Are we fucking there yet? bois why dont you just buy the right coin already...

are we fucking there yet? bois why dont you just buy the right coin already? chainlink be shilling the fuck out of this board and still worth 0.3 bucks a piece. we re above 4$ and going up as promised, slowly but steady. any fucking questions?

Attached: sky.png (297x170, 2K)

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OP I think you re wrong, many ppl with heavy SKYcoin bags around. It is going up steady whicg is good. Other alts say they expect a pump but nothing conclusive happens why?

Cause Bradley Sour Cream Synth admitted its a Pump and dump and I don't want to hold bags of some narcistic schizo. Reminder that there's no consensus algo and that it's litterly being hosted on some chink database using excel sheets. Reminder that your ''miners'' are just raspberry pi's that can forward datapackets from the ISP sold at a 100x mark-up.

Reminder that without selling those miners at a 100x markup Synth and Skycoin would be broke.

because they re liars thats why. look at Holo, did you see the pump? was it worth it? NO. will it last? NO. is it a shitcoin? YES

aww shut it mate, still the same old fartsy arguments. we been over those a million times stop wasting everyone s time already

It’s a huge trap dumb nigger

As more alts slowly die, it now surfaces they were all scams. See how all threads on vechain stopped? No more paid shilling that s why

obviously. but no, newfags just have this urge to unload their wallets like they do with cum: fast, messy and off target

Give me some proof then that the Consensus Algo is live

>Synth admitted its a Pump and dump
Statement coming out of your ass with no proof. The telegram with the "insider info" joke is in telegram itself, if you want to scroll up a lot.

>Reminder that there's no consensus algo
Skywire needs to be ready to have the algo running. What part of "in development" you don't understand?

>it's litterly being hosted on some chink database using excel sheets
Sounds legit. Not. There are few nodes owned by the team. Similar case as Neo.

>Your ''miners'' are just raspberry pi's that can forward datapackets from the ISP sold at a 100x mark-up.
Again the same bullshit fud. You get a rebate from what you pay and actually make money from day one.

Say hi to SUB, user.

funny how u tryin to convince yourself bout sky's worthlessness while u missing the whole point of this project
>those miners are just $600, diyz nd skyminerz

same shit happens with ripple

Y iz everyone still askin around about SKY legitimacy when obviously all signs are pointin the right direction

I initially wanted to get Ambrosus and Holo, then changed my mind over Chainlink and SKY, since they re the most visible on the board.. so far SKY performed quite ok, have not sold yet but when it reaches 7 I m pretty happy with that.

>trusting Synth
Yikes. You realize you got dumped on, right? Skycoin dropped from $30 to $3-4. He made a fool out of y'all.

>Not a PnD
Look at the chart
>It's in development
For 6 years user, Skywire and all that crap was supposed to have been released in 2017 already and a year later they only release a testnet
The fact you got a rebate in SKYCOIN is totally besides the point of it being some raspberry pi's that are good for nothing. The rebate is a bonus cause you we're so dumb to believe that paying 1 BTC for a miner worth 600$ and getting the rebate in Skycoin (which on top of that crashed) is a good idea.

Litterly these spooks have just been unloading their Skyscam bags on the community. Reminder that Skycoin was 1 cent in the ICO and wash traded to +1$ on C2CX

so it was a coin gathering and they all decided to dump at the same time on us, dropping 70% of their value? Right!

>are we fucking there yet?
Pretty much. This is ATH for the rest of time.

It was litterly the best liquidity Skycoin had ever seen.

>trusting Vitalik
>Yikes. You realize you got dumped on, right? Ethereum dropped from $1400 to $260. He made a fool out of y'all.

That's how you sound. But thanks, last time there was coordinated FUD on Sky we recovered 14%

And I wonder that will happen to the price after Skycoin team visit TechCrunch from Sept 5th-7th...

Vitalik actually said it was overpriced. Synth is the complete opposite of Vitalik even if he likes to portray himself to be smarter.

There's no coordinated fud, the whole project is retarded and lost its last claim of legitimacy in that whole chinese "kidnapping episode".

FUDding ia helping out a lot. When a lotbof FUD comes in, that means something is moving and fear among the competition fear came along. Same with SKY, as many times is fudded, it means it has something to show.

>so it was a coin gathering and they all decided to dump at the same time on us, dropping 70% of their value?
Pretty much. It's by far the most reasonable explanation.

>>For 6 years user, Skywire and all that crap was supposed to have been released in 2017 already and a year later they only release a testnet

Testnet for the first legit decentralized network that can bring a true change for those uncovered by ISPs

Fiber that can support highly innovative projects like SolarBankers capable to perform 300 transactions per second thanks to Skycoin technology

Affordable hardware wallet that can hold multiple coins

>Talking trash shows how uneducated you are

Oh, and all the attacks over Synth. Fuds is not capable of finding proper negative arguments, so they are using this cheap fudding, saying random bullshit about Synth. Give me a break idiots

The brainlets always seem to cope the hardest.
Synth literally faked being taken hostage as the excuse for dumping $50 million in SKY on bagholders. Falling for this scam a second time would be hilarious.

you're just paroting whatever Synth tells you. There's no factual data to back up any of these claims.

a bunch of psychopaths obsessed with Synth

R you fucking serious??

Skycoin in top 5 as 2018 return

at least before saying shit, do some research.

>>taking the next step in digital currency evolution

True that. few can get crypto right and that's the explanation for all the nonsense fudders are spitting

What is a medium post from some random pajeet supposed to prove?

Happy with SKY and holding on to what I have.

technology is the ket word in this context
few of them get it