Post countries where the government is scared of the people

Because of the 2nd amendment, the government here is more scared of the people than vice versa

This is why guns are important - to prevent tyranny. If they tried to take our guns, there would be a violent revolution here as most people here aren’t cowards

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Could you dual wield a 45-70 govt revolver on the range without breaking your wrists?

The government could steamroll over your house with a tank any second, set ablaze any coastal city, and bring down skyscrapers. Have fun fighting the strongest military in the world with your peashooter.

You underestimate how organized the people are here and how many government soldiers would defect to the side of the people

This was true before the PATRIOT act
Now the government isn't afraid, because any sort of real resistance would be discovered in advance.

nigga come on

Well, they can try to take our guns and see what happens. Most of us wouldn’t hand it over without resistance

That’s why we got guns to begin with

Your government is way more tyrannical than ours lmfao. You're just good docile slaves at this point.
>dichotomous government
>legal corruption and collusion
>barely existent workers rights
Your country is a joke at this point, deliberatly regressing to second world nation status to satisfy economic elites.

Yes I'm sure that a government which spends 600 billon dollars on the military every year is scared of a bunch of rednecks and incels with guns

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Resistence only works when it's organized, that's why 2A talks about a militia.

They don’t know the history of America. There’s a reason why we’ve never been invaded or ruled by a foreign power


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>be american
>have to hold hands up in the air while running from shooting so the police dont shoot you instead

Attached: call of duty american freedom.webm (360x640, 2.87M)

Many people where I live are in an organized militia

But all the brits had was muskets as well and some artillery, also the second amendment was made after the revolution retard. The technology gap is too wide nowadays.
The war of 1812 says hello, for such a history buff you seem to be you conveniently left that blunder out.

>the USA has never been invaded or suffered any defeat on our soil thanks to muh guns

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im curious, would a land invasion of the USA be easier than one of china, im fairly sure that most of the US is relatively flat which would allow heavy infantry to be more effective than it was in iraq/afghanistan

Yeah but in the modern age where small arms can be hidden relatively easily, with how armed generally the American population is, even an unorganized group of American citizens can take out most armies

im highly doubtful that the average hick or gun nut is gonna be competent enough to shoot one of these out of the sky before it flattens their property

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And you think some of the GIs won’t defect? You think they’d kill their own family members over the tyrannical government?

If the government took away our guns, what do you think would happen?

>The technology gap is too wide nowadays


Attached: invading america.jpg (2048x1155, 450K)

thanks for the laugh this morning

Yeah, the US government, which could obliterate you with a drone, is terrified of your mobility scooter regiment. Lmao

>how organized the people are here and how many government soldiers would defect to the side of the people
lmao do Americans really?

Yeah we’re not you.

Look how long it took for Romanian soldiers to defect against Ceasescu. In the US, things tend to move faster

We'd use them

>In the US, things tend to move faster
Move where exactly? It took under two weeks for Ceausescu to be trialed and executed when the people finally got sick of his shit. When's the last time Americans got together and fucking shot their president?

You should go on Facebook sometime to see what boomer Americans are saying

I doubt it’s gonna be that easy

Maybe but you'd want to start on the East coast and go West because the further west you'll go the harsher the terrain becomes. Taking New England will be chaotic urban warfare and that's where most of the military will probably be gathered. The farther south you go you can probably expect some very troublesome guerrilla warfare and some hellish swampland. The Appalachians may give invaders some pause but it's not that bad. The midwest would probably be a breeze unless it's a real bad winter up North. Texas would be a different beast all together, it'd basically be like fighting a second war. Once you pass the midwest though things get tough. First you have to get past the Rocky Mountains which isn't the easiest task and then you have to deal with scorching desert until you come across the Sierra Nevada range as well. Then once you're past that you either got massive urban warfare in the arid SoCal or you're traversing basically rainforest in NorCal, Oregon, and Washington. A land invasion of the United States would be hellish mistake, maybe not as bad as invading China or Russia during winter but it's up there with the big no-nos.

And how long did Ceausescu rule? And how scared were you of his security services?

People have no fears like that here

They will drone bomb you if they have to. Guns are nothing.

God you're retarded

Maybe in Soviet Russia that would happen but not here


Probably because the average American can't even think for himself, let alone plot a revolution against the government.



Sorry, boomers, but you will never fulfill your 80 iq Rambo fantasies

Then I guess we’ll find out. Not all of us have a desire to live in a California like soviet dictatorship

We believe in freedom here. That’s why no matter how many mass shootings there are, WE will always win, fuckhead

When you are armed as much as we are, all it takes is for one person to organize us all. Trump is doing our bidding already and we’re winning

Ask Obama how scared he is walking in the streets nowadays. Or AOC. Or Illhan Omar