Guy gets stabbed in British or European city

>guy gets stabbed in British or European city
>30 people shot on Walmart

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>80 people get ran over by a truck of peace

I mean whats more to say lol


how long has it been since the last truck of peace in yurop? how long has it been since the last mass shooting in the us?

Why do yo even bother ? What do you want to prove to an abomination ?

per capita they have more people getting killed from terrorist attacks then we do.

People who say this are retarded.
This shit happens because both Western Europe and the US have unstable, decaying societies.

Americans are sociopaths

That's because trump supporters shooting up schools and churches are hardly ever classified as terrorism

both sides shit on each other i don't see how one side is more righteous

The 11/9 alone killed more people than 20 years of terrorism in europe

so are brits but we don't have guns

i am classifying mass shootings as domestic terrorism in this case and you still come on top per capita in France. That being said, it's really not a competition.

To be honest for a second - Latvians can comment on news articles in our news sites and when something like ''guy gets stabbed in British or European city'' happens everyone laughs and says ''it's what they want''. As for ''30 people shot on Walmart'' NO ONE CARES...I don't even see the story on news sites--- it's not news, it's daily occurrence

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If Euros had legal guns, open carry and rational self-defence laws, then Euros being stabbed would be the fault of the stabbed victim, for he failed to exercise his God-given right to arm and defend himself. The reason to why Eurocucks are cucks is because they allow their governments to forbid them from arming and defending themselves, even when there are Muslims stabbing people around.

>just ban guns bro

yuropoids started 2 world wars that killed millions
it is a savage continent in a current state of lethargy and it will be ravaged by migrant hordes from across the med

How's your manifesto going Dylan?

>mfw I read about the 3 recent mass shootings in America

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>just don't even try bro

email me your manifesto before publishing it online so i can sell it to cnn for many shekels

post more women

guess which one came first

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Where are you going to post before shooting up that kindergarden now that 8.c,h is dead?

Who gives a fuck? Why do non Americans think this shit matters

Yuroqueers love communism, get me out of this FUCKING SHITHOLE AAAAAAAAAAAAA

>British or European

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>trump supporters
except most of the shooters are progressives - socialists and democrats

That's what happens when you're the most important country in the world. Muzzies only care about Europe enough to bomb you every once in a while. They legit took a plane just to hurt Murica

Nobody in their right mind would call London a European city.

because euros think their opinions on things are important than anyone elses

why do brits and aussies appreciate their slavery so much? Do they really enjoy being the property of jews that much?

Reality vs the left-wing media narrative.

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Well nobody should call Paris an european city either yet the aussie cunt didn't say anything regarding france

Would i get beat up if in latvia? I'm tatar.