Why don't you just go back to mexico?

Why don't you just go back to mexico?

Attached: go back.png (603x275, 33K)

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>Mexican foreign minister says country will take legal actions to demand protection of Mexicans in the United States

Attached: 14c2af8efbbd446efbb3b10cce595b43.jpg (640x633, 42K)

they already at home

Attached: 1024px-First_Mexican_Empire_(orthographic_projection).svg.png (1024x1024, 253K)

What's the difference? Mexico and USA share race and culture, they can live in USA if they want

Nothing personal, just taking what it's ours

Attached: n_map_scheme).svg.png (2000x1902, 396K)

>>Mexican foreign minister says country will take legal actions to demand protection of Mexicans in the United States

Attached: 1561551851428.jpg (280x292, 19K)

If they're not first generation, they're not Mexicans.

In that case, it belongs to Spain

They're obviously Mexican nationals otherwise your government wouldn't care. 90%+ of El Paso's population is hispanic.

And this, is the start of final reconquista.

Aztlan shall be annexed.

Attached: pancho_villa.jpg (337x450, 26K)