XRP -- Buy it NOW or regret for the rest of your life

Q4 xRapid comes online if you don't have XRP you will regret.

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What is this and what do I have to do when I already have XRP

>it’s another ‘buy the news’ episode

XRP is shit.

How in the fuck has this shit existed for five years and NOW they say they have a product that works and uses XRP?


You don't need to do anything.

xRapid is the commerical Ripple Inc product which provides cheap on demand liquidity for banks using the XRP token on the XRP ledger.

It will create organic demand for XRP and lift volumes considerably as banks begin to use it. It will also create insane FOMO amoung the hundreds of thousands of other coinholders who never thought it would happen.

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>Things of high tech, marketing and partnerships happen instantly. If something isn’t as valuable as it should be right away, I QUIT!

Zoomer detected.

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>How in the fuck has this shit existed for five years and NOW they say they have a product that works and uses XRP?

Do you understand what liquidity is or how long it takes to build?

>How in the fuck has this shit existed for five years and NOW they say they have a product that works and uses XRP?
Its seriously only arrogant newfags that hodl this coin....literally delusional holders!


Great post Chief!!!

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Brainded retards incoming with

>xrp is a security
>can print more xrp
>ripple is centralised
>no one uses xrp
Anything i missed?

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xRp iS nOt a rEaL cRyPtO

>iphone is not a real phone

it already happened

don't forget it's centralized and the owners own not only XRP supply but stocks in Ripple company as well
>inb4 oh well oh cares user, it's just money
well, it's just called centralization

Well.... so shares in ripple are a security... but xrp is not. Good to know.

Hi, newfag please read this aka you don't know what you are talkin about....

Oh & ripple is not crypto!


After 5 years of crypto i learned one thing -> not to listen to pathetic losers on a chinkboard.

Lmao lmao lmao

Yeah the thing with >not a real crypto - nobody cares anymore.

All the buttcoin bagholders left with massive Profits after btc gains. There is nobody around anymore who gives a fuck about your "opinions" and if ripple is a crypto or not... the real OGs left a long time ago, the only people who tell this kind of shit are the people wich bought btc at ath and are scared that their returns wont be that big like they were in the past ;)

Always be aware of someones intentios :)

user is pathetic and is crying over his worthless bags he is going to hold the next years ;) ;)

>but xrp is not.
I never assumed that.
the SEC will announce that XRP is a security soon so it doesn't matter

we can't simply forget that 'xrp' was 'donated' to Ripple comany and Ripple company used it like a 'security' to gain profits FOR Ripple Services
totally a security and only normies who didn't do research will try to defend this. And/or they're idiots who believe in the retarded shilling done by the Ripple company itself


>Yeah the thing with >not a real crypto - nobody cares anymore.
Totally noticed that....its such a shame

>Always be aware of someones intentios :)
yea, as i said in that pic my intention is to inform, or it started out that way....it turned into accusations of paid fud..now i just fuck with them for fun!

You are not the SEC and neither is anyone on /biz

Board full of autistic fucks... do you hear voices telling you what the SEC will do?
I don't think so.

Goodluck buying back expensive

but on the inverse you are hodling on to risk....*IF* it gets ruled a security, its going down. IF it get ruled not a security i can still enter & get some price action...with out the risk....so that ripple you hodling could be REALLY expensive....Why not just buy back in once it has price action/case(s) are over?

> he thinks this wont go to 2k sats or lower

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you are misunderstanding how xrp works.

XRP is a utility coin.

you can transfer $100 milion with only 0.001 XRP

a large bank is set with 10 xrp to do big transactions all year.

you have been meemed.

Suddenly an xrp drop expert...

I sense someone is fudding his own coin to buy more lmao

>bought the top

i wont ever touch this shitcoin. it has a history of mooning violently for a few weeks then bleeding extremely hard for the upcoming year(s)

also, I know how XRP works and I understand how shitty the distribution is so I'm not interested in holding this.

anyone with half a brain wont hold this either.

Yes mr phd

Your opinion really matters lmao

I know you wont listen.
I also know you are down atleast 40% on your xrp investment.

I'm happy that retards like you get btfo th market themselves.

see you at 1000 sats! i'll buy some around that price to dump on the next wave of utter retards like you that think XRP has any value to buy and hold.

>After 5 years of crypto i learned one thing -> not to listen to pathetic losers on a chinkboard.


tard lol.

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Holy shit this is true isn't it ?

Somebody smarter than me refute this right now !!!

Nothing to refute... i would FUD xrp forever to keep the price down. The reality is, it IS the best coin around. How many banks are using it?? They can't go down.

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> how many banks are using it


being this deluded, being this retarded

the top at ripple company are laughing their ass off. it probably started out as a silly fundraiser idea but suddenly a bunch of retards threw them billions

hahhahh I can't believe this shit :D

XRP holders :D

AHAHAHHA HOLDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I use it to go between exchanges and thats it, holding is dangerous cause its actually worthless.

partners and users list

I would FUD it too. And I honestly didn't get much out of Jow Forums except the memes and insomnia.
But some times you just say fuck it and tell the truth.

But if transactions are so cheap, why do institutions need to load up on tens or hundreds of thousands of xrp.. as we're hoping for.
Like how you don't need shitloads of ETH to occasionally move some erc20's

They don't... and the transaction cost can actually change. If it gets too expensive, they can lower the transaction fee.
But the company is the most stable in the crypto world. If anything succeeds, it's them.
Probably buying shares from Ripple is the best way, but... you know... I just buy the coin :)

> XRP -- Buy it NOW or regret for the rest of your life
> Board full of autistic fucks... do you hear voices telling you what the SEC will do?
> I sense someone is fudding his own coin to buy more lmao



Ive seen everything.

Xrp not needed
Xrp needs to be at 0.005
Xrp wont be at 1$ever
Xrp can be used 1 million times
Xrp not crypto
Sure bois... After 5 years its still around ;)

See ya at 10$ in 2 years

Im just at the point where i should attend every "crypto conference" and beat up every self proclaimed expert...like really fuck every one of them up, take videos and post it on CT just so butthurts will be more specific when they spread their "knowledge"

you're a retard. a brainlet weak retard.

see pic related it's you.

This is you

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thnx this projection gave me an image about how much of a loser you actually are.

but yeah, didn't really need confirmation, only losers defend xrp

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Bank1 EU € --> exchange1: buy €/XRP --> send XRP to Exchange2: XRP/$ --> sell XRP/$ --> withdrawl $ to Bank2 USA $

Banks are not holding XRP, Liquidity = Exchanges
buy as much XRP as you can befor Okt/Nov

lol that's not how it works

Buy now so Jed has enough of an order book to market sell his billion tokens.

Dumbest decision ever to buy xrp. This is worse than anything mtgox can do to btc

Stop shilling the only coin in the entire world that needs absolutely NO shilling.

Do not ever mention XRP here again. It will be 10$ regardless of your stupid shit or not.

That would only be true if you are trading a USD IOU on the ledger. That's not what xRapid does. You have to actually buy $100 million worth of XRP to make the transfer.

well then they wont use Xrapid cause it moves prices to much and you can't do a decent transaction with market buys and market sells.

they will use IOU's

xrp is an IOU too.

Well if this wont fit my thoughts then i will bend it till it fits. Right ...right?