I just realized there is a Star of David on the $1 bill. Right above the Eagle on the backside. What did they mean by that?
I just realized there is a Star of David on the $1 bill. Right above the Eagle on the backside...
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That's what bothers you? That creepy eye on the pyramid scares the shit out of me more.
what if I told you they stem from the same common belief - jewish supremacy?
written in 1924 :^)
What about this user?
page 77 in the PDF btw
I am sorry but we are going to have to delete your post. This is attracting too much attention. The authorities will be notified. IP logged.
one star for each 13 colonies
13 Arrows in the left fist of the Eagle, meaning 13 garrisons of soliders to kick your ass
13 Olive leaves on the branch of the right to negotiate your surrender
The eagle/pheonix relief is also a grey alien/demon portrait
Six pointed star is the qliphoth, your husk/prison.
Cannot be unseen
i must know what that was
>when you see it
This is why we norwayfags won`t join EU. They will have to keep their little dickcoins. Best national laugh in ages.
Is that the triforce symbol
tbf I've never even pondered the symbolism of the currency but there is some weird shit on there that no doubt has secondary meanings
who designed it
what did he mean by this? what did he know?
>At the bottom of the seal is a semicircular banner proclaiming "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" meaning "New Order of the Ages" that is a reference to the new American era. To the left of this seal, a string of 13 pearls extends toward the edge of the bill.
>The obverse of the seal on the right features a bald eagle, the national bird and symbol of the United States. Above the eagle is a radiant cluster of 13 stars arranged in a six-pointed star
>These additions were added in 1935
Basically the point where Jews started taking over Western societies full tilt as well as financial systems. Holy shit. And approved by FDR the socialist crypto kike.
Actually pretty damn spooky and unaddressed.
Oh fuck, here we go. You know you've really become a boomer when newfags discovering the JQ & the illuminati banker shit on the dollar bill actually bores you senseless. Old news OP, what did you think all this crypto shot was about? Yeah, obv lambos for Jow Forums but the big picture is ending all that shit.
Yeah but the bigger bigger picture is they infiltrated crypto anyways and now it’s just another way to accumulate goyim dollars
What the heck was this guys problem??
The current design with the star of david has been introduced in 1935, 2 years in the mandate of Roosevelt.
>tfw Sweden is the big dick in the north.
Wait are you memeing? I know global warming is more ((propaganda)) but is recycling apparently evil too?
>tfw I'm living in the European cock.
>satanic symbolism on anything and everything that kikes control
Whats wrong with them?