When will we get news?

When will we get news?

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=deny a motion to remand ripple&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB758GB758&oq=deny a motion to remand ripple&aqs=chrome..69i57.2858j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

0.01 EOY

Attached: cripple.png (1229x578, 63K)

Within 2 weeks

what news are we waiting for?

For Garlichouse to press that big red xRapid button.

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>For Garlichouse to press that big red xRapid button.
In the shorter term we're waiting for news on the q3 sales

...and then?

200 partners


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Cripple hate thread?

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>>xlm nigger hate thread

Cripples are getting very desperate recently. Attacking Stellar any chance they can.


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>Cripples are getting very desperate recently. Attacking Stellar any chance they can.
XLM attacks itself

enjoy your 100% inflation SJW nigger coin

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Why would you want news for this shitcoin? Everything is fabricated and as bad as TRON

>Everything is fabricated and as bad as TRON
like what

My XRP funds just got frozen!
How do I unfreeze my account?
I thought this was a unstoppable blockchain?


is this shit for real? Christ who the fuck gets triggered when someone TYPES backrub????


Could someone tell me why somebody would constantly repeat the same FUD that has been proven false? What is in it for them?

The small amount of people who sees this on Jow Forums isn't going to effect the price that much and on the other hand it keeps being proven false so any lurker has seen this FUD knows its false. Even newfags have seen this FUD and seen it proven false.

Why do people like this constantly repeat the same thing over and over. Is it cognitive dissonance or are they so ideologically against a project that they want to try and "fight" against it hoping a small number of newfags fall for it?

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Bottomless pitsssss

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If its a stupid question it should be rather simple to explain why.

Why? Isn't that chart super bullish?

Like the 'fact' that XRP is not a security...with NO evidence

cause pajeets get paid for XRP FUD

Unironically believing this meme
Hi newfag

it's proven fact, go back to .....

Attached: FUD.png (1800x6792, 2.01M)

No the only proof there is you guys are arrogant! the same fag thing is BS i am on that....

Never, banks don't use it.

>Never, banks don't use it.

kek, what proof do you have? are going to post the howey test?

You you guys have proven to be to dumb to understand that. You can't even see a difference in the SEC v CFTC ffs...I would love to assist you guys, that is actually how this all started....now i just fuck with you cause of your arrogance...

>I would love to assist you guys
go ahead

I would love to, seriously!
First off back in '14 BTC was ruled a commodity (the SEC did want to claim it BUT the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) won, on the premise is that BTC is not of sole benefit, anyone can create a BTC (mine). For that to be mined (created) work had to be put in (PoW). Similar to a commodity like gold WORK has to be put in to get each bit out of the ground.

What is the difference between a IPO v ICO...both are of sole benefit...It was created by 1 entity & the entity has sole benefit from the CREATION. we are not talkin resale here, but how it was created. ripple & all ICO coins are created through sole benefit. that is why the SEC is not interested in BTC & they have said not interested in ETH.....these are Pow & fall under CFTC as agreed in '14. As these coins were premined the work as done by 1 entity.

In '14 it was said 'btc & similar coins'. XRP is not similar (part of the reason why you like it) it was premined.

I know i have said this before. Please let me if you still don't see the difference in the SEC v CFTC as this is where the issues lay in you guys not understanding what i am sayin

>As these coins were premined the work as done by 1 entity.
i was referring to Ripple & ICO coins...

XRP was created by a handful of individuals who donated 80 bln tokens to a company they later formed. Ripple held no ICO and cannot create more tokens. XRP is not "premined" since there is no mining.

Charts are memes, faggot.

>XRP is not "premined" since there is no mining.

under intro & background #3...ripple aggreed it was pre mined.

So sorry bubby, your wrong on that

Yes, all 100 billion XRP existed as part of the genesis ledger. Calling it premined is still wrong regardless of what Ripple thinks.

how would you answer to the counter argument that a xrp coin is not a share in any company like a ipo, and it's value doesn't depend entirely on ripple unlike ipo/icos (third parties contributing to the network)
how would they counter this? ^
if it is a security then why the sec hasn't
ruled it a security yet?
why has ripple won this?

Wow retarded butthurts are still arguing the same shit all over again.

Please go and kill yourself.


Ripple signed that agreement....you can argue but i have showed you the evidence...Besides you are getting off point i am trying to show you base things first as this is the issue of you guys not understanding what i am sayin & callin me a paid FUDDER...whatever it just shows your arrogance.

>how would you answer to the counter argument that a xrp coin is not a share in any company like a ipo, and it's value doesn't depend entirely on ripple unlike ipo/icos (third parties contributing to the network)
I agree completely that it is not a typical IPO!

>if it is a security then why the sec hasn't
ruled it a security yet?
it appears they are letting the ppl take ICOs to court at the moment. I do agree, you would think that the SEC could get more funding to deal with this issue (gov. depts. want to expand)

>why has ripple won this?
They didn't win though...take a closer look the case the defendant voluntarily dismissed the case....Even though that case is over, XRP would have price action if they actually won...they didn't 'win'

>how would you answer to the counter argument that a xrp coin is not a share in any company like a ipo, and it's value doesn't depend entirely on ripple unlike ipo/icos (third parties contributing to the network)
I agree completely that it is not a typical IPO!

>if it is a security then why the sec hasn't ruled it a security yet?
it appears they are letting the ppl take ICOs to court at the moment. I do agree, you would think that the SEC could get more funding to deal with this issue (gov. depts. want to expand)

>why has ripple won this?
They didn't win though...take a closer look the case the defendant voluntarily dismissed the case....Even though that case is over, XRP would have price action if they actually won...they didn't 'win'

Retarded fucks trying to discredit ripple LMAO

Heavy bags of worthless shittokens they have it seems.
All the time and effort just to trashtalk lololol....Someone is very very scared and is running out of time. LMAO see you fucks in the graveyard

>Ripple signed that agreement
And? If the agreement said that the sky was green, does that make it true? Ripple likely had no leverage whatsoever and had to sign it.

Bottom line, premined implies mining. There is no mining. Therefore it is not premined. Bitcoin's garbage tech needs to stop dragging everyone else down. PoW will be remembered as the dark age of cryptocurrency.

>Ripple likely had no leverage whatsoever and had to sign it.
hey you show evidence that it was not pre-mined. I have shown proper evidence...a legal document signed by the parties.

the reality is you are getting hung up on one word 'mine' it don't matter...why you ask? the coins were created for the sole benefit of one entity. No one else can make them like the PoW coins....These coins are not a commodity then like BTC & similar coins...they were created by sole benefit like a IPO....it truly is that simple what i am trying to say

trYIng tO sTatE FacTs

Butthurt delusional buttcoin baghodlers

Gimme moaaar buttcoin forks so people will be more confused on whats the real buttcoin lol

if there are any cripples unironically holding these bags still you're in for the worst justing in the history of finance, cut your losses now before it's too late

that is a diferent case, this is the case the defendant voluntarily dismissed, diferent date

After all the weak hands sell. You know it. I know it. Why are we taking about it?

No market with NY financial license sells xrp because it's a security.

Hey, I am not sure what to say...the links you have provided didn't contain the defantants name...but it is also from Cali & a August date....not callin you a liar or anything but to me those seam to be the same case..more than happy to be wrong though, got any other links? I think there was 3 cases total. Can you link me to to the actual court documents?

Because ripple itself sells it in NY with their fincen license butthurt fucking retard.
nO eXcHangE listS xRp

Those appear to be the same case...coininsider.com/ripple-motion-denied/ if

if you google.com/search?q=deny a motion to remand ripple&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB758GB758&oq=deny a motion to remand ripple&aqs=chrome..69i57.2858j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

all these cases are same as the voluntarily dismissed case....let me know though

Im screenshotting all this fucking nonsense and i will dance on your graves when this shit eats buttcoins dominance.

Please just give up and die fucking cancer of the Internet

>Cancer will sell itself
>Doesn't matter that NY licensed markets won't sell cancer - the argument

>Im screenshotting all this fucking nonsense
you are not readin correctly if you think this is nonsense...come at me with some evidence then cause
>Because ripple itself sells it in NY with their fincen license butthurt fucking retard.
that agreement i believe expired early this year...& that was not about securities...it was about AML....prove me wrong, i don't mind
here is the link to the 'licence'

To all butt hurt Ripplers,

I only started this cause one of your cohorts started a /thread (boards.Jow Forums.org/biz/thread/9920637) tilted 'XRP is not a SECURITY'. I though i should correct him...but found out that all ripple hodlers seam to think there is NO evidence that it is a security....All i was ever trying to do was get you to accept that XRP *POSSIBLY* could be security. You guys gettin all butt hurt & sayin this is paid fud is insane! just simply listen to what i am sayin...present your evidence either way...XRP doesn't care it is fuckin virtual ffs! Please let me know how i am wrong...i don't mind being wrong...its how we learn

So much time and effort in providing accusations and opinions its really pathetic

Something is there what makes you fucking scared about ripple and xrp.

Cant deny this.

See you on the other side of reality

Attached: RippleIsBad.jpg (600x422, 37K)

you provided NO EVIDENCE........I have & will continue to provide evidence.

>So much time and effort in providing accusations and opinions its really pathetic
These are not accusations i have shown facts, unlike yourself....

Look the reality is IF is PROVED not to a security I will reinvest...it will go up in value then...right now it is a risk i will not hodl!

>Something is there what makes you fucking scared about ripple and xrp.
yea there is, the arrogance of XRP hodlers...


I havent even read all the shit here because people spill always the same issues out.
You are clear to go.

Tired of muh ripple scam

cool well if you want to stay uniformed that is your propagative...it appears that you think that a non prosecution agreement is a licence...so your opinions are totally discarded until you present me with EVIDENCE, like i have for you.

See you on the other side of reality

Please stop to appear retarded.

>Im on an user chink board and trying to proof a point

Lmao life is hard

K i will take that as, 'i can't provide any evidence but i am still right'....fuckin arrogant user

If no more rebuttals then let this be the end of the paid fud meme...please know that this is me oNk3WGPR also aka the 'howey test' guy

I am in 10% of pic...the info parts mainly. FYI the samefag thing is wrong, 1 of my posts is confused with another user...I will post this for every paid fud pic...when i can of course


Your "evidence" isn't worth anything. Premined requires mining. Should I buy you a dictionary or pay for an English class?

XRP is open source and decentralized. Anyone can use it for whatever purpose they want. Ripple is not the gatekeeper nor the sole beneficiary. We're seeing exchanges use it as a base trading pair, people like Michael Arrington denominating their hedge funds with it, companies like Coil using it for micropayments, tech-savvy individuals using it for remittance, etc. The idea that it is only for the benefit of Ripple is absurd. Ripple didn't even exist when XRP was created.

I wouldn't want anyone (including Ripple) to have the ability to create more XRP. What Bitcoin has shown us is that block rewards destroy decentralization.

>our "evidence" isn't worth anything. Premined requires mining. Should I buy you a dictionary or pay for an English class?
already answered this btw
>Ripple is not the gatekeeper nor the sole beneficiary
So everyone can make xrp?
plz explain how ripple are not the sole beneficiaries?
who eles creates them?

sry user I did not realise it was the same one...why do you guys bring up the open source & decentralised? how does that have anything to do with what i am sayin?

>Your "evidence" isn't worth anything. Premined requires mining. Should I buy you a dictionary or pay for an English class?
you are literally arguing against a legal document that you guys use to prove its not a security???

No one can make XRP. Is that your only criteria to determine who is benefiting from it?

Because if you're going to claim it's a security you should know that Ripple doesn't have the legal right or technical ability to control the ledger.

I don't use the legal document for that. Nothing can be proven either way. It will come down a court decision.

yea, its deffo one of them...its one of the main consdierations in a security...plz user not trying to bellitle you here, just break it down to basic thing...If i Lauch a IPO, yea a IPO, it is corporation of sole benefit..they are getting more capital to expand the biz. All the shares of that company come from 1 source, the company. Now take the word company out & replace with xrp/ripple/icos in general...

>It will come down a court decision.
That doc was issued buy the Jus. Dept. it is admission of ripples guilt. PLZ KNOW Within that doc. ripple had only just started...so the claims that ppl make that it proves its not a security the just. dept. would not have had enough evidence...BUT within that doc ripple said they were a 'money services business' but now claim to be 'crypto'. really, they gotta pick one.....

If no one can create more XRP then Ripple has no advantage. That doesn't move the needle in the direction of a security. It also doesn't imply XRP is useless to everyone except Ripple. They didn't launch an IPO/ICO/Crowdfund or anything resembling this. They did however raise venture capital money through selling shares of actual stock (not XRP).

And who exactly is making creation of more tokens a consideration? The SEC doesn't get to decide (and they haven't made any official statements even on BTC/ETH). It is up to legislators and the courts to determine.

The document you provided is unrelated to the issue of XRP being a security. That's not what they admitted to. Ripple the company never claimed to be a crypto.

Ya faggots, XRP is the only coin approved by the one and only: GOD. It a dick.

>If no one can create more XRP then Ripple has no advantage.
How did the ones that were created get created? From my understanding the
original cryptographer is @ ripple....
>They didn't launch an IPO/ICO/Crowdfund or anything resembling this.

You need to look up the 'ripple lock up' user


Those tokens never where available for public sale user...i stress the word public as the original guy is @ ripple i belive...

>The SEC doesn't get to decide (and they haven't made any official statements even on BTC/ETH).
they already have... you just don't remeber cause you were not in this space

DO NOT misinterpret that to include XRP... As i have said BTC is under the control of the CFTC

>How did the ones that were created get created? From my understanding the original cryptographer is @ ripple....
They were coded into the genesis ledger by people like David Schwartz, Arthur Britto, and Jed McCaleb. David at least is still at Ripple.

>You need to look up the 'ripple lock up' user
I'm aware of that. The only thing the escrow lockup does is limit how much XRP Ripple has access to at any one time. It says nothing about what, if anything, they will do with that XRP when it can be moved again. It is not a distribution plan.

>they already have... you just don't remeber cause you were not in this space
Please see their response below to an inquiry on xrpchat.
>the SEC has not made a determination as to whether any specific cryptocurrency may be deemed a "security" under the federal securities laws.

user soory plz see my previous post before I read that... I was u aware of how informed you were... Out walkin dog now be back in 45 min

about the class action lawsuit that will destroy XRP fags and cause mass suicides of brainless so.yb.oy.s worldwide?

>soon user, soon

Yo, back user. I should say that i have had multiple ID though out this thead. I will start @ the top

plz read them all....

look user i am not going to comment untll on until you have a understanding of the SEC v CFTC....ffs its simple don't make it complicated...

ok i bit on this one....
>Please see their response below to an inquiry on xrpchat.
hold up user...
in that it says 'As an initial matter, please be advised that notwithstanding any enforcement actions taken by the SEC, the SEC has not made a determination as to whether any specific cryptocurrency may be deemed a "security" under the federal securities laws.'....

I was not talkin about the SEC, Are you seriously sayin that you can't see the difference between the CFTC (which showcase btc on the fuckin home page (cftc.gov/)!!!!!! & the SEC? this is our issue