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anyone here play the guitar? i want to learn but i don't know anything about guitar brands and how much i should spend and all that. can i get a good starter guitar for
will be sick when jo swinson is pm init
finally a break from the two party system
Normal wing males > normal wing males > racist males > antifa males
From alpha to beta
werent the lads in ww2 antifascist
Those who fear their guitars are essentially cowardly faggots who have allowed themselves to be conquered by perverse tendencies. They are unable to sit anywhere for six hours under any circumstances. Their span of attention is short, but what is worse it that they don't care. They don't even care to learn how to lengthen it. They have constituted themselves essentially as hatred, opposition -- pure negativity. They are not feminine men. Homosexual guitar playing is an imitative gesture of the non-essential (i.e. temporary) characteristics of women -- bitchiness, frivolity, flightiness, and super-sensitivity. These superficial characteristics are not the essence of the feminine. Look at the homosexual guitarist pick up the guitar -- he is afraid to touch it. He is afraid of it. He thinks it hates him because he hates so much. He has constituted his spirit against -- he is against life. He is a Nazi. His geritics are against freedom. He is a totalitarian a heart, but he has no power. He must overcome this fear of the guitar. And he can. The guitar must be his secret love, narcotic, whatever image he prefers. But, he cannot forget to abuse it also, to learn to bang on it and to make a percussion instrument of it, to play hard on it, to bend it to his will.
Normal right wing > normal left wing *
just back gents who is still crying about the human eye being better than the best camera because it isn't haha
rebel without a pulse