Why were there so many white Europeans who immigrated to Ottoman empire and embraced Islam...

Why were there so many white Europeans who immigrated to Ottoman empire and embraced Islam? They all seem to have gone on to become notable military and political figures too. Why do we not talk about these people?

Pic related, Mehmed Ali Pasha, born Ludwig Karl Friedrich Detroit, a Prussian who emigrated to the Ottoman empire and became Muslim.

Attached: Mehmed_ali_pasha.jpg (337x524, 78K)

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Legal Polygamy

because we weren't assholes to christians and jewes? your religion didn't matter as long as you were good at your job. Meritocracy at its finest.

Attached: thankssmile.png (900x900, 41K)

See, this is surprising to me. In the west you would never know the Ottomans were so diverse, if we are ever taught about them we are lead to believe it was just another backwards brown Muslim empire oppressing christians. If not for Turkish posters I wouldn't know about how advanced the Ottomans were and how desirable a location it was for many European men and women to live and work. Also surprising is how many Ottoman notables had French wives for instance

Occhiali, an Italian born in Calabria, one of the greatest naval figures in Ottoman history, serving as Grand Admiral for 17 years. He conquered Tunis in 1574.


Attached: Italian Turk.jpg (302x416, 27K)

Dios mio

Protestant traitors felt like home there.

Turkish claws wrote this post

It was even popular back in the day to emulate ottoman culture



It's funny because before 2013 I didn't even know Turkey existed I thought they were just some weirdos from Age Of Empires 3, IRL Turkey is as big as france and spain combined and has like 100,000,000 people living there and Istanbul is 4th biggest city in the world.

Turkey gets no love desu

had enough of babylonian secularist degeneracy and rott.... I guess

Germany wanted to extent its influence and secure a reliable supplier for oil by allying with the Ottoman Empire from the late 19th century onwards. Most notable examples of this are the Berlin-Baghdad Railway and the German Military Mission which trained the Ottoman Army (and enabled them to score some victories in WW1, such as Gallipoli).

Anglo-Saxon education

you people sure are stupid

Ahmet Rüstem Bey (1862–1935), born Alfred Bilinski, was an Ottoman diplomat who served as last Ottoman ambassador to the United States in 1914. Despite neither of his parents being ethnically Turkish, he himself was an ardent Turkish nationalist.

Ahmet was born on Midilli (Mytilene) to a Polish father and a British mother. His father was an aristocrat who fled Poland after the failed revolution of 1848 and entered the Ottoman Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Sadreddin Nihad Pasha.Besides his native Turkish, Ahmet spoke fluent English, French and Italian, and followed his father in the foreign service.He was "high-strung and outspoken" and had a "propensity to challenge people to duels"

Attached: Polish Guy.jpg (203x248, 7K)

>immigrated to Ottoman empire and embraced Islam?

Why did so many Africans immigrate to the deep south and adopt christianity?

hungarians are more smart than ordinary people
dos bistec, sin cevolla, rojo

>Giovanni was captured by Ali Ahmed, one of the corsair captains of Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha, and was forced to serve as a galley slave.[1]

>It's funny because before 2013 I didn't even know Turkey existed
Did you not attend school?

I was exaggerating, I knew it was a country but I thought it was just another arab shithole like Egypt or something. I was actually a history sperg and I would read the textbook in class instead of actually paying attention the power points etc,

Salen dos de asada sin verdura jefe. ¿Algo de tomar?


Who makes these fucking charts? There is 292 viziers on that chart. 4 Hungarians.


There 292 entries. Kanijeli Siyavuş Pasha is in the list 3 times. He is marked as a Hungarian. There is only one other Hungarian on that list. So the picture counts duplicates. GG WP.

I don't know but there is also Hadim Süleyman Pasha. So at least there are 2 hungarian pashas. Don't know about how he came up with 4. Maybe he also used Turkish sources? Why are you so angry btw Tuğrul?

>italian: 3


This guy is best Ottoman Hungarian:


Attached: ibrahim-muteferrika.jpg (1120x1538, 194K)

>I knew it was a country but I thought it was just another arab shithole like Egypt
most americans see us like this dont they?

I'm sure everybody sees us like this all over the world

turkey is an arab shithole deal with it

still better than most of the w*St though in fact third/second world is always better than first world but you can't make money