One of Macron's paternal great-grandfathers, George William Robertson, was English, and was born in Bristol...

>One of Macron's paternal great-grandfathers, George William Robertson, was English, and was born in Bristol, United Kingdom.[5][6]

Is there a single actual ethnic Frenchman left?

Attached: _103661624_hi049684807.jpg (1024x576, 72K)

oh non non non non

French isnt an ethnicity.
Places like french guiana guadeloupe and mayotte are as french as ppaces like orleans.
There are various langue d'oils that fall within france and also outside of it (channel islands and wallonia).


What is the context of this image?

t. Zakayda Williams

Macron is reenacting the Haitian Revolution

Sorry but that is the fact of the matter. France has made its overseas areas integral.
France contains various ethnic groups and has never pretended to really be an ethnostate

>Is there a single actual ethnic Frenchman left?
If you mean the original ones (the Frankish tribe of Clovis, ca. 500 AD), probably not. And this has probably been the case for many centuries already.

Attached: 1543758627366.png (800x600, 324K)

You're more likely to find them on the countryside.
Do real Anglos/Saxons/Britons/Normans exist? Your genepool is the most muttified in Europe, Nigel. Stop talking shit about France

our prime minister was born in New York

You probably don't know what is an ethnic frenchman. Let me sum it up for you : white european speaking french. Voilà.

We're Celto-Latin-Frankish mutts.
The question you want to ask is either "Is there any descendant of Clovis's tribe left ?" or "Is there a single Frenchman whose grandparents had no other nationality but French"

Attached: 1543758677006.jpg (500x373, 38K)

Cringe, what mutts.

>current prime minister is a USA-born turk

I heard that the French are paying an allowance to Africans so that they do not rape women and burn cars, do not steal. It's true?

Yes we are anglo and do still exist. Thank you for your concern. I know you are desperate for attention thought I’d give this you for you

Your Queen is German, tea chugger.

He's wrong, italoids and spainoids and poloids and portugoids, even though they are nice aren't ethnic french.
Now if you're calling ethnic french mutts because we are celts-latins-germanics well check your fucking flag lmao

Yes user, everything you read on Jow Forums is written by level headed experts about France and Europe, definitely not by obese american children.

> tfw our eternal French rivals no longer exist and the average Frenchman today is either a Spaniard, an Italian, a Algerian or a Brit who started speaking baguette

feels bad man.

Im still here bro.
Although I'm from the north so our ancestors might have raped eachothers at some points

Hon hon hon hon @ you

They are ethnic french, unless you consider ethnic french only gauls, which is highly delusionnal. France is a clusterfuck of ethnicities, we are european mutts, get over it.

Do you believe brits are still worthy adversaries?
Your country is sad to watch

No you absolute idiot, ethnic french might be mutts but they (we) are still their own thing. Spaniards, italians etc all migrated during the 19th or 20th century, the people who were here before all that are ethnic french.
You're either brainwashed or have iberian/italian roots yourself, and there's nothing wrong with that, you're still french in my book of course, but not an "ethnic french"

>European man from a country in the middle of Europe is descends 1/8 from an European neighbor country literally less than 200km of where most of his ancestors lived
Woah crazy how nature do that

i love france!

This explain why he is such a fucking faggot

what a cuck you are

Macron family name is from Flanders