What's your reaction when you see this image?

What's your reaction when you see this image?

Attached: 700px-Europe_polar_stereographic_Caucasus_Urals_boundary.svg[1].png (700x545, 136K)


Pretty ^w^

It makes me want to travel more.

The cradle of the European century

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why is greenland not included?


lebanon is too

Because Greenland is North American

so is iceland then

No, they are considered European

Zeus turning into a BLACK BVLL and abducting Europa

cyprus is not europe

white area expands too far east.

I want to be Europe frens, I don't want to hang out with MENA and Turkey...

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I take a moment to appreciate how aesthetic European borders are.

Turkey is in Europe is as well and there is nothing MENA about cyprus. But you can't post on /balkan/

Our enemy

Everything that matters happened here. This is home of the man. I hope it will be united in our life time so we shall rule the world again. This is home. Home of the man. Viva europa.


I feel at home

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>Denmark still exist

I think eastern border should look more like this

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I feel a profound sense of awe

Nothing. I unironically dislike europoors tbqhwy.

iceland is closer to Europe therefore it's considered European, the population is also majorly european, in Greenland most of the population is inuit

based but quite a few of man's accomplishments have been done by us too

more like this
excellent post

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turkey is not europe no matter how you look at it. Cyprus is geographically asian but culturally it's much closer to Greece

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and greece is culturally african

Imperialistic euroscum puts its nose where it doesn't belong and tries to claim lands it doesn't own.

This except Crimea and half of Ukraine

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it would have had more sense if you said genetically because of the greeks being turks meme, but if we're talking culture I'd say western culture as we know it today vastly stemmed from the greek one

Also Belorussia

We Russians hope that our glorious leader Vladimir Putin will cut all kinds of ties with europe and close the borders with that degenerate shithole, like he always wanted to do. Mr. Putin said we have our own, unique, third way of development and independent culture. Like he says we should develop closer relations with pur Chinese brothers and even work on a United Chinese-Russian state project. Most Russians dream about being united with glorious People's Republic of China.


I see greatness

France is the pumping heart of Europe, Germany is the head, Italy is the boot.

Based Eurasian, a descendent of his father Chingis Khan.

finland looks like it has acne scars

We're not e*ropean

sexground, many possibilities

uuuuuh how tf does bhutan get eu imports more than fucking china which is right there

literally who

from us bongs.

mein reich

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I just wish we made Europe great again lol. Also it makes me think Nordics and Northerns will become extint and their countries will be full of muslims


I wish all people that came here in last 10 years would just leave

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my home :)

more like hatred for what is superior to your mutt cunt

Poop hahaha

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Fake continent, it's just western asia.

Europe + Western Asia