Do Americans really do this

Do Americans really do this

Attached: 1564524124339.jpg (768x784, 143K)

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Attached: 1564553326473.jpg (1367x2048, 316K)

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infrastructure? yes

why are there so many cars standing in one place probably for hours, that's not okay

That's probably the worst stretch of freeway in LA.

Must be, just found these on the front page and was awestruck

only in shitholes like LA and i think one of these is houston

is wat habben when we stuff 5 million mexicans and asians into one city

think of these images every time you make a butthurt post about how owning a car is normal in the USA

I can tell that's a Photoshop

I hope it's photoshop

It's like a mini norway

Pretty sure this is China

This is the 405 North in LA. Misery is being cooked alive in your car while stuck in rush hour traffic during the middle of July.

do you really think there are people growing cypresses in China

Dude just add more lanes LMAO
Huh? What do you mean it takes even longer now and cost us 3 million dollars?

It's fake af

build more lanes, dumbass

The op is from China, a photo taken of an infamous record traffic jam.


Never been in traffic that bad but I grew up in an area (DC metropolitan area) that has terrible traffic

good we are turning them american.

Yes. And then we eat kfc big buckets, hang blacks, get drunk and wave our flag from mobility scooters

Not fake but it's not America either. Look up traffic jams in china

It's a shop