The majority of people on this board in their respective countries would rather call the police and wait for them instead of dealing with a rapist or intruder themselves.
Those are the people making fun of your country and spamming gigachad and soy wojak, and you wonder why this board is so utterly shit to the point where 90% of the regulars stay in a general
The absolute STATE of Jow Forums
The majority of people on this board in their respective countries would rather call the police and wait for them...
Other urls found in this thread:
You are the kind of people that is running this board.
Now gtfo.
We need to make it so only muskets and flintlocks are purchasable for civilians in the United States. Why? Because no one is going to do a mass shooting with a musket and you can still hunt perfectly fine with one as well, hell who knows, it might make hunting more challenging and fun for everyone.
>but-but muh second amendment!!!
Not so fast, while the second amendment says that the we the people have the right to bare arms it does NOT say that we have the right to bare every arm that exists, so this is not at all in violation with the constitution. Checkmate.
Yeah, Americans run this board alright
this post is probably ironic but if it's legitimate you know nothing about guns, don't post about them please
haha remember those fat fuck cops that got owned by a single mere negro with a gun in dallas? haha like can't even remove a nigger with a gun eith the trained staff to the point you have to send an explosive robot to kill him
I keep a gun near my bed, my dad does the same
Refute me, you can't and you won't.
Shall not be infringed
>you can still hunt perfectly fine with one as well, hell who knows, it might
you posted it yourself, you don't know what hunting is actually like and therefore don't know jack shit about what you're posting about, which is guns