/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
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doing a first post
It was shit. I slept through it.
so what's the motivation of a leftist terrorist? It makes sense if you think there's hordes of human animals coming to have sex with your white women and you need to take it upon yourself to save the white race. But what motivates a leftist to attack a crowd of innocent people? Gun control accelerationism? I know he killed his sister and her boyfriend, but if he just wanted to murder them, why go all tacticool and take out a bunch of other people too?
>gift your mother your time
>sleep through the whole thing
but why
Is this a gay general or not?
She has me all the time. It isn't even her birthday today.
We are gonna go kayaking next Sunday with guy that was closest thing I've had to a friend, who is the son of one of her friends, so idc I don't get paid enough
it's an asexual agender general
>when will we have our very own /cum/ mass shooter?