Was there ever a more cringe resistance movement?

Was there ever a more cringe resistance movement?

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They are a Terrorist organization
>resistance movement
See, targeting civilians is not a part of that. IRA did target civilians.


Black Panthers
Symbionese Liberation Army
Japanese Red Army Faction

>Black Panthers
when the FBI had balls and would hunt them down

if you're not from the place you won't get it

I would argue IRA (provos) is the most successful terrorist organisation
>Symbionese Liberation Army
MY god, they where awful

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They were wildly successful in propaganda and reasonably competent militarily as well. Their bombmaking techniques in particular were on the more sophisticated side and IIRC a lot of other terrorist groups sought out their expertise in this regard.

Baader-Meinhof, Weathermen, literally all of the American right-wing groups are far cringier.

>All these lefties are cringe and bluepilled and unbased !!!

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viet cong

their songs are kino

What do you guys think of Forest Brothers!?
Latvian resistance that included SS legionaries.
Last guy ''surrendered'' in 92 when we got independence ...he was free = mission complete

Top aesthetics

nah, ETA had better aesthetics

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They weren't cringe since they didn't wear masks

Jow Forums

Legitimately terror inducing look.
Too bad they disbanded.

This. They played it out extremely cleverly

>far right
kill your family faggot


Not really. it did happen by rogue elements but for the most part they targeted military/security forces. If they wanted to actually go after civilians the death toll would be immeasurable. If they didn't warn of the Manchester bombing for example the death figure there would have been several times the number of all people that died in the Troubles put together, and that was just one incident.

By not really I mean they directly went after civilians. They are a terrorist group no doubt (both legally and by the dictionary definition of a terrorist group).

Eh not a great idea for any resistance movement to target civilians

Is it even a contest?

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Can't think of a single violent resistance movement in history where that didn't happen.

They were pretty terrible at everything - propaganda, bombmaking, combat, everything. Their recruits typically died by manipulating a bomb while not understanding how it works. Their leaders were known for peeing themselves when they were found by special police. ETA was defeated because it was just a matter of time, they were simply too incompetent. They only killed like 900 people in 40 years. Americans can score a higher body count in a single schoolyear.

>Americans can score a higher body count in a single schoolyear.

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>killing anglos
The IRA only kills Irishmen.

holy shit, this is some terrible larping
>Americans can score a higher body count in a single schoolyear.
fucking KEK

>Americans can score a higher body count in a single schoolyear

ETA are the coolest CS:GO terrorists tho (aside from maybe the bank robbers)

Well there's the Conservative Party, the DUP-


Oh, nevermind, the aforementioned fuckers don't resist anything unless it's proposed by someone without any inbreeding.

When the English murder civilians it's geopolitics.
When the Irish murder civilians it's terrorism.

>Americans can score a higher body count in a single schoolyear

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suck my dick faggot

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Black Panthers killed more of each other than anyone else. The SLA got all of themselves killed in a house fire. PFLP just made everyone hate them.
They were cringe but you can’t knock the ETA.

>800 years of oppression
>win independence
>70 years of grinding poverty
>20 years of prosperity
>over-run with immigrants invited by Ireland's own political class

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If they'd done it with aircraft and by the hundreds of thousands you'd be sucking their dicks you coward

>Ireland's own political class
All democratic politicians are capitalist whores.
In Ireland the state as it stands was founded as a puppet government to suppress nationalism, so it's no surprise they'd be particularly traitorous.

They bombed only Protestant businesses because attacking Catholic ones would cost them local support. Billy McKie admitted as much. They were functionally a sectarian organizaton. Nowhere near as bloodthirsty and nihilistic as e.g. al Qaeda but hardly commendable either.

No problem with this.
They're just people moving and working here man, what's your problem? They all speak English and don't even pretend we'd all be solely Irish speaking nomadic gaels dressed and living like the Irish 5000 years ago if it wasn't for immigrants who only started coming in the late noughties, they're doing nothing wrong stop being triggered by literally nothing when literally everything else in Ireland is a bigger problem than non whites, non Christians or non Irish wanting to live here.

serious question. If Brexit results in Northern Ireland having a border, will Southern Ireland/IRA freak out?

>how dare Britain control Northern Ireland, only the EU gets to do that!

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no, your whatever country your born in is who you are to the new generation

mbokos, ahmeds, and zhangs born in ireland is irish an aunt and uncle born in the north of ireland is british because they were born in britain, anyone can be irish except our own relatives born abroad the new generation hates irish americans, irish catholics, up north, hates all their previous generations, hates catholics, loves muslims, loves abortion, loves gays, loves diversity, simple as you'll never see irish patriots again we're just americanized leftys making our country whatever californians on twitter would cheer on.

That's one of the problems, the good Friday agreement mandated a porous border with Ireland so they have to make that work somehow

>*Accomplishes fuck all*

At least the IRA actually achieved something

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Who the fuck are these guys?

Nah, we'll undo anything important to the Irish people to the EU without any input from the people and propogandize how great the change is until everyone is convinced how great this new change is until it becomes fundamental to what being Irish is and anyone still holding what was previously the unilateral opinion is a disgusting throwback, we love the eu and why would you want something they don't are you an evil double agent for the british??? the government finds it easier to just change people's minds over here than to even acknowledge whatever we want.

>making things work

This is the dickhead who was told he shouldn't buy a watercannon as it wasn't allowed to be used in the way that he wanted to use it, he bought it, and was fucking surprised when he had to sell it because he couldn't use the fucking thing.

Now he's hiding from the EU as he can't let it slip he hasn't got the faintest clue what the fuck is going on.

Symbionese Liberation Army was peak turboautism. Did they even have an ideology?

They were also funded by anyone who did not like the British from the soviet union to Libya.

All races, genders, nations and ages working together as one in a socialist commune living together as according to the tenants of Kwanzaa.

At least we know who is the most based one.

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And so the Americans funded them too to keep the Soviets out lol

this but unironically.

>small country with almost no industry wants to import millions and double its population because of diversity hype

yeah, what could go wrong.

If we only kept anyone who was pure Gaelic we'd have to deport half the country, if we only kept those who could speak Irish the whole country would only have a few hundred people. Now imagine importing enough people to have the population of France or Germany, we'd be unstoppable. Ireland needs diversity to survive let alone thrive. Stop reading white nationalist propaganda and just wish us the best mexibro.

China and other manufacturer countries are trembling by the potato.

do you happen to have a big crooked nose?

>becoming a minority in your own country doesn’t matter
>t. “Nationalist”

September 1, 1939 a group attacked the polish which created a large amount propaganda.. some of it involving a wall being torn down..

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Why do you care what Ireland does or what happens to it? Care about your own places if you're so big on nativism and racism, and if you must share it keep this kind of white genocide scaremongering trash lies on pol and reddit

Why do you come to an international discussion board if you're not concerned about other nations and think others should only concern themselves with their nations? If you don't want his input on Ireland, which is valid, and only care about what Irish people think about Ireland then go to an Irish website

Oh well, I suppose it'll do no harm the only people who'll share your opinions on the new Irish are foreigners solely found on the internet, crazy how people that aren't of Irish origin wanting to just live here in peace are the bad guys but the people wanting to expel anyone that's not genetically purely Gaelic and monolingual in Irish are the based good ones you agree with. Your ideals and racism will never get into power, all you'll have is foreign poltards whining about the same stuff you do. I dare you to tell immigrants and their descendants in real life what you post about them here and I'm guaranteed your name will be in the obituaries probably from the hands of another Irishman.



If you settle an area that isn’t yours, you are part of the occupation, not a civilian.

>Black Panthers
cringe & crackapilled

>Was there ever a more cringe resistance movement?

yeah the other side

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i think rojava is the peak cringe

full of w*Men
lost every single war they fought, only won due to USAF
only supported by soys
full of indian looking gypsies

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The PLQ was a lot lamer (I forgot what that acronym stands for but it was the militant branch of the Quebec separatist movement). Back in the 70's they were starting to grow some balls and actually killed a few people, but then old man Trudeau put soldiers on the streets of Quebec and they caved like a house of cars. If the French had the balls of Irishmen they would have went full Troubles, but instead they pussied out and the separatist movement died.

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*is dangerous enough such that much of the world sees israel as having justified security concerns*
*but not dangerous enough to achieve significant goals by coercion or force*

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Extreme homosexuals(but unironcially)