What should I think about this whole Hong Kong issue, Jow Forumsbros?

What should I think about this whole Hong Kong issue, Jow Forumsbros?

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Why does it even matter if you don’t live there? Think for yourself instead being told how to think.

There's so many opposing views so I'd rather get the basics of it from people with criticle thinking and who are up to date with world events. Btw, just realized I'm on the wrong board xD

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Why do you care about ch*nkoids

Cute selfie =)

This is an international board man! XD I'm curious about international cultures and politics!

lol tru XD

why bother worrying? it's not like you have he power to change anything, just relax shitpost about it. like with everything else

Do you sympathize with the HKers?
Also notice none of the protestors were adults during the handover

Do you support (((democracy))) or the based chinks actively persecuting muslims

It's not a democracy question, HK can be a dictatorship and the same crises can arise, namely extradition of serious crimes. Kind of like ICC jurisdiction problems

The CIA detractors need to be put in their place
the "hongkongers" who defend this shit are hanjian race traitors


Why did the janitor delete the other HK thread but lets all these troll threads stay up?

HK is based, fuck ma*nland ch*nks


its the most anti entellectual shill i ever read in this shithole what the fuck it means dont think about it .


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? Why are you such a retard? Every opinion expressed here is inherently biased. If anybody wants to learn more about the situation they should carefully do there own research and if uncertain about the facts of the matter, ask specific questions for clarification. Asking for people’s opinions, especially on a board notorious for its racism, misogyny and hatred is really asking to be fed shit. So please KYS dumbass.

Honk Kong was always rightful Chinese clay

Notice how HK never rioted for the dire conditions of their working class, but as soon as the CEO's are in danger magically """"the people"""" are in the streets protesting for """"democracy"""" and waving US flags around.

Free HK

from the chains of the bourgeoisie

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Serious question here. How is telling user to do his own research and come to his own conclusion in anyway be construed as an expression of an opinion that is pro-China?

>Why does it matter if you don't live there?

Exactly why Xi should fuck off, he doesn't live in Hong Kong.

Jesus Christ, do all Polish just bend over and do their best goatse impression, or do you just need to export your bottoming fetish into all areas of life?

Well funny you should mention that since it’s not Xi pushing the extradition law, it’s the CEO, who is a resident of Hong Kong.

>implying Xi isn't leaning on people, lest they suddenly get caught guilty of "tax crimes"

Fan BingBing tried to run to the west, and look what happened to her. Can't have a "pure" celebrity run off to an entirely different nation, it looks bad.

Yeah asking directly how should i think is about x is not a right thing to do.Especially in a board like Jow Forums as you said.But i am still behind what i said.Discussing international matters itself a entellectual activity and public opinions can lead policies.

he literally said

>>What should I think about this whole Hong Kong issue

and your reply is attacking me for telling him not to open his head to biased opinions and instead do ones own research and ask specific questions for clarification than after form his own opinion on the matter. you still stand by what you said? what exactly did you say except that me telling someone else to do their research is the 'most anti entellectual shit i ever read'.

damn son, neck yourself.

Don't give a fuck about Asia

Apathy is death.

if you're implying that Xi is ordering the CEO of hong kong to do his bidding, can you provide evidence that suggests so?

Well there was a thing which i am a bit iqlet and by ''think for yourself'' i understood care about yourself not others but not have a individual mindset.İ i apogolize for that nonsense

go off a balcony is spain, scumbag

well now i feel bad for insulting you. =(. have a good day.


hong kong is china

I hope president Xi will brutally and mercilessly crush these agitators working on behalf of foreign powers.
Long live the CCP
Long live the People's Republic

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First off, basic "national obligations" mean citizens are more obligated to push their countries interests, exponentially more the more powerful they are.

Then there's the problem of distinguishing between national and state owned businesses in China. China even informs companies in laymen's terms that "buckle up, we go ahead on national policy if you're ready or not". Bucking the curve is in general, not a good idea.

However, if you work with China, or are important enough, they'll have your back. See Meng's entire debacle over Huawei. This point is rather obvious, but I felt the need to mention it, as it leads into the next point.

That being said, if you defy the curve, stop appearing in Chinese films, or work against party interests, you can often "disappear" in China, until you're suddenly released, having signed a confession to having committed tax crimes.

Now, you have Hong Kong. It's chief executive has to be approved by China first, which wouldn't be too bad were it's leader not every party leader after Mao's worst nightmare i.e. someone who thinks they are Mao. Enter Carrie Lam, creates the extradition bill, and all of a sudden, things get a bit darker. The balance between pro China and pro freedom gets more violent, as now Hong Kong citizens will be able to disappear in China, should they displease the communist party.

Naturally, the bill is partially withdrawn, which basically means that'll put it forward again when things aren't looking so tense. However, Lam's resignation isn't going ahead despite pretty much everyone finding it more convenient for her bad taste to be out. Leaning? Probable, but I concede, not proven.


More sources wont fit.

But it's called Hong Kong. And it's under a dual protection, rule, and freedom policy that says that no, it's explicitly not China.

This. Fuck Western lapdogs in Hong Kong. Long live the Chairman Xi and the CCP.

sorry but where in this response addresses my question? do you have evidence to suggest that the CEO of hong kong is taking direct orders from Xi or the PRC? i'm working under the principle that claims need to be substantiated for them to be true, not merely innuendo.


>China supports Carrie Lam
>China condemns protesters
>China won't let Carrie Lam resign


>go to China
>get organs harvested
Haha based

Based, China will continue strong forever

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paywall but i think i can piece together your argument. correct me where im wrong. are you saying that Carrie is not able to resign? how do you know she wants to resign in the first place? secondly, china supports Carrie Lam and condemns protesters. there positions align, but again, how does that prove that Carrie is taking orders from the PRC? are they not allowed to have the same opinion unless one tells the other how to think? if so, provide evidence?

>It's all a coincidence, honest! The correspondence, the opinions, the national views being exactly the same!

Were you just enjoying a succulent Chinese meal, as the police dragged you away user?

there is a difference between conjecture and evidence. if we are allowed to insert our own opinions into scenarios to come to a conclusion, what's the point of even having this conversation? Carrie was in the basket of candidates vetted by the PRC because she has Pro-Beijing leanings. that's not to say that she is taking direct orders from Beijing. can we comprehend that idea?

China is the most beautiful country on Earth

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The cause of the PRC is righteous, the struggle against the separatists in Hong Kong is part of the struggle against the western imperialists.

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Xi isn't involved in these protests against the capitalist Hong Kong city government.

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I lived in HK for a year when I was 16-17.
Mainland China is tightening its grip every day. The people there doo not want to be part of China and they feel lile they are being slowly swalowed as the world just watches.
The average Hongkonger is way more educated and less of a bug-person than your averache Chinaman. The latter has nok regard for others and no respect for western rule of law.
I hope they break away and become their own thing, but it's unlikely

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More opium, Chang?

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Well put