What do Japanese people think of Thai people?

hi I’m a Thaifag heading for Tokyo tonight and i’m kinda nervous how do Japanese people genuinely view us

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I think of Thai people.
Very attractive ladyboys come to my mind.
The sudden urge to visit Thailand.
It fades away as I release myself.
I think nothing of Thailand.

i think you feel hotter than Thailand now but it's only in August

Tanaka Thai Kick is the first thing that comes to mind

Why are you heading to tokyo?
>even the japs think thais of ladyboys
Well fuck are there any nation that don't us as any of these subhumans

unlike chinese or korean, we don't have many oppotunities to meet thai people irl
so you will be treated as just one of foreign tourists

oh yes, hahaha

I’m going there to check around a university I want to enroll into, also buying weeb stuff and explore a bit. I like living in a big city
I love walking around big metropolis

Well then enjoy your trips I suppose

I thought ladyboys were seen favorably in Thailand though? They're pretty cute too.

Most people don't really care about ladyboys that much (atleast in mine area)but to me they are bunch of subhumans

Personally I don't like seeing south asian(philipine vietnam etc). If you see south asian in your town, it means your grade is down

kek, why to go to a place you are considered an inferior and hated due your skin color?

This post is Zainichi Korean. Ignore him.

Japan is strongly united against chinks/gooks. We have nothing against SEA.

I saw quite a few ladyboys during my time in Thailand. Why does your country have so many of them?

As I mentioned before, I’m going to check a university I wanna study in and some other stuff.
Also, is skin color really that matter in Japan?

I don't really fucking know why
Genetic disorder?
Freedom to express?
I don't fucking know!

They are Buddhist and worship Kuan Im, which is both male and female. Maybe there's some relation in that, idk

Doubt it, most ladyboys (or zoomer in general) really don't care about buddhist

I mean, since in Buddhism trans people are not seen as sin or disease, unlike in Islam or Christianity, they are somewhat acceptable socially so they are free to express their trans condition whereas in other place they are repressed, so ladyboys are not common sight.

What is Zainichi Korean?