Do you prefer to be ruled by chinks or by russians?

Do you prefer to be ruled by chinks or by russians?

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i prefer to be ruled by no foreign power
only a soyboy incel cuck need a master

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Russians. At least they will leave me alone if I live a rural life.


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What if you have no option to rule yourself?



Just so you guys know, Russians are not white



Chinks, because "ruled by Russians" means "ruled by Jews"

Ugh oh

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you'll have one anyway, puny narcissist. now pick between whites or slant-eyed insects that burn dogs

go to space and return stronger to kill those sons of bitches

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blessed post

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why would you grab quints just to say nothing? nobody's that arrogant, are they?

true words
but if you happen to be ruled you'll hate your master no matter who he is so it doesn't make any difference. nobody wants to be ruled. usa or chinese hegemony who cares, might as well be the chinks


Russians because at least Russians are human beings.
I've never seen a video of a Russian trucker running over a toddler and then backing over his corpse to make sure he's dead. I have seen multiple videos of chinks doing this.

Russians. At least some of them white. I don't want to be ruled by some insect taking revenge for muh 100 years of humiliation blah blah blah.

>you'll have one anyway, puny narcissist. now pick between whites or slant-eyed insects that burn dogs

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meanwhile is "wish I had a bf, seems comfy desu"
fucking swedes

russians because they're incompetent

He did it to confirm russians are not white

Just give up free elections. Surrender yourself to apolitical bliss.
We will not go big brother on you, unlike chinese.

oh whoops I meant

+the fact more grave that they used to kill their daughters

russians are evil but they are a bunch of drunkards so I think I could evade them

going to have to confiscate that

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Hopefully both.

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in life
we are to dominate others
not to be dominated

Russia, I trust them more oddly enough.

So russians then?

>Russia evil
Fucking kek amerishart

Russians. Been there 4 times and never had any issues.

Russia, but not Putin's Russia.

yeah, yeah
imposing your will unto others is pretty much life's goal

Chinese, they have better food and more attractive women. Slavs are subhuman vile creatures.


>t. Subhuman

No u

Funny how amerishart is saying this, while his tribe killed and enslaved hundreds of million people around the globe, infesting humanity with poisonous westerned "culture". Slavs are angels compared to you mongrels.

See how the slavs recoil in fear and anger when they are called for being the abominations that they are? They have no dignity, no culture, no identity, no humanity, and no ambition. Slavs belong in zoos not in houses.

İ prefer being ruled by ISRAEL.

Russia is better than all yours subhuman nature and kind.

Not very halal of you

believe what you like, you're a foreigner with no knowledge of my country

your preference won't stop them from owning your country like a slave lol.


>See how the slavs recoil in fear and anger when they are called for being the abominations that they are? They have no dignity, no culture, no identity, no humanity, and no ambition. Slavs belong in zoos not in houses.

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how surprizing

then i will lauch a guerilla and slice all chinks throats in the night like a ghost

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Russians I guess, as long as they don't relapse into Soviet autism.

good luck desert fellow

Die at the gate of the airport

compare our countries and think why. They are obviously more successful

Name a single internationally recognized slavic dish that isn't a cliche. Protip: You can't. The only things slavs are good at is literature.

Russia ruins everything it touches, don't doubt their capacity for autism

Russians I guess, as long as they resurrect the Soviet Union.

Whatever isn't Russia or USA. Fuck you two.


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It doesnt matter if they are more successful if they exploit you

Being ruled by any of them would be based

couldn't be any worse for you lot
Read it nigger.

Only slavs which good at literature are only russians.
And ton of other things and inventions made by russians

Neither, I am fine with jews for now.

And why is that?

russians don't rule anything. Someone always rules them

Did a Russian guy fuck your gf or something?

russians because they're incompetent

Stop projecting

You can try to change that

He is not even russian

is this even a question? just look what the russian janny is doing on this board, chinks are surely more democratic

You can see for yourself how the protests in Moscow ended


Scum got beaten.
And no, I'm not a jew.

You anti-russian brainlet

I pick the soulless Chinese because whites ran their own countries into the ground with their emotions. It's better to eat fetus soup and boil dogs alive than to fall for the humanitarian meme and treat minorities like people.

>haha China man eat baby
Do you enjoy being this fucking ignorant and stupid?

you actually have a point
I choose Chinese.

Slavs arent white tho

why racist slurs for chinese but not for russians


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>he doesn't know about human body pills from china lmao

China because they're communists.

Me vas a disparar en gualmart incelin o que.

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*Incelin del perro

Russia and China are not equals Russia is basically in the same bracket as Iran and Saudi Arabia. China's only equal is America. The rest of the world must choose between America or China

Kys chink


let each of them think that they rule us
but memes aside I would prefer russians
chinks are subhumans

Yeah,but OP say Russia or China.

Chinks ;)

Russians. It's not even a contest. The Chinese government is probably the worst thing ever in the history of man.