Do virgins exist in 3rd world countries?
Do virgins exist in 3rd world countries?
Yes. Just take a look at /lat/.
I can’t imagine how incels exist in Latin America or South East Asia
Yea. Just take a look at /egy/
The MENA is incel central
ISIS was just a proto-incel uprising
Yea. Just take a look at Jow Forums.
Interesting take.
maybe int is filled with 1st and "2nd" world countries and 3rd worlders are the ones that doesnt have 4chinners
I am kissless virgin
The entire Indian subcontinent is full of virgins
yeah but less, since they can solve the problem with 3rd world ways
Yea, just take a look at /balk/ and /med/
How though?
>less video games to play
>surrounded by people so you get lots of social practice
>people are cute and thin instead of being whales
How come someone even associates pride in virginity with "country class"?
It's just so... clueless, desu.
So, no, you are not superior from poor people because you haven't slept with the rabble.
Some of us aren't virgins, moor. In fact, I've seen that Jow Forums is one of the most chad boards compared to the rest of the boards.
Should I do archery to get a qt
>people are cute and thin instead of being whales
where you got this false info from
>less video games to play
lol no
>surrounded by people so you get lots of social practice
doesnt work like that if everyone is neurotic as fuck
>people are cute and thin instead of being whales
ayy lmao
LARPing 350 pound brony
How do you even get fat in the 3rd world? Food is expensive
Everybody is fat as fuck here. I am over 100kg myself
Not necesseraly. Most countries have acessible local food, and industrialized options with low prices, and high calories...
2nd world isn’t used in the context of development.
>Food is expensive
not in fertile lands...
also: bad economy = bad education = shitty jobs = less free time = less sport time and less time to cook something healthy = buy a lot of trash food
I used it just to ilustrate the idea that some of us are definetly not 1st world,but atleast not as undeveloped as "the real 3rd world", that's why the ""
There's a brazilian whining with the predictable Goslin cringy incel meme right now in the catalog. Why have incels made that bland wh*te dude their mascot beats me.
video games are free in the third world
>Why have incels made that bland wh*te dude their mascot beats me
I think it was because of all the sjw vs atl-right thing, sjw wanted to trash the whypipo and alt-right wanted to trash the race traitors
hell yes
pic absolutely related
yes, incel here
if you have an internet connection, you are not properly 3rd world. Poor people go out and rob and fuck till they die
Romania is 2nd world. Or are you larping as Chad?
she would've looked nice if her shirt covered her stomach.
>3rd world is 4th world
>wtf they've got online newspapers and gamers in Uganda and Zimbabwe? That ain't the third world!
no, only virgins here are the nouns and the mentally handicapped.
t. chadcel who's never been an otaku gamer
when i was a child, teen.
You know that when he says 3rd world, he's talking about favella, villa, colonia, slums, etc.