to negotiate your surrender

The eagle/pheonix relief is also a grey alien/demon portrait

Six pointed star is the qliphoth, your husk/prison.

Cannot be unseen