wtf happened to the thread edition
/balk/ ft. /ex-yu/
Other urls found in this thread:
it got deleted
why tho?
Probably because there were two /ex-yu/ threads in the catalog, technically.
hey, i just wanna say, sometimes i might be mean to you, but i love yall niggas
Maybe OP got b&
Because of my 'political' OP picture. Guess ironical posting is hard to digest by 'M*rrican devils.
Well, that pic really was pure cringe.
That being said, I thank the merciful jannies for only warning me. Will be more cautious with my OPs on Jow Forums.
Anyhow, cheers /balk/ + /ex-yu/.
>anti-antifa in op
we /leftint/ nao??
srbi na vrbi
turci na kurci
shiptari na ____
bugari na ____
Never change, Magyarbey.
We ''''apolitical'''' nao.
Ovdje je haos ludnica
shiptari na skari
bugari na tri moreta
pa toe realno kjume
bugari na futanari
tatari na satari
bugari na gari
bugari na tsigari
bugari varvari
>bugari na futanari
Beer is a man's best friend.
i want gf
i want bf
i want fren
i want family
Prepushih s narga averi i sa me boli glavata
its ok tranitche, we are your frens
thanks fren
don't you have to work or something?
you can make friends there
or if you have a hobby
Traniiche, tranitka
Ashes to ashes
T. Traniiche
I made 0 frens at my last job and it was probably a job with a really easy way to get frens
i have some hobbies but idk how to get frens from them
maybe try a dating website
This is not a fucking kindergarten.
Start drinking, stop caring.
we are ALL here:
no one likes me and i had a panic attack when I tried
drinking helps, but it doesn't make me stop caring
>i want gf
>i want bf
did you get to the point where you dont even care if it's a guy or a girl?
Are /balk/ and /ex-yu/ officially one general now?
Based Serb posting top hit.
>no one likes me and i had a panic attack when I tried
you're supposed to not care what people think
which region you from? maybe you could hang out with some 4channers
Ako Bog (ili Allah) da.
what could have been??
should my chin recede or not
quite obviously, I just wan't someone to be comfy with
fantastic taste my vlach friend
What a coincidence
me too fren, me too
wellp not me then, but you might find someone tomorrow
either way i cant give you much advice, i dont like being with people so i dont really get lonely
Guys I am almost drunk anyone want to see my horribly crooked nose?
this is from one of my games, and it happened on its own, i wasnt interfering in eastern europe. As you can see hungary is in wallachia, croatia and ragusa are separate while Serbia is in zagreb and slavonia. also transylvania is independent for some reason. And bosnia is in 2 separate peices
dont post anything please, you'll just get bullied relentlessly for it
nice blob
post whatever you want, nobody really cares at the end of the day
And that's a good thing
Do it
i do
but might not be smart to post it
EU IV got kind of stale for me tbqh. Mostly a CK2fag, but even that I play quite rarely nowadays.
how can i bully him if i don't even know who he is
Lmao as if I don't get bullied irl for ot
like you bully magyarbey
think about it, this is the only place where you dont get bullied, let it stay that way
maguarnigger deserves it
he's literally toxic
(dont mind the "received' sent it to one of my shitpost fb accounts so I can paint over the eyes.)
At the end of the day I can just shitpost anonymously, I am not avatarfagging
Honestly user, that's not so bad
I've seen so much worse
looks normal. also you look like a boy, what's up with underage looking posters here?
what do greek noses look like
It's heavily shifted to the right, also don't know if u guys see from my camera but it's fucking full with black spots or w/e they are called in english.
I basically look like a kid with a beard(whenever not shaved)
Either like the statues or like a jewish and armenian nose had buttseks
>black spots
i have them too, i think mine are worse than yours
blackheads are normal, read more
Of course theyre normal but its just one bullshit after another for my appearance
Meh don't think it's large or large enough for me to worry about its size too, crooked to the side only
We have a saying over here, a man should only be a little more beautiful than the devil. Don't worry about looks that much. As long as you groom yourself, you're ok.
but it's bed time
shhhhh im trying to sleep
Not for us.
exactly the same story, after doing a world conquest with Poland->Roman Empire the game got stale, so i migrated to CK2 but even that got boring eventually. I still dont know what to play now.
Stfu, turkey is as balkan as my country is
Maybe it's time to grow out of gaming, heh. Nowadays I mostly watch movies/series when I'm in the mood.
why do i feel so tired and start hating myself after i cum
oh wow a 333
followed by 444
wew, two trips in a row.
That being said, it is because you are performing a sinful act. Stop fapping.
>performing a sinful act. Stop fapping.
i usually do it only 2 times in a week or so
like when shit gets rly urgent
pretty much desu, usually i just play one game of league of legends daily to get first win of the day bonus and even that feels like a hassle. Got any good movie/series to recommend?
Third trips to bless the thread, wew.
And do you have any particular genres/themes/whatever you'd like to get some reccs on?
also why do i not give a fuck about my birthday while my friends still care, is it that important
i member when i was a kid i used to count the days till my bday from like 90+ days remaining
while as for now i forgot that my bday is even coming untill my coleague reminded me
Eh, it's not like you're a starving African or living in some wartorn region of Syria or whatever. Kind of silly to celebrate your birthday since it's no achievement to live another year.
I just finished watching HBO Rome, which i really liked, maybe something like that
Hmm, if you want some historical series, I'd prolly recc The Last Kingdom, as well as maybe Vikings (although it drops in quality as seasons pass).
I'd also recc Coriolanus as a movie, directed by Ralph Fiennes and filmed in /ex-yu/ as a modern reimagining of that tale.
Thanks, I'll check that out. I did watch Viking though but i couldn't be bothered to finished it. After ragnar died and they avenged him the series went downhill.
I honestly think that the Last Kingdom is a better series. 3 seasons already aired and a 4th one is in the works.
Technically speaking ur right and i kind of follow the same logic, thus why thats the case,
but when my mom asks me (same for last year and the one b4) and i told her that i really couldn't care less, she got rly sad and that made me sad aswell and i do get her because for her it's more than you just survived another year u feel me
Well, you are an achievement of your parents, so it is something to celebrate for your mother (same as wedding anniversaries and what not). For you as a 'product' though, it is kinda silly.
On a similar note, since I'm guessing you Bulgarians also have namesake celebrations (based on you having a saint's name), I do think that the Serbian slava is superior and we should adopt it just like the Makkes did.
>celebrating yourself (and usually superficially) that you have a saint's name
>celebrating the patron saint of your family together and bonding over it
>For you as a 'product'
Y i k e s
Describing it like that kind of stings ngl
But ur right tho