So basically the entire planet hates this guy. He has negative approval in every single foreign country on earth...

So basically the entire planet hates this guy. He has negative approval in every single foreign country on earth. His only support is from a couple million Americans and like handful equaling no more than a few hundred max Europeans/Australians from Jow Forums

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people in europe have no clue about america, they just hate right wingers and love left wingers cause media tells them to

>people in europe have no clue about america

What did Obama do that was so resolutely left wing?

There is no such thing as left-wing in the USA

Or you know because he calls for restrictions on European exports, calls Europe foes and has said he will harm the European economy for not engaging in weird deals that benefit 1 party

Be black

Europeans love Obama

Yeah I'm sure the average joe/stacy knows all about that stuff


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So they cannot know about things that made headlines in Europe but they do get enough media coverage to get brainwashed by the leftists liberals to have trump.

The whole world loved him even though he was a retarded president. I’m not even a Drumpf-er and I don’t see how he’s anything special. He was actually regressive in many ways namely expanding the wars in Afghanistan and immigration crackdowns to impress republicans which he was obsessed with doing

yes everyone could already deduct this from that graph, what a worthless post

keynesian economics
socially liberal policy

he was a classic leftie

Pretty sure if he knew he'd be followed by the current administration he wouldn't have bothered trying to please anyone.

To me this shows just how powerful the media is in influencing people. Even the most uninterested in politics will hate donald trump despite knowing next to nothing about what he actually does

I would say there is one now with the AOC wing of the Democrat party. They’re farther to the left than Sanders and Sanders is a left-of-centre candidate but still right of Corbyn.

There’s definitely the foundation of a growing left wing movement led by minority POC and LGBT women.

He's good for the world, not for the USA (especially considering America doesn't need any free healthcare or good diplomatic relations)


Which is good. I hope one day the US will have a left wing party, 2 centre ones and 1 fringe right wing nutter assembly

>The nigger had a positive reputation in France and Germany after it became public knowledge were were spying on their leaders for decades
Europeans are fucking sheep.

obama had good pr
normies thought he was really cool

>for decades
Iniated by Bush.
Why do you stormweenies get so insecure about people liking Obama over Trump?

I dunno, he mostly seemed to leave the place slightly less fucked than when he took power. But overall pretty mediocre
Problem is the lack of candidates, Hillary is menopause-satan and well... the alternative was a cheeto looking faggot so you where kind of boned either way

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Do you like a thick black cock in your ass?

Why is the first thing Jow Forums thinks about black penises?

>tfw you thought there was a chance he might actually be good

At least Hillary didn’t get elected. Syria would be a smoldering crater in the desert and the Epstein stuff would never have seen the light of day.

I kind of hope Sanders wins honestly even though there’s isn’t really a chance of the Senate flipping blue.

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he tarnished the american presidency for them with his blackness, hence the importance of reversing his legacy

>despite knowing next to nothing about what he actually does

Which is the same shit everybody else has been doing all along.
Most of the stuff they are suddenly enraged over are just continuations of what Obama and everybody else had going on.
The extreme left, made up of a collection of conflicting identitarian authoritarians have just finally come out of the closet and are fighting to completely takeover of the democratic party.

>Syria would be a smoldering crater in the desert and the Epstein stuff would never have seen the light of day.
You are aware the US just today iniated more sanctions against Venezuela and is stirring up shit with Iran actively looking for a war? How is this even better at this point?

His dicklets following said he was an isolationist.

was europe losing their shit over george bush who was objectively the worst president in decades?

So you're concerned that a president who's a nationalist is disliked in other countries?

did americans turned into complete retards thx to bush senior or junior ?,

no that was reagan

Yes, easily the most disliked president the US had since senior and until Trump


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The spying program on Germany runs back as far as Kohl's chancellorship, meaning it could have started under the Reagan, Bush Sr. or Clinton administrations. So, yes, decades.

The anti-Trump propaganda is so strong in europe you have no idea, I don't even like the guy, but there is no way he would be that unpopular if we had the full story on him

This. The Left have very good PR.

Nothing. Obama would be considered right-wing here.

The problem is he ran on a Paleoconservative platform but he’s surrounded by neocon boomer fags who write Republican policy like the Heritage foundation and Brookings institute.

Yeah I thought he was going to be isolationist too, he said he was going to be himself and he continually criticized the Iraq war. How were we supposed to know that he would literally just fall in lockstep with the other GOP boomers the instant he was elected?

Trump was a mistake, I’ll readily admit to it.

Most of the ME being a smoking crater could be seen as a step up for humanity overall, but yeah it 99% would have gone fucking off the hook.
Well shit give it a few more tweets and someones dick getting twisted and it might still kick off.

I just don't get the cheeto faggot pandering to all these degenerates around the world saying they're his best mate, all the Kims, Putins and other scumbags just need the rope. Be America, just tell them to go fuck their hat or something

the socialist was the only light for peasants because media said so .

>start a trade war with China one year before the elections
That was a stupid move. China can just devaluate and wait him out

And Obama continue it. Your confirmation bias is showing.

I'm glad americans fucked off from NA now our enemy is France

Yes, because you were told not to invade Iraq because the intel was bullshit but you still did it.

>left wing
Is that why the BBC and all media outlets try to paint Corbyn as hitler? God what a joke you are.

>And Obama continue it
No shit, that's why its utterly pathetic you still had an >80% rate in his confidence to do the right thing.
>Your confirmation bias is showing.

>Europeans love Obama
Not loving POC is racism, and racism is punished by severe jail sentence in Europe.

I like him

corporations and the rich are slowly pivoting towards conservative movements to avoid having to deal with insane socialist financial policies

He’s looking for his diplomatic mission to China honestly and failing miserably. That’s why he’s been cucking himself hard with the Koreans (who literally just launched a missile like 24 hours ago lmfao)

The pathological hatred for Iran is held by like maybe a few hundred republicans and a dozen democrats in Washington literally because they can’t forgive the hostage crisis. They physically are unable to let it go like the vast majority of America has in the past how many decades now?

I have never once in my entire life heard anybody say something negative Iran in my personal life. It’s a shithole to be sure but the psychotic desire to see it laid low is a thing that only exists in the upper elite of American society

Also Israel hates Iran because Iran is exceptionally skilled at crafting and organizing alliances both globally and regionally and Israel loves humiliating Arabs to a sexual degree. If Grumpf goes to war with Iran it’s because his Israeli and Anglo American-Paedophile masters decreed it

The only place you find euros supporting Trumps is teenagers here on Jow Forums(nel). And in Breivik-tier circles.

Bush Jr was one of the most hated person in the world at the time. His legacy includes the Iraq War, Katrina and 911. Probably the most iconic disasters of the decade together with a tsunami

>Corbyn as hitler
I'd say more Stalin than Hitler. Boris is Hitler.

% rate in his confidence
Fuck me I need to go to bed.
*>80% confidence rate in him doing the right thing

And the only place where you find euros against him are lefty upvote circles like reddit and twitter. Vast majority of people doesn't care about America or Trump

There's a guy in my town who keeps appearing at public events with a MAGA hat. No idea what motivates him

Its that fucking baby boomer shit man, those cunts can't let anything go. Shit music, bad jokes, old business models the fucking arseholes will keep thinking its fun and modern thinking 40 years later.

Iran I honestly don't have much against, most Iranians I've known are decent folks with a fucked up government and have to live under a medieval religious state. But for the most part their economy is basically just bootleg whiskey, porn cd's and oil so they don't have a pot to piss in. You just can't invade Iran and think its going to be anything but a fucking nightmare mode- this is coming from an old bastard like me who did the whole sandbox tour of the 2000's

It’s kinda of like that here. The average person I feel like doesn’t have a strong opinion on Trump. You ask them and they’ll just say something like “Oh yeah his twitter is funny/crazy” or something about how he’s outrageous but I’ve never really encountered the seething hatred for him I see online. Most people are just normal and they rightfully see (subconsciously) that politics are for depraved satanic pedophiles

A lot of people who say such things go online later that day and spew racial hatred on Twitter or make plans to round up all white people

What's insane is dick riding corporate interests as they tell you they know best.

>is teenagers here on Jow Forums(nel). And in Breivik-tier circles.

Yeah boomers are such subhumans. I would sooner raise a rifle against someone from California or New York before I ever did an Iranian. Same with Iraq. Millions died so that Israel could feel safer at night next to a sympathetic American satellite state (obviously we know it backfired horrendously).

Men like John McCain, J. Bolton and the CIA will roast in hell for an eternity for their steadfast sole dedication in life of perpetrating war overseas against people who could barely fight back. It’s sick and disgusting and I’m not a bleeding heart or liberal by any stretch. The average boomer who never so much as pushed someone in their entire life all of a sudden becomes the ultimate badass when it comes to the prospect of turning third world countries into glass parking lots. I don’t know what causes them to act like that. My girlfriend’s dad is literal neocon boomer to the max and I can’t stand him speaking for more than a picosecond

He ruined all the good foreign relationship Obama was able to deal
I don't even refer to Obama internal affairs I am just saying that Obama did God perfrct job to present your country well at the eyes of foreigners just to Trump to fuck it up lmao

OP’s pic is pretty clear. Unless all euros are on twitter and reddit.

In my anecdotal experience, male colleagues find him funny or wacky while female colleagues make fun of his appearance. Neither cares or even knows about his policies and if they have any impact on us

Well they sound like unhappy people who should fix their personal lives, don’t know what else to say about that