This is a 6/10 in italy

>this is a 6/10 in italy

Attached: 565463456.jpg (537x692, 50K)

>those eyebrows
close but not quite

What's wrong with her nose

She's 6/10 everywhere in the world

she got the pyramid look


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this is a 4/10 in brazil. it's above obese, pretas and pardas no doubt but we're anal about noses.
something alongside nicole kidman is what we call rich person's nose

should I make a tinder? i don't have any pictures of myself doing anything interesting

As if you get your dick ready anywhere close to a 2/10 irl
We are all chads on the internet mate, all of us, ready to judge anp spit on others with a face
But i can bet my left nutsack on a stump that only one in 20 posters itt got laid at all
Learn from me lads, the ugly ones are your ticket away from wizardry and failiure as a human.
Its what is in your rang, what is on your level.
Id fuck her
Id fuck her a lot, but i wouldnt walk her holding hands or anything

(Only italians believe that they are one of the beautiful people...)

Ancient aliens engineered that nose.

why are you contradicting your own statement

If you are on dating websites or social media(same thing) you areprojecting yourself to the globe that you are lonely and without knowledge on how to get a mate
Dont do that if you have any self respect but instead approach women directly without any shame or self awareness
You will get rejected but it builds character and you will grow balls not even 5 years of lifting can even suggest.
7 rejections like that and you will get the hang of it.
Should have started when you were 16 but 10 years late is better than 20 i guess

Nobody can hate the Italians no matter how hard they try, there might be some truth to it in the end.

post 10/10

that's a cope any girl/guy that was blue eyes in Brazil is over 7/10

Nah. We have our perks. Straight hair is probably the most desireable trait a guy can have for a woman, followed by nose shape and hair color/ eyes. Someone like pewdiepie here with that nigga nose would be considered a NEGROAÇO, which is often times what we consider a nigga in white disguise. like pic related
the ammount of girls I've heard saying that is off the hook

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We're not Portugal

Good thing her cheeks can see clearly now

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this is such dumb german humor but I still laughed god damn it

nigga theres a dutch youtuber girl that doesn't even speak portuguese and you niggas give her million of views per month just because she has blonde hair and blue eyes

>laughing at bad german jokes
I feel absolutely no shame desu