I want to be accepted by them more than anything

I want to be accepted by them more than anything

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i accept you

I don't.

I love you

Please fuck me NOW (and yes I’m a girl btw and I want a finnish bf btw)

Don't worry, I've never accepted Ireland.

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what kind of girl?

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The kind with vagene and bobs that occur naturally

I liek u

you mean biological women? Well if you wear a strapon then i guess we could have sex.

noooo finn

I want your dick inside of me, silly boy


Finnish dick lives inside your heart forever

Post dick

daily reminder that finns are mongols, proofed by the nazieugenics in the early 20th century

As a Mongolian Khalkh, i still don't understand Suomi and Mongolian connection. You guys are more close to Svenska.

And that's a good thing!

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Oh a Finland thread, nice. I like these threads

post your tits. i promise i am finnish


Live in Ontario for 14 years, the Northern part of it aswell then maybe.

it's hard to thirst trap finns, we have seen bobs and vagenes all our lives in casual settings

I accept you and shall give you my blessing.

Is that a man?