Why does the Russian Far East look like a tundra reskin of Japan?

why does the Russian Far East look like a tundra reskin of Japan?

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Same geographical area same landscape.

Japanese modern history literally started against Russian territorial expansionism in the East.

Serbian tier response desu

serbs love russians though

I wasn’t talking about the anti-russian thing, but the rewriting history
Also modern jap history started when the US forced them to open their ports because they were acting like isolationist savages.

why was it the US who forced them into it instead of say, the UK? I'm up for a brief history lesson

I don’t even know too much about that but I do know that the Japanese have closed themselves off from other countries besides the Dutch and Portuguese, so I’m guessing it was a matter of time before someone got fed up and that ended up being the US.
Also commodore Perry (the navy dude who orchestrated the whole thing) basically wanted supplies for his ships when they were running low and the Japanese didn’t let him in

It doesn't really look anything like Japan if you look closer.

Attached: Камчатка_31.jpg (3664x2019, 701K)

Sometimes it doesn't look like it's Earth either

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