Latin american accent intelligibility map

here you go CHI's

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>not veracruz

Argentina and those other irrelevant countries next to it are literally impossible to understand, how do they do it, why is there accent so shit? wtf

>Red and orange = based and red pilled
>Blue and light blue = cringe and blue pilled

I didn't know ours was ez

they are gey :D

Argies sound so gay in Spanish

Hehe. U R Gay

¿Que? No puedo entender que dices, por favor habla en español.

Which Spic shithole speaks the worst Spanish?

In the Patagonia we speak like porteños, but less gay

Let me guess: you are """""""""""""mexican"""""""""""" (burger false-flagging), right?


this, but unironically

*laughs in uruguayan*

Attached: copas.jpg (600x383, 20K)


I can only speak in English sorry.

You know they sound like jotos. It’s not even a question

mexican accent is very clear. spanish accent I'm gonna say too since I was taught spanish from spain in school, but the region it was from I don't remember
chilean is hard. argentinian is not that easy too


Traicionero puto

Ours is easy actually

She sounds better than an Argie

you're not the only one who thinks that way, Ramiro, look at the other posts KEK

sorry no Spanish . No habla español.

Perdón, yo no hablo traicionero, ¿hay alguna clase en duolingo para tu idioma feo?

Si. Se llama Diccionario de la Real Academia Española.

>Costa Rica hard
>Colombia easy
Who's the retard who did this?

¿ellos también son traicioneros?

>puelto jrico

Si. Y tambien Chile.




Is it really so difficult to understand the Dominican accent?

It's clearly painted orange, colour blind fuck.

Dominican republic, or Puerto Rico.
Certainly, a caribbean island.

They are 50 years away of speaking a creole version of spanish.

it's because most of you speak too fast without getting to the point

El PeruANO strikes again


I find Dominican accent to be comical

checks out

t. Mesero argennigro

Attached: Hawlucha.jpg (400x315, 23K)


Habla como maitra del mercado

El de Guatemala es el más fácil de todos desu sorry, la mayoría del de México no es como el de los doblajes y el de Venezuela-Colombia siguen siendo caribeños


What's so special about them?


>El coche
>El cuche



doesn’t ecuador speak slow and sound retarded?

Puelto ghhhico. They sound like they got a dick stuck in their throat when pronouncing R.

ese wn aparte de negro y enfermo mental es tartamudo y desdentado alguien saquelo de su miseria

Quiero una novia mexicana que me hable como hablan en el chavo

same, I think tuteo and the Mexican accent is qt on women

Not only that. They use a lot of slang, don't pronounce things correct (skip words, and don't pronounce Rs).

These guys are so fucking annoying. The guy stutters, get over it. Shit man. This pisses me off.

yeah i had a housemate from uruguay and i had no fucking clue what she was saying 98% of the time yet i could understand her colombian friend fine, all the weird sounds like replacing the ll sound with a "shhh" threw me way off

Quite a shit thread desu

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I think mexican, and/or Colombian without slang are the best accents.
They make the best translations/narrations. Very clear.

Ironically, Spanish Spanish is kind of like cuban spanish. very fast, don't enunciate fully, and talk like they have a dick in their throats. Can't really understand squat.

esa voz de señora no me gusta vos

The provinces of Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Pampa, San Luis, Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego have the same accent and dialect than Buenos Aires and Uruguay with only slight variations (which also exist between the city of Buenos Aires and the rest of the Province ot between the city of Montevideo and the rest of Uruguay)
So basically this map is complete bullshit

I've seen peruvian tv shows and you talk almost the same as us except for voseo and yeismo. Da fuq are you on?

I didn't make the map, but the Caribbean is perfectly highlighted.

t. narcongolombian

Do falklanders, surinamese, guyanese, jamaicans, etc even study spanish in school? I mean since it's basically the lingua franca of the continent and even brasilians do study it, so...

she's so cute

Im not even sure if Suriname and Guyana have any people in them, shit could be an elaborate brazilian ruse for all we know

I think there's a rocket launch base in the french one

And how do this niggas even look like? Are they mulatos? Full on native? Mestizos? White folk stranded in the Middle of the jungle?

This, some james bond sixties weird evil shit is going around there