What would your investment strategy be AFTER winning Powerball?

What would your investment strategy be AFTER winning Powerball?

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Do whatever the fuck I want

coke and escorts

Mega Millions, all-in

Rental property and dividend yielding stock

Become a whale and manipulate prices on exchanges

Go from millionaire to the first trillionaire in human history

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Buy more Powerball tickets.

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Diversifying. Based.

your 70% of your money would just be digital because you wouldn't be able to cash out/ use any due to lack of cash availability from exchanges.

Unless we overtake mass adoption

Divide my portfolio 4 ways

25% EAT
25% FIT
25% GAME

Donate it all to the United Negro College Fund and start from 0.

all-in on HOT.

How do you get from the powerball (after taxes)? I don't keep track of lotteries.

how much*

I would just invest it all into index funds. If you put 500 million into funds even just 2% of that is $2 million per year, and then your money keeps growing and you can become a billionaire.

I live on less than 30k a year. If I just had 2 mil from powerball every year I could live my dream life

would buy like 200 million FUN, then a bunch of div stocks and daytrade the rest

40% in a CD account making 2% per year
25% index funds
15% crypto
10% real estate
10% precious metals

This is the correct answer to hedge against any and every possibility and keep yourself safe in any scenario

Honestly the interest from a savings account is still tens of millions of dollars (powerball rewards you in the billions). I'd probably diversify into savings accounts at different banks and be content with that.

Where do sluts fall in?

>current year + 2
>not volcel

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2% a year doesn't even cover inflation. low class scum piss me off. why are you guys so dumb?

2% a year is insanely low. That's treasury bond levels, not index funds. Indexes average 10% a year. Subtract 4% for inflation (even though inflation is typically lower) and you get 6% profits. That's 30 million a year. I actually like using 2% as post inflation profits, just so I don't get too greedy though. With that much money I would be extremely conservative, and 7% is pretty easy to get. That's still 10 million a year post-inflation profits.

His math was wrong, but you're being a faggot. 2% is obviously going to be post-inflation. You'd know that if you weren't a LARPer.

thank you for saying what I thought was obvious

I meant to say 10 million per year, not 2 million. The point is I would barely touch it. But honestly if I won like 500 million dollars I really wouldn't even worry. You could budget 10 million a year and still have 50 years. Most likely I would invest and save not for myself but for my descendants

60% responsible things: index funds, REITs, blue chip corporate bonds, etc.

40% hedges and speculative things: precious metals, paper cash, farm land, crypto, startup equity, etc.

Buy all/majority of the brothels in my city (quite regulated here so starting new ones is insanely difficult), do them up (they are mostly dumps) and bring in the money until they are dumps again then flip them.