Why are Japanese cars superior?

Why are Japanese cars superior?

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Who cares? Fuck driving. Walking is the best option.

Nice proxy Chang.

My dad outright refuses to drive any american or european cars

he'll only drive japanese cars

a leaf

American and Euro cars break down frequently while Japanese cars are reliable as hell. You frequently see many Toyotas and Hondas with 250k miles here but barely any Fords or BMWs.

The Japanese are physically unable to make a good looking car

I thought F-150s are reliable

you're just a leafless version of us

i'll fly over there and stick a leaf on your flag, then you'll be a part of us too

Really depends which brand.
Till 2008 all Toyotas are bulletproof.

Because it's LCGC


I have never seen half of the brands listed in your pic.

narrow eye korean

primitive 3rd worlder

>narrow eye korean

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Cars made by Axis countries are always superior, friend

based 3rd worlder

why americans dumb?

I’m praising your engineering prowess, Jap. Learn to take a compliment

I know. And you're saying is not compliment, It's called truth.

great thread

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take a look at my car

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