Why aren't we considered Western?
Why aren't we considered Western?
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Not white or rich
Spain, The USA, Portugal, Romania and etc aren't white
bc we are poor.
no country in the west is white anymore
Currently South America is whiter than most European/North America countries
Chile is richer than a bunch of Euro countries
Romania is not western either and despite the memes they are white
SOVTH BRAZIL is white AND rich
west = countries that lost their own culture.
I hope my country will never be considered West. We are much more than just west, 60 different indigenous languages, multiethnic and pluricultural by Constitution.
Because you Africa tier shithole
only the poorest ones tho'. And barely so.
"Western" should be above 20 000 per capita GDP nominal. You're cutrrently 8000
I told you why. This is not up for debate
You don't even have your own culture
Equatoguinea confirmed for Western.
whiter than you, mohammed.
And WE wuz kings
it's because uninterested foreigners paint all of latin america with a single brushstroke.
they believe that from tijuana to punta arenas we are all the same indians with feathers up our butts
We do the same with other continents and Cultures (chinos, turcos, negros, gringos etc)
>Romania is not western either and despite the memes they are white
Latin America is Western, just really poor and dumb. Like the slum of Western culture.
Good. Fuck the west, we shall rise as the true and rightful successors of R O M A
What's so good about being western?
t. cultureless Wh*te Anglo cuck.
I don't what being white means but for sure they are not Western
You have to go back
A then the orcs from SHITaly invaded us
You unironically have to go back to Romania
You are not Italian
I am Italian
Thank god i am not, you miserable arab rape babe
jajaja sopa de macaco
uma delicia
Both Brazil and Argentina are more relevant than your non-country will ever be.
What country is EEUU? United States?
Estados Unidos
Native and African influence
>that flag
>"african influence"
What does being white have to do with anything? Russians are white and they're the nemesis of the West.
I consider you to be western.
I think its more of an american opinion because they want to contrast themselves from you guys.