Tfw there are foreigners that truly believe that this guy has any sort of clout in Russia

>tfw there are foreigners that truly believe that this guy has any sort of clout in Russia

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He should

Who's that

shut the fuck up wh*teoid

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He's one of the smartest Russians ever so I hope he does.

Jewish and muzzie lobbies would never allow him to have any power. Only subhumans like putler can be in power here

so he's like the Clash of Civilizations guy, only Russian - a radical conservative scholar who gets some recognition from the government but is too hawkish to actually matter in the realpolitik?

>The worst ghettos will be created for surfers. That is the most arrogant, most anti-Eurasian phenomenon. Nothing more repulsive than a grinning, white-toothed person on one of those disgusting boards...If you don't get it, I can't help you.


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I never heard about him before Jow Forums
(this is my first post in this thread)

Atlanticist culture is superior

Did he get cucked by a surfer in his youth or something? Bizarre.

>Atlanticist culture is superior

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>who gets some recognition from the government


He's more of a meme than a person.

I tried reading his Foundations of Geopolitics and it's ridiculous by every standard imaginable.
He did predict Ukrainian Crisis though. Or invented it, who knows.
wtf I hate this guy now

Dugin interviev - 1988

> Absence of a beard is a sign of poor health - mental, spiritual, and as a result, physical.

Why didn't you grow a beard yet?

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Not representative of our culture but rather a weapon being used against it

>Not representative of our culture
Western culture is based on liberal individualism.

writer of this book predicted it too

some r*ssian khazzarist kike trying to be the next marx.

fuck em

ya seethe ya m*rikan dog?

and fuck you too, asshole

>and fuck you too, asshole

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Name just one modern Polish philosopher that is known abroad like Dugin

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Ha ha stupid poolack cannot answer anything so he starts spiting like a little baby

lol bitch

Free Chechnya
Free Kurdistan

you rabid fucking animals

Free Silesia

ya seethe little guy?

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lol he did the greatest thing he could ever do, the USSR would have never collapsed if it wasnt for mr. Iosif Wissarionowicz Dżugaszwili.

Allah bless his grave.

but i heard he controls the government