>Iran - Land of Aryans
>India - Land of Poo
>East Asia - Land of Bugs
>Deutschland - Land of People (Deutsch means People)
>America - New World
What does your region or country's name mean?
>Iran - Land of Aryans
>India - Land of Poo
>East Asia - Land of Bugs
>Deutschland - Land of People (Deutsch means People)
>America - New World
What does your region or country's name mean?
Other urls found in this thread:
land of people who fucked indo iranians in their asses
Mine mean land of the people that live in the kingdom under the rule of the french king.
But that is only if you make the difference between REX Francia and REX Francorum.
What the fuck is this larp?
>says this while his country's name is literally a persian name
i dont know
>America - New World
Literally named for a nigga called Amerigo Vespucci
stole their land, stole their name
and what ya gonna do about that niggers
Not gay
>stole their land
land of the afghans (pashtuns)
its a really creative name
go fuck yourself, Fersian
>stole their land
What are you talking about? Seriously, what are you even trying to imply with your larping?
I never understood why Iranians in the US call themselves Persian. Do they think it'll make them western because it's an Ancient Greek word?
shut the fuck up already you imbecile
because they are cucks, why else?
they dont give a fuck about their national identity, but still want that exotic label attached to them
Hitler didnt include sandniggers in his definition of aryan tho (which was for germanic and scandinavian)
Black Mountain. It was named after a black mountain.
Kazakhstan was Scythia an indo Iranian group
Literally Indian Islands
Persian is an ethnicity and language. Iranian is a nationality
This name is much older than the National Socialist definition.
On the other hand, when the name aryan was first written down in 1500 BC the ancient iranians were much lighter than today, and only got mutted some centuries later.
I feel you
>the ancient iranians were much lighter than today, and only got mutted some centuries later
No. They were a bit browner before. They only became a bit lighter after they immigrated to Iran because it is a mountainous region.
>Hitler didnt include sandniggers in his definition of aryan tho
Are you saying Hitler invented the word "aryan"? Really? Are you this fucking retarded, monkey? Do you think Hitler invented the swastiska too? Referring to Iranians as sand niggers is retarded since there's very little sand in Iran.
>Persian is an ethnicity
nah, it's a nationality because you are considered persian if you are indo-iranian and speak farsi as your mother tongue.
American on vacation
Means ”United States of Getting Shot”
Indian as Indian ocean though.
Land of Goguryeo Baekje Silla
Indian from Hindia from Hindi which mean poos.
So we are island of poos.
Lion City
>ancient iranians were much lighter than today, and only got mutted some centuries later.
Nord cope
Wrong, your people are mutts
No idea what your meme picture is supposed to prove but Iranians were browner until they settled in Iran because their mountainous environment made them paler.
Ancient Iranians aka proto Iranians were nomads who left Central Asia.
Kazakhstan was Indo-European before it got TURK'D
I see that the gayrap autist with yellow fever from Jordan is still being a sperglord.
The gayrap autist is so delusional that he believe Iranians and ancient Greeks stole from semitic goat fuckers. Just let that sink in for a moment on how delusional and autistic he is. In fact, he is so butthurt and autistic, he took a gayrap bingo and replaced "arab" with "persian".
>ywn be a goat fucker with severe autism
feels good man
It shows that ancestors of the Iranians who lived further North had green/blue eyes and brown/red/blond hair. Their related populations that stayed in the north remained light-coloured longer.
Pretty sure Australia literally means ‘southern’
But the filenames are different
>It shows that ancestors of the Iranians who lived further North had green/blue eyes and brown/red/blond hair
Nice larp
>But the filenames are different
He's changing it because he is that autistic.
It's not a larp, their genes don't lie. But if that's what you want to imagine to cope with it then go ahead.
>their genes don't lie
Yeah there are so many Iranians in the "north" that have green/blue eyes and brown/red/blonde hair LOL.
You are delusional.
Persians are an ethnic subgroup of Iranians. Only about 60% of Iranians are Persian
There were in 1500 BC when the name Aryan was first written down
It means Land of the BVLL
Italia = BVLL
No. Persian is not a race or ethnicity. It's a term for anyone who speaks Farsi and nothing else.
>muh ancient iranians were nordic bro, trust me
ok, nice larp and cope, norcuck
Gael Land (should have been called Albany instead, sounds more based)
>writes cope in order to cope with facts that he doesn't like
But Deutsch means german so its translated to german land
uruk(city, means "the city")---->iraq
Deutsch is an evolution of theudisk which means "-of the people".
>The gayrap autist is so delusional that he believe Iranians and ancient Greeks stole from semitic goat fuckers
they did, Achaemenid Empire even used Aramaic as state language and lingua franca
Parthia had Aramaic as lingua franka too
in fact none of the "persian" empires had persian as either state language or lingua franca
it's rather pathetic that you're we wuzzing basic history in order to impress half illiterate sow niggers who feel a cultural relation to you since you both were raped by horse nomads 5000 years ago
Al-Jazayir (Algeria) means the islands literally. The name was taken from the old name of Algiers "Islands of mezghana tribe".
>America - New World
Yeah lol. I bet he doesn't know about Amerigo Vespucci.
Shia Islam is based like Catholicism though.
>Amercia - new world
'America' comes from the name Amerigo, the italianized Form of Emmerich.
Uhh, your people are the goat people, arabs raise sheep and camels.
>Metzli xictli ko
>Place in the Belly of the Moon
Ok then.
is aust not eastern
Morocco (in arabic al Maghreb) means the land of the west
austral means south
You're thinking of Austria from österreich
Who is this demen semon?
Sudan - land of BLACKS
Well Polska comes from the name of the tribe that unified the country, that being Polanie. Basically Poland means "Land of Fields" and Poles are "People of the Fields". Fitting considering we mostly live on lowlands.
>probably land of many rabbits
The frontiers
France - Land of the Axemen
There's no consensus on where the word Suomi originated from, but one of the more accepted guesses is that it'd mean "boglands", supported by the people of Suomi being suomalainen.
>"The word "fen" is derived from Old English fenn. from Proto-Germanic *fanja. Cognates include Gothic (fani), Old Frisian (fenne), Dutch (veen, ven) and German (Fenn(e), Venn, Vehn, Feen, Fehn)." (Wikipedia) Tacitus kutsui vuonna 98 jkr. Germaniassaan suomalaisia fenneiksi ja Ptolemaios 150 jkr. phinnoiksi (finnoi), joista ovat muodostuneet myöhemmin nimet Fennia ja Finland. Englannin kielessä sanasta fen johtuu fenny, ´asua letossa´. Fenni tarkoitti siis suoihmistä, suomaalaista.
There's very little aggreement on this though, it's just a very slightly more popular guuess than most of the other ones.
Bosna - bos + na [rieka] - barefoot [river]
Hercegovina - herzog + ov + ina - [land] of Herzog(duke)
>Barefoot river and duchy
Italia-Vitalia=Land of the calves
greeks called the land of farsi people pers-ia
they were lighter but not full blown nordics
doesn't the name come from KMT - "black soil", "black land" or are you referring to MSR?
referring to "Egypt"
misr/mizr comes from Mizraim
aramic/hebrew name
ah yes, couldn't remember
>The nameBulgariais derived from theBulgars, a tribe ofTurkicorigin that founded the country. Their name is not completely understood and is difficult to trace back earlier than the 4th century AD,[8]but it is possibly derived from theProto-Turkicwordbulģha("to mix", "shake", "stir") and its derivativebulgak("revolt", "disorder").[9]The meaning may be further extended to "rebel", "incite" or "produce a state of disorder", and so, in the derivative, the "disturbers".[10][11][12]Ethnic groups inInner Asiawith phonologically similar names were frequently described in similar terms: during the 4th century, theBuluoji, a component of the "Five Barbarian" groups in Ancient China, were portrayed as both a "mixed race" and "troublemakers".[13]
Hayastan - land of hays I guess
do you have an slavic equivalent name for your country, or at least slavic tribe that is among the residents or founders?
No way
England = fisherman
shoudn't the name be written with two L as land of Angles -> Angleland -> Englland?
From the religious belief system of the indigenous nomadic milesians (who were half Spaniard, half Egyptian) when their ancestors discovered and landed on the island and saw three goddesses, banbha, fótla and ériu who in return for letting them settle would name the whole landmass after one of the goddesses, evidently ériu won out and the island was named éire as it would later be pronounced, when asked for the name they misheard éire and stuck land on for some reason.
Land of the strong, beautiful men with big penises.
I know Persians aren't calling anyone goat fuckers. Also you're not white and you're not special.
Pic related is based white Persians.
the way of the north right?
>What does your region or country's name mean?
Brazil - A type of wood.
heard algeria was from ait ziri name but not sure
there are different hypothese about tunisia name
some say it means the encampment in berber
some say it a reference to the punic goddess Tanit
Lol Italians are cows
What did this dude do to deserve to be immortalized forever as the name of two continents?
Aryavarta - Home of the Aryans
my ancestor:)
Gorenjska comes from "(Z)gornja Kranjska" (literally Upper Carniola, as the region is still known in English), with Carniola coming from the name of the old Celtic tribe of Carni. Originally, Carniola was divided into four regions; Upper Carniola, Lower Carniola, Inner Carniola and Middle Carniola. Lower Carniola, which corresponded with the early Slovene March, then at some point "absorbed" Middle Carniola. These three regions were the basis for an administrative division during the Austrian Empire which divided Carniola into the Ljubljana district (Upper Carniola), Novo mesto district (Lower Carniola) and Postojna district (Inner Carniola).
Slovenia doesn't mean anything, it's just named after Slovenes.
No. Slavs are a later addition to the country, even though they became the dominant culture. The name stayed, the people changed.
Massachusetts- by the great mountain/hill
American education. The continent of America was named after him because he was the first to confirm it wasn't just some random place in Asia but a whole new continent.