Are Balts the whitest ethnicity? Balts: the Aryan master race?

It's even in their name; "Balt" comes from a Baltic word meaning "white" (balts [Latvian]), baltas [Lithuanian]).

Attached: balts.png (595x437, 365K)

Belarus in Lithuanian is Baltarusija = Whiterussia

Stop being racist

>Tfw no cute suicidal Baltic bf

Attached: da25b91f-8e4a-4cbe-9596-12a6e49558d9.png (1000x1136, 771K)

Stop obsessing over shades of white, you sound like a burger

Estonians are not Balts. They are Finnic.

Everyone knows Scandinavians are the Master Race.

aw, thanks cunt.

they are nordic; they come from the north

They are acutally Russian rape babies.