Do you have any debt? If you do, how much and what did you use the money for?
Do you have any debt? If you do, how much and what did you use the money for?
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A ton of student loan debt. Lol kill me
Had about 150,000 NOK in student load debt some years ago, but paid it off ASAP. Part of the leftovers from the loan was used to invest, which in turn is what made me able to pay it back so quickly.
What counts as a debt? Is loans the same thing or just when you fail to pay? Mortgages?
I've always avoided debt since i was a kid
lost it all on buttcoins, too ashamed to say how much, Im hiding out from the mafia currenty. If they find me Im D.E.A.D.
hope they get you, debt scum
I meant any money you owe, student loans, credit cards, fines.
Got like 85 000 Eurodollars in debt from buying shit on credit and not paying kek.
But I'm a NEET for life so it doesn't matter.