Overseas North Korean here.
Ask me your questions.
Overseas North Korean here
Can I date you?
I'm gonna send pic of you to kim
every time
why canada?
John oh is this you?
Fuck you pls no.
Can you stop being such a slave to your animalistic sexual desires, faggot?
Why do you look like you just escaped from a labour camp?
Start lifting, Johnny.
Dude he came form NOKO, that's hell there give him a fucking break.
He's not like a dude who sucks dog cock like you, Trudeau.
Why you could escape from NK?
How you could escape from NK?
When did you escape from NK?
What food do you like?
Where do you live?
Whose picture is this?
Cuz kim cant find me :^) my dad stole a lot of money from kims government.
Are you a sleeper agent whose mission it is to kill as many Americans as you can?
You look like my cousin
Based, welcome to heaven.
Enjoy the world dude, get a new name, a new shit.
And you can do whatever you want.
Just reported you to WPK
enjoy your new life in gulag
sorry no sorry traitor
How did you find Jow Forums?
You made it welcome to freedom fren
>Overseas North Korean
>Using Samsung Galaxy S8
No you didn't
I personally had to kill alot of commies to get here. I aint disclosing my location. Im a wanted north korean outlaw.
I filed a report on you to NIS for unauthorized contact with North Korea.
I reported you to a NK agent that I know
how did you kill them
Aren't you scared your handlers are going to whip their slave into shape? Un is fucking pissed.
With a knife and stolen pistols.
Are you one of the 자유조선 / 천리마민방위 ?
I can't believe that there are posters on here who are retarded enough to believe this.
But we don't lose anything even if he was lying
>live in north korea
>escape to Canada
>get stuck in radioactive aftermath when kim sends nukes you paid for in taxes to north america
>can't disclose my location
>posts a picture of yourself
based larper
Speak Korean