
Berserk edition

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>Data: My ass

Meant for

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SEETHING left wingers can't handle cold hard facts.

should i stream or wat

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on chaturbate


does anyone want to have a discussion?

Why won't leftists denounce radical socialist terrorism already?

Are they just blatant hypocrites?

im user

>According to a 2017 report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, "of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, Far-right politics violent extremist groups were responsible for 62 (73 percent) while radical Islamist violent extremists were responsible for 23 (27 percent). The total number of fatalities is 106 for far right violent extremists and 119 for radical Islamist violent extremists over the approximately 15-year period. However, 52 percent of the deaths attributable to radical Islamist violent extremists occurred in a single event—an attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida in 2016."[3][4]

you can't prosecute someone if they're dead.
also a lot of these shooters with political motives are not part of any group so it's hard to prove terrorist intent in the United States.
didn't even include the the country, lol. your "cold hard facts" are stale as shit.

me on bottom

wasn't a question. i don't care.

>getting your gooch pierced
Dear lord why?

So you're admitting left wingers commit a fucking ton of terrorism, they're just so shitty that they're more likely to get caught.

queers are mentally ill

You're responding so obviously you do care, freak

Exactly this. This is LITERALLY the same source but actually the real number. I am astounded by your lack of reading comprehension.

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How was your day /cum/? Mine was pretty good

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>Don't like it? Make your own website
>Don't like it? Make your own hosting service
>Don't like it? Make your own DDOS protection platform
>Don't like it? Make your own internet


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but that would require leaving the house
I shall eat inferior baked salmon in the meantime

RIP me

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That's not at all what they said. Again, your reading comprehension needs work.

>video games are for little kids

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dumb generic response. who you are means nothing to me.

tf is that image

my day has been pretty good
tomorrow is my last day off before its back to work

haha manchild.
real men play minecraft

thrashed a bunch of little kids in video games today

but i still have a peepee

>El Paso shooter is gay pedophile furry socialist
>Dayton shooter was antifa liberal democrat
>"muh white supremeassists!"

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>posts anime

sorry. i'm sure he meant its for little kids and pedophiles.

right wingers are dishonest lying psychopaths

you after me
hope it's a good one

Source? Also what are you smoking? why can't anyone have a discussion that doesn't involve your autistic rants? You are so extremely obsessed and are proven wrong constantly

more Jow Forumstards than usual today. must be avoiding their honeypot board.

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What's for dinner /cum/?

Greek chicken and rice for me

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ummm sweetie he was a white racist who hated hispanics
stop spreading misinformation

dickboys do very well for themselves there

The schizophrenia has intensified since cripplechan went down

was reminded earlier today why drinking is a freaking terrible idea for me

uhh sweetie, learn to check your facts and quit justifying leftist terrorism

i'll have some almonds and jerky a little later

unironically a burger

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I don't have evidence for the first right now, but I will when thedailystormer is up again.

You didn't even give any facts, just claimed something completely outrageous that the 2 shooters were actually left wing

ummm sweetie one was a shooting that was not political the other was a white racist who drove 9 hours to kill brown ppl

can you give a source on the first claim
seething chicano
ahahah retard

Friendly reminder for Jow Forumstards and libshitters

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I kinda miss scene girls

Laugh while you can. You'll ignore my posts when I have the screenshots.

He had a babyfur deviant art link in his twitter bio.

>I don't have evidence for the first right now, but I will when thedailystormer is up again.

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>drove 9 hours to kill brown ppl
This is how you know it's a false flag. There's NO reason to drive 9 hours to kill spics, texas is fucking full of them.

are hispanics not white anymore?

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das a snack my man

Where from?

Jow Forumstards please go

>inb4 a (you)less reply with a soyjack and this in greentext.

mentally ill girls of this generation are art hoes, which is much better imo

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post funny vids you like

based boomers

if the CIA ran a false flag OP they wouldn't leave behind bits for brainlets like you to pick up on

Hispanics were never white and never will be white, regardless of erroneous and lazy census classifications.

can we talk about how to make friends pls

all white supremacists have fucked up fetishes
just look at 8ch when it was not down
8ch was 99.99999% right wing

either smashburger or in n out
depends on how late it is if smashburger is still open

OBVS choics

to the mexianon who was asking for advice about his new translator job in the previous thread. another thing you could do to prepare is familiarize yourself with trading and import/export practices between mexico and the united states. you can look into recent legislation and big events that have occurred between the two countries in politics. having some baseline knowledge on that could potentially impress someone should the topic come up and possibly lead to some great opportunities.

You give far too much credit to our "intelligence" agencies

this is what makes me think i'm dead or the world ended
shit just keeps getting repeated and everything is cyclical:
tv shows
retarded political talking points

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El Paso is a large border city, retard. It was selected to have as many latinos as possible. It has only a little over 10% non hispanic white population but a over 82% latino population


more rightists are "foiled" than leftists, but fewer charges are filed against them.
what gives?
are the police sympathizing with the rightists and letting them off the hook?

he didn't want to accidently kill white people so he went to a place that literally has less than 5 white ppl

i love that Jow Forumstards have become tipper gore

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yeah retard or just go to fucking spicsville which has plenty of spics to shoot up and there's one in every large town in texas.

if someone could pull off a relatively pure extraction of mitragynine from kratom would it even have the same effects as an equivalent amount of plant material or would it be different because all the volatiles are gone.

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The right wingers are probably already dead. Can't charge a dead person

the acts are foiled and the rightists just explode on the spot?
that's not a very reasonable explanation.

What the fuck is "spicsville" mouthbreather. You are so incredibly retarded and painful to talk to.


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yeah also hillary clinton claimed that vidya gaems made shooters

what source do you have that the foiled attackers are charged less?


When will I get my government issued gf?

get good at something then meet people who also do that

a spic neighborhood, you absolutely retarded mongoloid

then why are you bothering talking to him, IDIOT

yeah i think imma stay away from this place a lil maybe i dont promise anything

the idiots that are here rn are different from the regular idiots

once he gets his sex reassignment surgery

>what source do you have that the foiled attackers are charged less?
the two posts i mentioned just a few minutes ago

Lol there has to be a thousand mass murders in america and finally just now the US congress said: ''you know what? I think videogames are NOT causing the gun violence in this country''

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Nah, more “rightists” are just losers looking to commit suicide by cop