/conscript general/

Celebrity death edition

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Is this a general for bvlls?

Yeah Koreans are cool, how's ur conscription? I heard it's pretty bad too

>Tfw dodged conscription due to mental illness
Guess everything has its benefits

Damn, here they'd still make you do clerk duty iirc

It's actually really easy to dodge it here, especially if you're a girl, as a guy you actually need somewhat decent reasons, but if you are an above average liar and have a basic understanding of stuff like depression you can just lie to the psychologist in the recruitment office and they'll let you go, I didn't have to lie about anything tho, I had an actual diagnosis from a psychiatrist.

Does it count if your country makes all males sign up for the draft

Hope you use your two years well

I guess not, since I don't recall America having an active draft now, although Bolton might change that, I hope for your sake he never pushes the Iran button

Why do you guys have conscription? Singapore isn't really under any threat, seems to me like you're just wasting 2 years doing a job thats pretty much useless

i did this too

Seething Islamic extremists at worst, there is a real concern of them taking over governments in our neighbouring nation's, but I doubt conscripts like me will do well in jungle warfare lmao

>get crushed by an artillery barrel

pretty bad. Even severely disabled are conscripted while rich just evade conscription.

pretty grim way to die, previous years were full of NSF deaths apparently

same desu

I don't really know how to react to his death when it could have been avoided imho
Dude was told to move out of the barrel but he still insisted when it was being lowere unless official media can be trusted with that story
But still though it's a grim way to go

The most grim one was the poor guy that got run over by an AFV iirc

But didn't the other post say he dodged it due to his mental illness lul

Worst way to die was that one guy who died during a grenade exercise

Same here, celebrities get pretty much a free pass to not conscript, while others are working their ass off.

I have scoliosis so I didn't have to serve

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Is that the one involving the smoke grenade? That was like 6-7 years ago right?

My time in the army was comfy not gonna lie

Yes it's the greatest time if you're gay

thingken of joining the army. life sucks I just want to get away from it all.
I'm getting fit trying to do pushups and crunches and running beep tests( it's this thing where you run from point A to point B with a beep signalling how fast you should be running)
is it worth it? we don't have conscription. so it's a choice I got to make.

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Your armed forces seem to be much more of a profession than college kids being made to run around in a jungle, so I'd say it's probably worth it

>Dude was told to move out of the barrel
lmao self pwn with an annoying girlfriens

Well I'd trade the 9 months without pussy for the bros I met there any day of the week tbqh

what kind of treatment do the elites’ sons get when they’re conscripted in your country? Singapore’s military does a fine job of taking care of them to maintain its illusion of meritocracy.

We're socialist enough not to have any real elite, but fennoswedes have their own units

Most of the time they serve in urban centers in non-combat roles and are given differential treatment (they don't do a lot of guarding or work in general, they may get to spend a lot of time outside the base doing what they'd do in normal life etc.)

In terms of economic status theres no real difference, everyone gets treated the same as far as I know, any you can't buy your way out, but celebrities get free passes to either not conscript or just go there for like 80 days a year or so and act like they're doing something so people won't hate them.

Athletes get the easy pass here. There was this one NHL player who dodged the service due to "knee problems" lmao

Rk 62 desu